Chapter 1320: Leeds Double Kill



"Secret Skill Twelve King Square Wheels!"

"Go back to the mountain and laugh at the red dust!"

"Wang Family Suo Ming Yin Ling Fist!"

"Final Profound Truth: Shi Potian Jingquan!"

Liz was in deep thought.

Why do you get hung up and beat yourself up

Oh, of course, Liz admits that his words and deeds are very hateful. There are a lot of people who want to beat him, not to mention other villains, there are at least four girls in his harem who want to humiliate him severely. … but now the point of the question is not there.

But because Mao will be hanged and beaten in this world! ! !

This is the world of machine warfare!

And it is the real world of machine warfare! It's not a super-type world of machine warfare!

What is the real department? That is "believe it or not, this is science", the body is small in size, low in defense, high in mobility, limited in energy sources, weapons must be prepared in advance, the cockpit can be ejected to escape, and it is more inclined to shoot with guns at a distance.

What is the super department? That is the "Science of Rolling Nima". The body is large in size, high in defense, low in mobility, filled with energy immediately when roaring, summons weapons out of thin air, and can fly out with fists to smash people. Swords play melee combat.

If the pilot of the super-type body has strange energy and skills, it is reasonable, then the driver of the real-type body should really be an ordinary person when he leaves the cockpit, right? Even if the old man on the opposite side claims to be the "12th Gundam Fighting Championship", he is still a Gundam driver...

But! Not only does the old man move in teleportation, but his punches and kicks are terrifyingly fast. He can also shout out the name of his moves while emitting strange energy attacks from his body... Oh, that's wrong, because Liz can't use magic in this world. , this is not a "strange energy attack", but an "authentic fighting skill"!

Sure enough, something was wrong.

(Boom!) Liz smashes through the warehouse wall and falls to the ground.

"...It's impossible to win, unless you cheat by wearing a steel battle suit." Liz lay in the rubble, looking up at the false sky of the resource satellite, confirming his defeat.

Naturally, even if the opponent is not a villain, the will to fight, the so-called "vigor", will still increase. It's just that in a state where he can't even use immortality, the setting of "vigor value" is meaningless, and it can't make him stronger.

"There's no way, I can't be beaten to death." Liz got up, took out the violet hibiscus paste from the backpack space, and threw it into his mouth.

Perhaps subconsciously thinking that there is no panacea in the world, Dongfang Invincible did not become overly curious about what Leeds was taking at the moment, but just looked at Leeds with strange eyes, "Huh~ Being hit by my stone-shattering boxing, how can you still be able to do it? The one who stands up immediately, you are the first."

"No, what should I say?" Liz shrugged, "Although my skills are blocked, the equipment and attributes are still there, and your moves won't kill me even if your moves are dozens of times stronger~"

Eagle-eyed Mihawk's sword-qi slash that split the sea and ripped the earth couldn't kill Leeds in seconds. Dongfang's undefeated is probably a move that shatters boulders, and it's not far behind.

"Really! Then let the old man come to confirm your words well!" Dongfang Invincible put his left foot forward, bent his right knee, and shifted his weight down.

"I'm not bluffing you, you must be exhausted and still haven't killed me. At that time, I won't respect the old and love the young." Liz held the magic sword in front of him and used the broad blade as a shield for defense.

"Super Overlord Movie Bomb!"

[Base God]

Kalod started the Aegis Gundam, took Tifa and Kagali into the cockpit, and then walked out of the factory workshop. Kira did not pay any attention to it... Compared with the new Gundam of the Federation, he was more concerned about Kalod, who was bravely defended. The Zardo Army soldiers who shot down rushed over to help them up immediately.

Because the other party was wearing the helmet of the space suit, he couldn't see it clearly, but the other party's sprinting action stopped a second before he was shot, and Kira thought he was right!

"...Aslan, it really is Aslan Sara, right!" Kira took off the helmet of the Zardo Army soldier, revealing a short, flowing navy blue hair, which was consistent with the hairstyle of his best friend in memory.

"Kira...why are you...here...?" Aslan, who was shot in a rather bad position, asked hoarsely.

Kira asked loudly: "You are, why did you join Zado!"

"Because, I am the adjuster." Aslan smiled bitterly. In the "Blood Valentine's Day" incident, he lost his motherland and mother, and his ambitions were naturally different from those of his childhood.

"!" Kira was stunned, not expecting to hear this answer from her close friend.

"... Kira, be careful behind your back." Aslan tried to stand up, but Obi had lost his strength and could only speak to remind him.

"?" Kira turned around and saw that the eldest sister of the Federal Army who had been shot before had come behind him and pointed her gun at her best friend, "Wait, he's already injured!"

The eldest sister of the Federation Army stared at Kira and asked coldly, "Young man, did you call his name just now?"

"Huh?" Kira was taken aback for a moment, only to notice that the muzzle of the other party's gun was not necessarily just "pointing at his best friend".

"Could it be that... you are the one who disclosed the information here to Zado?" The Federation Army eldest sister shook her head and said angrily, "No, or rather, you were originally an intelligence officer sent by Zado!"

"Wrong, misunderstanding!" Kira quickly denied.

"Don't try to fool the past!" As a soldier, the eldest sister of the Federation Army is actually quite good, especially when it comes to dealing with civilians, but Aslan had just killed a large number of his colleagues, and Kira obviously had a close relationship with him. Silan knew each other, and she couldn't let him go.

Considering her own injuries and the current situation, she didn't have the time to capture the two of them, so she had to get on the last Strike Gundam as soon as possible, so...

"Go to hell, Zado!"

However, just moments before she pulled the trigger.

(Boom!!!) An old man with a very iron head is spinning at a high speed like a gyro, turning himself into a cannonball, against a young man with a big sword, from one side of the workshop to the other side, a straight line runs through the entire workshop. workshop.


"Ah!" The eldest sister of the Federation Army was very unlucky, just standing in the flight path of the two, and was smashed into the air.

He fell heavily on the ground, he should not die, but he would definitely break N bones, and he lost consciousness on the spot...

"Yes, are you saved?" Kira breathed a sigh of relief, but did not investigate why two people flew by in this way, glanced at the federal army eldest sister, and after confirming that she could not get up again, she turned to look at herself. 's best friend, "Aslan, we...!"

"..." Aslan's eyes were closed, and he lost consciousness due to the gunshot wound. (PS: Don't worry, you won't die.)

"Oops, if it goes on like this... But in this situation, it's impossible for anyone to give Aslan first aid!" Kira anxiously tried to save the life of her best friend.

Suddenly, he saw the last Gundam still parked in the workshop.

As a result, Kira Yamato got on the Strike Gundam like fate.

"Gundam! Lend me your strength and help me send Aslan to Zardo's battleship!"