Chapter 1344: Liz So, I'm playing the villain role this time?


"Is this the Devil's Gundam... Well, it's not the same as I imagined..." Looking at the Devil's Gundam being stepped on by the True Dragon and Tiger King on the beach, the expressions on the maids' faces were very strange.

"It's okay to just say it looks ugly, it's not designed by me," Liz glanced at Remilia, who was bulging at her feet, and could only add, "However, don't DG cells have the function of self-evolution? In Under the guidance of the pilot, it is not impossible for the Demon Gundam to evolve into a body that is even cooler than my real dragon and tiger king~"

As expected, Remilia immediately smiled when she heard the words, and soon dragged Sakuya and Hong Meiling away, probably to hold a secret meeting to discuss the evolution of the Demon Gundam? ... Whatever, anyway, the little vampire loli can't make any constructive comments when she stays, just don't cause trouble for others.

"...As expected, appearance is very important. Even though it is such a powerful body, it is still disliked by others." Liz shook his head and looked at the Demon Gundam whose appearance had been completely restored. Thinking about whether to let the real dragon and tiger king give it a few more times to keep it in the state of [regenerating], but I am worried that if the attack is too hard, the demon Gundam, which has lost its pilot, will die completely.

There is no way, because this Gundam is very - troublesome, and Liz has to deal with it carefully.

Please don't assume that the Demon Gundam is also very good just because the True Dragon Tiger King knocked out the Venerable Gundam with one move. Just sacrificing the residents of the Shinjuku area and a group of tattered aircraft abandoned by the times, the Demon Gundam has grown to the point where it can destroy a city with a single shot. Although its attacks do not have special attributes such as "existence and obliteration", "restraining filth", "causal law manipulation", "evil god's power", and "life energy", compared with the orthodox super system, it still lacks a bit of attention. Stick color, but in terms of physical output is already in place.

"..." After watching for a while and making sure that there were no worrisome visions, Liz gave up his plan to attack, "Come here, 9S, it's your time to perform."

"Master?" 9S quickly ran over with 2B, who was inseparable, and asked suspiciously.

"Remilia is very satisfied with the performance of Devil's Gundam, but she can't bind it because [the intelligent system that comes with Devil's Gundam generates independent will]." "Gundam" has become an intelligent system of "Demon Gundam", but this Gundam does have its own will now, and it cannot be regarded as an ordinary war weapon.

"Independent will? It's a little troublesome..." 9S pondered, almost guessing what Leeds needed him to do.

"Using your ability to hack into the Devil's Gundam, deal with its independent will, but leave a functional basic intelligent system, can you do it?" The intelligent system must exist, even in the form of mind manipulation, there is no any The pilot can rely on the human brain to control each DG cell, but once the DG cell loses the correct control, the problem will be big.

"Master, can I try it first?" 9S, who received Liz's approval, approached the upper half of the Demon Gundam, raised his black gloved right hand, and fired a special ball of light towards the cockpit.

When 9S hacked into Devil's Gundam's system, 2B stayed by his side to guard. Once Devil's Gundam stretched out a metal tube to try to capture nearby people to act as her pilot, she would attack immediately.

It took nearly ten minutes before 9S disconnected from the Demon Gundam and reported to Liz: "Sorry, young master... I have tried many ways, but I still can't break through the last line of defense..."

"Don't worry, just work hard~" It is not ruled out that Sakura Futaba can create miracles, but at this point in time, Sakura Futaba is not Dongfang Jousuke's girlfriend, nor is he a trainee villager in "Main World", 9S said No, no, no.

"However," Liz sank his mind and manipulated the real Dragon and Tiger King to raise the Dragon King's Mountain-breaking Sword, "If I can't get it, I'd rather destroy you - I didn't expect that I would say this villain's lines one day."

The sentence "There is no good or evil in weapons, good and evil lies in the user" is generally correct. It is not ruled out that there are honest, kind and strong-willed guys who can completely control the Demon Gundam, but as long as the intelligence and moral level are qualified People above the line will not let the Devil Gundam go back to the mountains!

"Slow, slow!" 9S hurriedly said to stop, "Master, we can actually consider meeting its goals!"

"?" Liz turned his head strangely, and the True Dragon and Tiger King also put down the Dragon King's Mountain-breaking Sword.

"Let's put it this way, taking an artificial human as an example, even if we are attacked by a virus and our logic collapses and goes berserk, it is impossible to attack the young master and Miss Sakuya, because our artificial intelligence has the inviolable principle of [not harming humans]. 9S who said so subconsciously raised his chest and seemed to be proud of this setting. "The artificial intelligence of the Demon Gundam is actually not complicated at all, especially at the level of thinking, but there is a principle in simple intelligence. , that is [returning the earth to its natural ecology].”

"—It turns out that this is an environmental protection robot!" Liz said for everyone on the beach.

"According to the documents I have seen from the database, it is indeed possible for DG cells to do this," 9S clenched his fists and waved them up and down, making no secret of his eagerness to try, "Master~~! If we promise to help it work hard in this direction, It should accept Miss Remilia's manipulation, and I can delete its independent will after it's done!"

"Haha~ Because it sounds very interesting, so I will play it~!"

Such an important matter, don't you think about it for a few seconds? !

9S's proposal is perfectly implemented.

At the beginning, the Demon Gundam would let the Eastern Invincible, who was not infected with DG cells, dispatch troops because it would be helpful to achieve their goals, and it is the same reason now; I'm afraid, maybe it's because Remilia's body is a vampire. Anyway, when Remy was driving the Demon Gundam, it didn't react violently, and it was more tame than expected.

After all the major preconditions are satisfied, Leeds and his party will naturally not be as maddened as Dongfang Invincible, sacrificing living people to Devil Gundam, morality 70 points is no joke. Therefore, they chose to rob the junk dealers, sweeping garbage outside the earth's atmosphere, and using the remains of humans, MS, MA, and battleships left in the space wars as nutrients to domesticate the Demon Gundam.

- This process lasted long enough for a series of major events to occur in the world.

However, the Demon Gundam has this value.