Chapter 1332: short-lived peace


"Don't you think there is a problem with the country deciding the spouse based on the results of gene matching?" Liz, who was inquiring about the "Country of Adjusters" from Nigall, couldn't help but interrupted.

"It can't be said that there is no voice against this policy in China, but most people have accepted it." Nigall replied, hesitated for a few seconds, and then added, "...I also accept it."

"It's okay, I just have to accept it, instead of taking it for granted. There is still salvation now." Liz shrugged, genetic adjustment is not a problem, and it is not a problem for all people to have the same face, but there is definitely a system that pursues rationality and is cold and non-contextual. Big problem.

Nigall couldn't help asking: "... Sure enough, it's strange that a person's fate is determined by the genes at birth?"

"Think about it for yourself." The ability to ask such a question is enough to prove that the adjuster has the potential to reform himself, without the need for others to guide. "Go on, Nigall."

"Yes… "

The "ambience" thing is important.

The same food is placed in a street food stall and in a star-rated hotel, and the feeling of eating it is different; the flower proposal Dafa is displayed in a romantic scenic spot, and the success rate must be higher than that of a street where people come and go; Patriotic young people, if they were in a kindergarten in an island country, they would probably no longer be able to speak ill of each other.

Yes, this is the main reason why Leeds and his party pulled away... Maybe it has something to do with "compassion", but they are well aware that their opponents attacked Heliopolis not long ago, and they are not innocent civilians at all, in the end It still "feels wrong".

Of course, they didn't just withdraw in this battle, and then fight again in another location. This is to give up this prey completely, turn around and return to Earth, intending to send Kagalli back to Orb, by the way, to see if there are other Gundams in Orb that can be robbed.

The only mistake I made accidentally was - I forgot to send the captives back when I was retreating.

Well, Orb is a neutral country anyway, so throwing it at Orb is the same... Probably.

Be a tour guide now~

"Thank you for accepting this ship's acceptance request, Commander!" Mu and Shirou Amada, who had struggled to repel the intercepting force sent by the Principality of Zeon, led the Archangel to the Arutemis fortress, and saluted the commander in charge of the fortress.

"Considering the specific situation, although I allow you to enter the port, your ship has neither been registered, nor has the identification signal of our army. I have not fully recognized you as a friendly army, and you must control the ship and weapons. Blockade... This is a military facility, I hope you can understand." There was a smile on the face of the commander of the fortress, but there was no room for change in the words he said.

In fact, the engineers with low rank on the Archangel were being held in the dining hall of the Archangel by friendly troops with live ammunition, and they did not enjoy the treatment of friendly troops at all.

"Yes, we can understand the difficulty of the commander." Mu and Shirou Amada looked at each other, and this situation was within their expectations.

Although everyone is from the Earth Federation government, the appearance of the "Gundam Fighting Festival" is enough to show that the federal government is not united. , This kind of thing is not strange at all... Of course, in the eyes of the public, they are not worried about the commander of the fortress doing crazy stupid things.

"However, Captain Murafrada, I didn't expect to meet the 'Eagle of Endymion' who can compete with the 'Earl Shining' here," Mu and Shirou Amada's knowledge made the fortress commander smile After a bit of brilliance, he began to chat some nonsense that had nothing to do with the business, "I have heard of your glorious deeds, although we finally lost in the battle of Endymion, but your record of shooting down five Zeons is also given to you. We are very encouraged.”

"Thanks for the compliment." Mu gave a standard answer. Even if he was not authentic, he didn't want to indulge the hatred of the chief for no reason.

"Hehe, after waiting for your ship's identity to be confirmed, you may still need your cooperation~" The commander of the fortress also doesn't mind having a good relationship with potential newcomers, and the ace pilots who can achieve outstanding military exploits on the battlefield, their superiors are Can't stop it.

However, Shirou Amada on the other side didn't enjoy this kind of treatment. Only the people on the Archangel knew about his great achievements in beating his wife, "...As for Lieutenant Amada, according to the information we have checked, you should have been there a few days ago. Died on the way to Earth, why did you appear on Heliopolis?"

