Chapter 1329: captive


"…Am I too relaxed?" Nigel sat up from the bed and yawned.

Although Nigel was very clear that he could not relax, but the two events of attacking Heliopolis and breaking out into a fierce battle with the cosmic pirates consumed an amazing amount of physical strength and energy. As soon as he went to bed, he fell asleep, and he did not The way... Fortunately, the magic quilt that he automatically folded not long after he left the bed was very convincing, and Nigall immediately recognized his current situation.

This is a group of cosmic pirates from another world that is strange everywhere.

Whenever I meet a captain who is flirting with different beauties, and the beauties will not tear each other; the little loli vice-captain (self-styled) who flaps his wings and flies around and looks like a vampire (self-styled); similarity in appearance A maid troop that is comparable to adjusters, with only different voices and hairstyles; a crew with a huge difference in speech and deeds, almost a cultural generation gap; a spaceship that can't find key equipment after running the whole map; playing TV shows that are definitely not in this world. TV; in the end, perhaps the most normal thing for the whole crew is Kalod, who captured himself in the Aegis Gundam. At least when chatting, he can definitely feel the feeling of "hometown".

"Huh... If I submit a report on what happened here, I will definitely be sent to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation..." Nigall forced himself to adapt like this, washing and changing clothes in an unfamiliar but comfortable room before heading to the restaurant Go and deal with your rumbling stomach.

However, there happened to be a girl in the restaurant that he was not good at.

"The Story That the Second Lieutenant of the Federal Army and Zeon's Daughter of a Famous Family Had to Tell" took the beautiful and warm route, while "The Story that the Little Princess of Orb and Zardo's Red-clothed Elite Had to Tell" was noisy. Route, if Kalod hadn't pulled it in time, Cagalli would have gone up and slapped Nigall.

… Well, it could have been a punch, so rude girl, Nigall thought it might have been a punch.

Fortunately, because of the body orientation, Cagalli didn't notice him, and the witty Nigall quietly turned 180 degrees and returned to the corridor without disturbing the other party. It wasn't that he was afraid of Kagali, or that he felt wronged, but that he was a humble prisoner, and it was better to keep a low profile in everything.

"...In this case, where should I go to pass the time first?" The exploration had been completed yesterday, and Nigall suddenly found that he had nothing to do. It was impossible for him to hide some spoons and forks, and then secretly prepare some shocking escape, right

After a long time, Nigall finally remembered something, "So, Captain Liz seems to have said yesterday... There is a piano in the recreation room, right..."

"I refuse! I won't sit on the Strike Gundam again, and I won't join Zado!" The prisoner over there is playing the piano, but the savior over here is locked in the room, once again resisting Cruze's elusive thoughts The bewitched, "Captain Cruze, you may be right, the outside world is in a time of war, and Orb has secretly chosen to form an alliance with the Federation... But this is definitely not the idea of the residents living in Orb!"

"Kira-kun, do you still think Aub can stay out of the matter?" Cruze, who was sternly rejected, was not annoyed and asked with a smile.

Kira replied with a firm look: "I believe that in addition to military action, there are also political solutions... As long as the ins and outs of the Heliopolis incident are disclosed to the public, Orb's high-level officials will also be under considerable pressure. Even Orb's system There are still flaws, but the voices of so many adjusters in the country can't be considered inaudible!"

Kira does not think that [Zado should attack Heliopolis], he is a civilian living in Heliopolis after all, but he also knows how to consider from other people's positions, and understands that [Zado should attack Heliopolis]. Why attack Heliopolis]. In other words, Kira believes that Aube himself has to bear a certain responsibility, even if he is a passionate youth leader, but if there is any demonstration activity, he will definitely participate in it.

"Hehe, although this is not my responsibility, I'm sure someone has already done this kind of thing, but... it may not be that pure intention." Funding resistance groups in other countries and causing internal trouble for the other party, but a This is a very common method, "Moreover, rather than the people overthrowing the existing government of Orb, I think it is more likely that Orb will take this opportunity as an opportunity to invest in the federation."

Kira's eyes widened when she heard the words, and she immediately thought of the following text, "Difficult, don't tell me, you want to...!"

"Yes, we are likely to join Zeon to attack Orb first. No matter how other means develop, it is estimated that war is inevitable," Cruze shook his head with a smile, but he did not forget what he was fighting with Kira for now. The dialogue immediately returned to the topic, "However, what I want to say is, Kira-kun, do you think that once Orb joins the Federation, what crisis will the domestic adjusters face?"

"...!" Kira clenched her fists, the name "Blue Cosmos" will not be forgotten by all adjusters.

"The promise of the rotten federal government is never credible, and 'Scarlet Valentine's Day' is the best proof," Cruzer put his chin on his hands, letting out the temptation of the devil, "On the other hand, if it is to protect the people in Orb's country, Adjusters, must not let the high-level announce to join the federation, and let the tentacles of the federation penetrate into Orb."

"It's so despicable to say such a thing! I can't join Zado and attack Orb with a Strike Gundam just for this reason!" Although Kira admitted that Cruze's words have some truth, but "certain truth" "Not enough for him to make a treasonous decision, knowing that his parents are still in Orb!

"I didn't ask you to attack Aub, Kira-kun," Cruze knew very well that the other party was just a naive teenager, not a brain-dead middle-schooler, and there was a plan for how far he should do it, "I just hope that your Power is for the adjuster, not for the natural person who hates the adjuster, that's all."

"..." Kira was silent...

He doesn't like this kind of argument that puts the natural person and the adjuster on the opposite side, but the reality is so, and he can't help it.

"Kira-kun, the talent you have is amazing. If you are given a Gundam that can exert your potential better than the Strike Gundam, you may even affect the outcome of a war..." Cruze stood up Come, turn around and walk to the door, "Whether the power that decides destiny is in your own hands or tossed aside, please think twice, I will always look forward to your answer."
