Chapter 1333: Zeon No, no, that's not what we did!


(Great~! I didn't expect to get in touch~) A picture of a girl with short black hair popped up on the front screen.

When it comes to foreign affairs, it is naturally handled by Leeds, and Sima Yi will act as an agent when the Leeds are not there, "Um... May I ask who?"

(I am Para Heath, a member of Sadie Likong.) Para pointed to herself and introduced, from the smile on her face, you can see that she must be an optimistic and cheerful girl.

"Sady Likong?" Liz turned to look at Nigel next to him. It was really convenient to have such a talented student by his side when there was no online survey information in the universe.

Nigall did not disappoint him, and whispered the intelligence of this armed organization that had nothing to do with the Adjuster: "Sadi Likong, an armed organization established to oppose the dictatorship of the Principality of Zeon, they occupy the asteroid resource belt. As a stronghold, we will carry out continuous anti-government actions against the Principality of Zeon."

Liz tilted his head, "...is it the terrorist who chanted slogans of justice and then planted bombs in public places?"

(Hey, I can hear...) Parra rolled her eyes, (We are an organization that advocates democracy, how could it be possible to intentionally do something to harm civilians?)

"It turns out that they are terrorists who set time bombs in the cars of dignitaries." Liz nodded. Anyway, "anti-government organizations" didn't sound like a good impression.

(Uh, well...) Parra shaves her face, obviously the organization she belongs to has done such a disgraceful thing, who made them face the government army, (cough, let's not talk about this! I have a serious business to do tell you!)

Liz stretched out his palm and interrupted: "No, before that, I want to know from what channel did you know of our existence?"

(By the way, I haven't said this yet...!) Pala scratched the back of his head and replied immediately, (When we traded with the captain of the Archangel, Shirou Amada, he recommended you to me and said that there is a ship The golden space battleship is filled with a group of people from other worlds who specialize in robbing Gundam. According to their fearless behavior, they may help out... So as soon as I saw your battleship just now, I immediately sent a contact signal.)

In fact, before the appearance of "God of Fortune", Parra only regarded Shirou Amada's words as a joke, and didn't take it to heart at all.

"The captain of the Archangel? Isn't that guy just a second lieutenant?" Liz didn't know the name of the Federation's new warship, and he didn't respond for a while, but he didn't go further. Everyone has his own fate. , "... Forget it, let's hear it. Is there anything I can help with? Don't have too many expectations."

(Uh, these shouldn’t be considered information that can’t be made public, right?) Pala crossed her arms, raised her head and thought for a while, before slamming her palms and deciding, (Sah, don’t care! All in all, we have received information, Ji Weng secretly made huge satellite cannons, and Zado also made gamma-ray laser cannons, and they're going to shoot at Earth! We must stop them!)

Generally speaking, this is just a means of threat, but considering the blood feud between Zardo, Zeon and the Federation, it is not completely impossible to launch them without saying a word of hello.

"Huh~ Sounds very interesting~ Give us some time to discuss it internally." Liz waved his hand and signaled 21O to cut off the call signal.

Turning his head to look around from left to right, Liz said without surprise: "Some people here want to save the innocent civilians on the earth, and some people are interested in the cannons that wipe out the human level, everyone. Are you interested in this?"

Leon shook his head with a smile, and said mockingly, "When you hear this kind of thing, if you can still ignore it with the sentence 'This has nothing to do with robbing Gundam', there is definitely something wrong with your character, right?"

"That being said, I personally care more about the Gundam martial arts festival on Earth, and my intuition tells me that there is something wrong with the old man who can hang me up and beat me." Dongfang Invincible's performance at that time was so strange that Leeds Instinctively suspicious.

"So," Liz looked at the other super-robot pilot in the team who could handle any situation, "we split our troops, and Yun Ge went to Zadi Likong's ship to stop Zeon and Zardo's mass destruction. For the development and use of weapons, I took the "God of Fortune" back to Earth to see the status of the Gundam Fighting Festival... Others choose which side to follow according to their own preferences."

Yes, this is the traditional route choice of aircraft warfare.

A super line.

B real line.

When in Heliopolis, the Archangel was in a hurry to escape and did not have time to supply supplies; when in Artemis, the Archangel had just entered the fortress, and the Hell Reaper Gundam followed up to destroy it, and there was no replenishment. On the rest of the way, there are no federal military strongholds that can replenish supplies, and the objective situation does not allow detours to supply supplies.

Occasionally, the Archangel, which was in crisis of food and drinking water shortages, ran into the Zadili empty waste recycling ship that was going to pick up garbage in Artemis. Under the temporary decision of Shirou Amada, who is flexible and flexible, the Archangel exchanged a half-disabled Mebius Zero for a batch of food and drinking water, as well as maintenance tools for the Astray Gundam... Cough, who submitted the report At the time, it must be said that it is for the maintenance of the Heretic Gundam and to ensure the combat effectiveness!

During the negotiation, the chatty Palatine mentioned Zeon Principality's "Satellite Cannon" and Zardo's "Gama Ray Laser Cannon", hoping to get help from the Federal Army. Naturally, Shirou Amada, who was tasked with sending the Archangel back to Earth, couldn't possibly agree to this request. The most he wanted was to convey this kind of news that he didn't know where he got it to his superiors... However, he suddenly thought of Liz and others... Trouble If you leave things to troublesome people to deal with, you may get good results, at least you can buy a little time.

In any case, the Archangel finally overcame many difficulties, arrived near the earth, and merged with the Eighth Fleet—

"Yeah~ When I heard the news from Heliopolis, I really thought there was no hope. Now it's really nice to see you." "Earl Shining" Jagus, arrived in the engine room of the Archangel via a transport boat...

Mu stepped forward and saluted the commander: "I'm Murafrada of the Seventh Mobile Fleet. I'm really sorry, but I failed to complete the task of protecting the prototype."

"It's not your responsibility, and you've worked so hard... It seems that you have experienced several battles along the way, right?" Admiral Halbaton is one of the few visionaries in the decaying federal army, and he is also quite good.

"No, nothing! This is my obligation." Mu said politely.

On the other side, "Earl Flash" Jaegos, who was wearing a mask, had already focused his attention on the two Gundams, one red and one blue. "Besides, besides the Archangel, we didn't get anything."