In front of him was the person with the highest rank he had ever seen, Shirou Amada could not help straightening his back nervously, and answered loudly, "Commander, I lost my body in that incident, and was rescued by passing space pirates, all the way to Heliopo. Lis was able to leave!"

"Space pirates?" The commander of the fortress was stunned. In today's era, the terms cosmic pirates, cosmic scavengers, and cosmic arms dealers are not new, but cosmic pirates give people the feeling that they are bad guys who do all kinds of evil, how can they do such good deeds.

"It's a group of pirates who claim to want to snatch all the Gundams they like." Shirou Amada decided to hide it from another world.

"In this case, the intelligence personnel of Heliopolis reported that not long after the attack, a fleet of unknown forces and Zardo's warships broke out in the space airspace near Heliopolis..." The commander of the fortress pondered.

"!" Shirou Amada wanted to follow up on the results, but thinking about the situation, it was impossible for the intelligence personnel to obtain detailed information, so they could only give up.

"So that kind of thing happened..." The reason why Zado's fleet did not pursue the Archangel, Mu finally understood, "In this case, if the Archangel stays in Artemis, maybe the attacking forces Not just Zado and Zeon... but those space pirates?"

"Hahaha~~ No matter who comes, there is nothing I can do in front of Artemis." Rest well."

When the fortress commander laughed at the defense capabilities of his stronghold, a small transport boat slowly hid behind the cosmic drift outside the detection range of the Artemis fortress, followed by a black The cloaked Gundam flew out of the transport boat.

"Damn~~ Even if I rush over from the earth at the first time, is it still too late? Hiding in the turtle shell." Not to be surprised.

"But... I've been unhappy with this thing for a long time, try to destroy it along the way~" The Fortress of Artemis, a military base transformed with a large drift close to the earth, is in the light wave called "umbrella". Under the protection of the defensive belt, it has been an indestructible stronghold so far, but in the words of the young man, it is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"—Death has come from hell! It's no use closing the door!"

Chapter 185 Dior: Because Hell Reaper Gundam is handsome, so I started this thing at the beginning

[Absolute Defense] These four words are simply poisonous, and can be called the most classic term for poisonous milk.

In fact, the light wave defense belt system that can resist live ammunition and laser attacks is not invincible, but the stronghold of Artemis has little strategic value. The tortoise shell has kept it alive to this day.

Of course, having said that, it is indeed quite difficult to break through this turtle shell with the power of a MS. Irrespective of the martial arts Gundams participating in the Gundam martial arts festival on Earth, perhaps only X Gundam (or DX Gundam) equipped with satellite microwave guns can do it, but it is only "theoretically possible", because from Altai There is no moon in sight at Mies Fortress!

However, if you can't do it with dignity and hard work, it doesn't mean that you can't do it quietly - Dior Maxwell's Hell Reaper Gundam, the body is coated with special paint to reduce radar reflection waves, with a pair of movable armor Wings and jamming devices maximize tactical concealment and are useful in raids.

Originally, after receiving the big trouble of the "Archangel", the Artemis fortress should be put on high alert. Even if it is not necessary to maintain the light wave defense belt around the clock, a small number of MA troops should be sent to conduct reconnaissance nearby. As a result, the Hell Reaper Gundam, which cannot achieve optical stealth like the Thunder Gundam with the Mirage system, is probably helpless... However, the federal army is blind and arrogant, allowing the Hell Reaper Gundam to successfully enter and attack.

"This is Dior, the invasion mission has been completed, and the rest is cut cut cut~~"

As I said before, the stronghold of Artemis Fortress is not of high strategic value. There is no MS unit that can face the enemy. Only a bunch of MAs abandoned by the times can't stop Dior's Hell Reaper Gundam from raging.

"Huh? I almost forgot about business, but I can't let you escape~" Dio, who noticed that the Archangel came out of the explosion, landed on the Archangel with the Hell Reaper Gundam.

"Die~ Anyone who sees me will die~" He raised the double-edged beam sickle, like a real death god, to harvest life.


"Can't cut it?!" The Archangel's layered armor not only has extraordinary physical defense, but also resists the beam and reaches the maximum heat dissipation limit. Now the place hit by the beam sickle is only a red hot area.

