Chapter 1328: Nigel's news


Nigel Amalfi, a youth with a good personality can be seen from the short hair of forgiveness on his head, and his career aspiration is a pianist. But unfortunately, the contradiction between natural persons and adjusters intensified a few years ago. The federal army attacked Zado's agricultural satellite with a nuclear bomb, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and changing Zado's domestic policy. All adjusters who reached the age of 15 Military service was mandatory, and Nichol was no exception.

Nigel ranked third in the military school, after Aslan and Yitzhak, so he was assigned to the Cruze team to participate in a series of important front-line missions - such as this time the Federation's new Gundam snatch mission .

"Hmph~ It's even more boring than I imagined to introduce myself~ Is it really just a miscellaneous soldier?" Liz, who didn't know what to expect, personally questioned the new prisoner.

As a prisoner, Nigall nodded nervously, hesitated for a moment, and finally summoned the courage to ask: "Well, may I ask you who are...?"

Although something was not right, this battle was kicked off by the long-range shooting of Chi Angel Gundam. There was no communication between the two parties before, so Nigel didn't know who his enemy was until now.

"Space pirate, Yellow Turban thief, specializing in robbing Gundam, neutral camp," Liz said with a strange smile, "...I didn't lie, but you should know that I didn't tell the whole story, right?"

"...!" Nigel's face turned pale.

He couldn't see the picture of VF-31 being summoned with his own eyes, but he knew very well the cabin size of this peculiarly shaped golden battleship. It could fit three MSs in the sky, and now it has been occupied by Aegis Gundam and Thunder Gundam. Most of them - those questions come, where are the shape-shifting fighters that fought against the Zardo army now

Regardless of the answer, this group of self-proclaimed "Yellow Turban Thieves" must possess some kind of technology that even the Federation, Zeon, Zado, and Orb do not possess. It can also be said in another way that there is a problem with the identity of these people.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just too lazy to explain, if you are interested, feel free to ask others," Liz's attitude towards passers-by characters lacks enthusiasm, but is still friendly, "Now I want to talk about your treatment. "

"...Yes." Curiosity about the identity of the enemy is far less important than one's own safety.

Liz shook his fingers and said little by little: "If you don't make trouble, you can move freely; if you make trouble on purpose, throw it out with one hand; Gundam, don't think too much; people, you can leave at any time."

Nigel was stunned for a while, and found that Liz had no intention of continuing, and then asked dully: "... Is that all there is to it?"

"Yes, that's all, it's simple, isn't it?" Liz stood up and turned to leave the reception room with little interest. "If you feel bored, you can go to the entertainment lounge and play the piano~"

"..." Nigel was speechless, and it was not until the automatic door of the room was closed again that he realized that "he was not under house arrest".

If he remembered correctly, he should be a "captive", right

The so-called "freedom of action" naturally does not mean that Nigall can go wherever he wants or do whatever he wants. All actions must be placed within a reasonable range. After all, a mere "captive" who appeared on the bridge during the war and made irresponsible remarks like a comrade wouldn't make sense, right

However, to Nigall's great surprise, he was actually allowed to go to the cabin of the "Fortune"... Well, whether or not there are some unrealistic escape plans in his mind, Nigall still followed the exquisite provided by the maid. Map, take the lead to the cabin.

Not surprisingly, a large group of people gathered in the cabin. Liz, who was negotiating with him in front of him, was also among them, surrounded by dazzling beauties. Nigall instantly realized the meaning of the word "playboy"; , stood several equally good-looking maids, who seemed to be analyzing in a way that Nigall couldn't understand, as Zado did after he grabbed the prototype; With a few angry glances, Nigel felt that he could only be the pilot of the deformed fighter who suffered on the battlefield. In a sense, he should be glad that he failed to shoot down any of the deformed fighters, otherwise he may not be able to get the current treatment. …


"Hey~ the pilot of Thunder Gundam, does my Gundam have any special abilities?" There seemed to be a strange creature mixed in the crowd, and it jumped to Nigel.

Nigall squatted down, looked at Morgana carefully, and pondered: "...Is it an intelligent mechanical cat?"

"That's not it! My generation is human!" Morgana paused for a while, and his expression collapsed, "...It may also be a cat demon."

"Cat, cat demon?!" Such unscientific words, Nigel thought he would only see them in works for entertainment purposes.

"This kind of thing is fine!" Anyway, this form is very popular among the fox spirits who are tempted by lust. In order to solve the spouse problem, Morgana has accepted this setting in his heart, but it is still a bit awkward to say it. After adapting, I can only change the topic hastily, "So, this black Gundam will be my special machine in the future. Is there any special function on it?"

In fact, most of the Gundams do not have the so-called "special functions", such as the Strike Gundam, to put it bluntly, it is just a MS with relatively strong defense and mobility. The so-called "air combat accessories", "sword combat accessories" and "artillery combat accessories" are all external weapons, and it is not a problem to use them on other MSs with a little modification.

In contrast, the X Gundam with built-in satellite microwave guns and the Aegis Gundam with MA form are the minority in the Gundam team.

"...I really want to say," Nigel was surprised enough times today, he chose to give up thinking temporarily, and responded to the other party's question instinctively, "Is it the 'mirage system'?"

"The Mirage System?" The attention of everyone in the cabin suddenly shifted, even if it was a function that would be analyzed sooner or later, it would be better if someone gave a prompt sooner or later.

"It is a special optical camouflage system with limited use time. The effect is that the body enters an optical stealth state, and the radar will not respond to the body... When invisible, the body will lose its phase-shift armor and become very vulnerable." For the MS driven by the miscellaneous soldiers, this kind of defense is already very strong.

"Stealth! It's a special ability suitable for phantom thieves! Wow~" Morgana jumped up with joy, flipping in the air for a few times before landing.

"...Really? I think this function is mainly used for 'raid'. Is this the job of an agent?" Ada suddenly said, obviously also interested in Thunder Gundam.

Morgana, who also has a bit of a machine spirit in his heart, said without giving up: "What! Don't you already have a VF-31, the new machine should be left to JOKER and me?"

"Everyone's goal is to be a super system in the next world, and Gundam is just a transitional use," Ada said coquettishly, "However, if there is a machine that can be absolutely invisible, I can accept it like this~"

"Hmm...!" Morgana flinched.

In other words, don't forget that there is an outsider here.

Nigel felt as if he had guessed something very powerful.