Chapter 1316: The park is full of Cagalli


"Hey~ is this a resource satellite? What a great invention~"

The distance and speed are there, and it is not easy to evaluate the speed. In short, the "God of Fortune" arrived at its destination without incident.

Heliopolis looks a bit like a giant electric fan with no blades and only a rotating frame, and the residents live in a long tube that also rotates in the center. At the end of the satellite is a huge cosmic rubble, which is the real meaning of "resource satellite". The various mineral resources in that big boulder are exactly what today's human beings need. Dig once and the satellite will separate from it, looking for its next target.

Although this is a locust-like behavior, considering that the universe is boundless, and this kind of broken stone is everywhere, there is no need to criticize the inferiority of human beings. Please praise their creativity.

"Hmph, it's still a long way off... The Chrono Fortress can be self-sufficient, and they still need to supply supplies from elsewhere." Murong Jiu chuckled, showing off his knowledge.

Liz shook his head and disagreed: "One abandons his hometown, cuts off the bonds with other people, and explores alone in the boundless universe. It is normal for millions of people to be destroyed one day; one takes the earth as the core, Take everything around you into your arms, and let everyone develop together. This can only be said to be two policies, and there is no good or bad to say."

His own point of view was refuted in front of outsiders, which made the arrogant Murong Jiu look a little embarrassed. '."

"Haha~ There is still a lot of gap between the overall policy and the specific implementation~" It can be said that they are completely two propositions, but now it is not a debate competition for eloquence, and Leeds does not intend to continue the debate.

It was not until this time that the so-called "outsiders" around him asked, "That... what is the Macross?"

"Ah? It's a big city with a lake. It carries millions of people flying into the universe. It can basically meet the needs of self-sufficiency. If it finds a planet suitable for human survival, it will land on it and stop running." Liz explained casually. .

"...Tifa, don't tell me!?" Kalod looked at the girl who was probably the most powerful even in the new human group in shock.

Tifa nodded, then cast her gaze to Heliopolis on the screen, and murmured, "Macro Fortress...?"

"Huh?" Liz tilted his head for unknown reasons and said strangely, "I don't think it's so unimaginable, right? With your current technology, if you have the heart, you can probably do it, right?"

Cagalli answered this question, "… oh yes, in fact the agricultural colonization satellite is a great example of making full use of sunlight, air and water recycling to produce enough food to feed millions of people. questionable."

"Although there are still various technical difficulties, such as how to obtain a stable power source after staying away from the sun, I don't think this is something that cannot be overcome," Aina frowned and thought for a while, and finally shook her head, "It's just, As Captain Leeds said, taking the residents of Macross is equivalent to being exiled... No one can accept this result?"

"Really? I can accept it," Amada Shirou said with a smile. "Rather than fighting with other people on the battlefield, I'd rather run and explore the universe~ Don't say there are millions of people with me, as long as there are a few thousand people. Living together, I probably won't feel lonely~"

"...Shirou..." Aina was stunned for a while, before showing a gentle smile, "Well, if a Macross Fortress is built somewhere, I will definitely ride with you."

"… "

"… "

"… "

There was silence all around.

"Huh?" Aina, who had discovered this, finally noticed what she had just said, and her face turned red as everyone on the bridge looked at her, "Well, that, that's not what I meant..."

"We haven't said anything yet." All the members said in unison.

The topic of Macross has come to an end. Except for Kalod and Tifa, everyone else just said it casually and forgot it in a flash. Then back to the topic of this trip, grab Gundam... Well, it's to investigate whether the Dawning Society helps the Federal Army develop new projects.

Of course, to investigate, you must first enter Heliopolis, but please take a look at the "God of Fortune". As for approaching quietly, then quietly looking for the entrance and exit, and finally sneaking in quietly... Well, let's not say that Liz and the others don't know how strict the monitoring system in Heliopolis is, they only know the "God of Fortune" There is no stealth device installed on it, and any radar can find its trace.

However, it may be difficult to live in Leeds alone, but it will never be difficult for Leeds' younger brother group. Please don't forget that there are three great people who can teleport in groups. Daji's pass this time, there are too many people or too far away, which is beyond her ability; Zhonglou is also on board, and a powerful robot is involved, he also ran over from the demon world, but it is best not to disturb him; in the end, sure enough Xiyao is the most reliable, although not good at fighting, the strength of the goddess of the gods is there.

So, a circle lights up—and they appear in a small wood in the living quarters of Heliopolis.

"Just, was that magic just now?" Cagalli, Kalod, Tifa, Amada Shirou, and Aina all showed shocked expressions.

"Almost, it's said that we are from another world, so what's so surprising about having superpowers?" In the eyes of superstitious science, there is no need to explain spells and magic. Gundam... Although I want to say that, there is no need for so many people to be together, right?"

"I'm going shopping!" Zhang Jing hurriedly pointed to the sky.

Said to be the "sky", in fact, it is diagonally opposite the inside of the tubular satellite, where there is a bustling street.

After her speech, others expressed similar attitudes one after another... Not to mention them, even Liz himself wanted to hang out on this satellite.


"Forget it, there are only a few kids who don't worry, Sakuya, Aoi, and me, the others can move freely." Liz gestured to Kalod, Tifa, and Cagalli to follow, and walked out of the small room. forest.

"Well, what about us?" Amada Shirou asked quickly.

"If you understand the principle of repaying gratitude and don't plan to report it immediately, you can leave now." Liz waved his hand without looking back.

"...Huh?" Liz, who had just stepped out of the grove, suddenly stopped.

Said to be a grove... It turned out to be just a corner of the park, thinking about it, how could Xiyao throw them to a place where they need to travel a long distance, and it is enough to avoid others' eyes and ears a little.

However, it was another thing that stopped Liz. "It is worthy of being a satellite of Aub who accepts adjustment. Looking at it from a distance, I always feel that the park is full of Cagalli who just came out of the barber shop."

"What do you mean!" Cagalli said angrily.

Heaven and earth can be learned, although the younger brother is the strongest adjuster, but Cagalli is really a pure natural person (in the setting, the biological father left an embryo without genetic adjustment in order to take care of the biological mother's psychology).