"I'm really convinced, Orb made this kind of thing for the Federation... But!" Dio placed the beam sickle horizontally and pressed it on the Archangel's armor with the largest area, "No matter what type of armor it has a melting point , Do you still have time to dissipate heat?"

Dark red, bright red, orange red, orange, bright yellow.

Under the flushing of high-temperature plasma, the color of the Archangel's armor changed rapidly.

"?" The sudden tremor caught Dio's attention, "The battleship has opened the attack channel, hey hey, I have a bad feeling..."

Naturally, the Archangel opened the sortie channel not to facilitate Dio to enter the interior for destruction. Soon, the red heresy Gundam driven by Amada Shiro and the blue Heresy Gundam driven by Muravrada appeared in Dio's field of vision.

"Tsk, this doesn't agree with the information I received. The prototypes that I said were all taken away by Zado?" Dio gave up his attempt to continue heating the armor of the Archangel, and the battleships can be put aside. After destroying the escort Gundam, the battleship is a luxurious coffin.

Of course, the premise is that these two Gundams can be eliminated.

"Don't tell me that the same armor technology is applied to these two MSs...!" Dio gritted his teeth, driving the Hell Reaper Gundam, which was actually not very good in various parameters, and launched a charge at the Heretic Gundam.

He can rest assured, how could the MS use some thick layered armor, the volume can't be controlled, and the phase-shift armor on the Heretic Gundam... Speaking of which, the shield with the phase-shift armor seems to be able to directly block the melee combat of the beam system. arms…

"...Nigor, is this the so-called 'never captured' Fortress of Artemis?" In front of Liz and the others who passed by a few days later, there was a meteorite block surrounded by a group of small ships of different brands. What's so cool? Hyun's light wave defense belt can't even see shadows.

Although the Archangel was safe and sound, and used the Red Heresy Gundam and the Blue Heresy Gundam to drive away the Hell Reaper Gundam, the interior of the fortress was severely damaged, and even the commander of the fortress was shot down by the wreckage of the MA accidentally killed, not to mention the light wave defense. With the system, the rest of the federal army can only choose to give up the fortress.

The Artemis Fortress is still a bit valuable. Rather than finding another stone to hollow out the interior to build a military base, it is more convenient and labor-saving to rebuild on the original foundation. However, compared to the Earth Federation Army, which had to go through a redundant administrative process and send people from other military strongholds to clean up the mess, the scattered armed organizations in the nearby cosmic airspace moved faster and came to buy a wave of treasures.

"Those are junk dealers? This is... what's going on?" I haven't personally been to the Artemis Fortress, but as a red-clothed elite of Zardo, Nigall has done a good job in intelligence gathering and is very clear about it. The evaluation of the fortress of the Zardo army.

"Is it related to the new warship of the Federation?" From the point of view of time, Liz could only smash the black pot on the white warship, "Zado was chased and beaten by us, and there is no time to do this kind of thing, maybe it is Zeon Principality here?"

"... This possibility cannot be ruled out. Our country should inform the Principality of Zeon about the new warships as soon as possible," Nigall frowned, still looking confused, "However, if you want to build this fortress, Zeon also has to spend a lot of money. A lot of strength, right? Once the army is mobilized, the Earth Federation Army will not be indifferent... Even if the battle is over, there will definitely be one party who will stay and stationed, at least now, these scrap dealers will not be allowed to mess around.”

"Well~ who can say this kind of thing, maybe Zeon also throws out a new type of machine in seconds?" Liz really wronged Zeon this time. The new machine they created has been driven away by Shirou Amada. , the perpetrator is Dio, who stands on the colonial side but has nothing to do with Zeon and Zado.

However, Liz's baseless statement was recognized by Nigall, "It's also true... If there is a Thunder Gundam, maybe..."

After all, it was just passing by, and Liz didn't bother to pay attention to this already occupied stronghold, "6O, don't worry about these garbage pickers, go to Orb at full speed."

"Received~" The maid who jumped out walked to the console, intending to reset the speed and destination.

"...Please wait a moment," 21O said to stop, "Master, there is a battleship sending a communication signal to us, do you want to respond?"
