Chapter 1349: Hell and Death


"Don't think that growing up can scare me... Obliterate!"

"It's better to kill than to be killed, so it's better for you to die!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'll kill you~~"

Snatch Gundam and throw a meteor hammer in the past.

Calamity Gundam fires plasma rocket launchers.

Forbidden Gundam fires an induced plasma cannon.

Even if Leeds's declaration was not convincing, and the giant weapons controlled by the Demon Gundam were there, most people would not dare to rashly attack the True Dragon and Tiger King. Stable strengtheners will rush up for the first time.

[You guys are so funny~]

He grabbed the meteor hammer with a slap in his left hand and pulled it hard. In the future, the forceful grabber who couldn't release the mechanical connection between his palm and the handle of the meteor hammer pulled over and slashed it diagonally.

The Bagua Array locked the Calamity Gundam in the distance, and fired the White Tiger Flying Fist with his left hand, piercing through it.

Catch up with the Forbidden Gundam with absolute mobility advantages, and even the physical sickle belt Gundam, which is divided into two from the center.

[Seriously, the jokes you guys are telling are so funny, hahaha~~] The real dragon and tiger king raised his left arm and took back the fist that flew back from the mission.

Since the start of the war, it has brought heavy casualties to the Orb Army. The strength of manipulating MS is second only to "Earl Flash", and the first unit of the reinforcements, which ranks first in the federal army in terms of Gundam's performance and combat power, was instantly wiped out by Leeds. .

[Following is... Huh? ] Half of the previous declaration was false, but the point of "destroying the Federation Army, Zado Army, and Zeon Army here" is not mixed in the slightest, but when Liz looked around to find the next prey, he saw the previous The figure of the machine I saw when I was making up for the battle data, [I remember that it was the Hell Reaper Gundam, Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam... Have you escaped?]

[… Anyway, it’s not a troublesome thing. ] The True Dragon and Tiger King beckoned and summoned a group of bat-shaped bodies full of DG cells, fluttered their wings, and took them straight to the three machines.

"This doesn't make sense! Isn't the closest Gundam of the Federation Army!?" When he saw the real dragon and tiger king chopping melons and vegetables to kill San Xiaoqiang, Dior had already planned to slip away, and waited for the Federation's Gundam to disperse. Running away and diverting the attention of the other party, who knows that people who are near will not fight, but will fight far away first.



The guns of Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam are fully opened, and the colorful shelling goes straight to the real dragon and tiger king.

(Om) Wu Lin armor flashed out, blocked the shelling of the two Gundams, and then disappeared. During this process, the real dragon and tiger king did not even slow down or change direction at all.

"What... tsk!" As the crisis approached, Aslan and Kira "exploded" at the same time, and each controlled Gundam and took out beam saber to meet the enemy.

"Damn guy!" Hell Reaper Gundam's beam sickle also swung up.

[For you, there should be no swordsmanship, right?] The white light flashed, and the dazzling light disappeared before the weapons in the hands of the three Gundams could hit the real Dragon Tiger King.

The three Gundams looked down, but found that the handle of the weapon in their hand had been cut off, and then the high-energy particle flow generated by it could not be correctly transmitted into the force field, causing an insignificant explosion at the fracture.

(Clang) Hell Reaper Gundam was caught by the True Dragon Tiger King with one hand.

It may be a bit unimaginable to "catch with one hand", after all, both sides are giant robots... Let's say that the real Dragon and Tiger King is 52.4 meters high, and the Hell Reaper is 16 meters high, which is almost a ratio of 3:1. Assuming that the height of an adult is 1.8 meters, then it will become 0.6 meters after being smashed 3:1. This is the height of a baby who was born a few months ago, so it is easy to imagine, right

[It is said that your Gundam is equipped with a special interference device, so turn it into a bait for the Demon Gundam! ] A group of bat-shaped small bodies fluttered on the immobile Hell Reaper Gundam, and merged into the body in the blink of an eye.

"What exactly did the Federation research come out!" Dior, who was still thinking of letting the Hell Reaper Gundam self-detonate on a regular basis, saw the wall of the cockpit wriggling, and stopped the operation immediately, and pulled the back of the parachute backpack for emergency escape. Go up, hit the button with one punch, "Open it for me!"

The cockpit was opened to the face.

"The body can be given to you, people don't care - what!" Dio climbed out of the cockpit, and just wanted to jump down, but his arms were tied by the metal pipes extending from the cockpit.

"Dior!" Aslan and Kira thought about rushing over to help, but the True Dragon Tiger King had already let go of the Hell Reaper Gundam, which had been eroded by DG cells, and turned to look at them.

"But, damn...!" Dio tried to pull out the knife on his body and cut through the metal pipe to get out, but before the knife was taken out, there were five more pipes on his body, dragging him back little by little...

However, it was not until Dio saw the abnormal metal texture on his arm and realized that something was eroding his body. The boy who had been fighting gave up the struggle and let the Hell Reaper Gundam drag himself back to the cockpit.

"...Ah, it looks like Death is finally going to hell."

(Om-) Unknowingly, the whole body turned black, the Hell Reaper Gundam, with red light flashing in his eyes.

[Go to Shuguang Club to stay. ] Leeds ordered.

"..." Hell Reaper Gundam didn't have any resistance. Although his movements were a little slow, he still obediently flew towards the Shuguang Club, which had turned into a giant cocoon.

[Hey, it looks like I scared the babies away~] Whether it is the Federation or Zado, as long as they are not entangled by the body made by the Demon Gundam, they are all paying attention to the movements of the True Dragon Tiger King. After seeing the end of the Hell Reaper Gundam, everyone immediately knew what they should do now... Even the strongest adjuster, Kira Yamato, is not confident that he can keep those Batbots from hitting the Freedom Gundam!

[If it spreads too far, things will become very troublesome in the future.] The real dragon and tiger king waved his sword, and the bat swarms that had been entangled in Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam automatically dispersed, [So, let me make a quick decision. .]

"!" Aslan and Kira did not breathe a sigh of relief because the Batmobile dissipated. They knew very well that this was an impossible opponent, and they couldn't even escape. It is very likely that the next second will be the end of their lives. .

[Don't worry, your body shape is very special, which will help the evolution of the Demon Gundam. I will not take your life - until the Demon Gundam devours you.]The True Dragon and Tiger King dashed straight ahead.

"—Stop this old man!" A beam cannon fell from above, blocking the path of the True Dragon Tiger King.

Of course, the mere beam cannon couldn't stop the real dragon and tiger king. It was Liz who chose to stop. [This voice is... Old guy, can I survive a punch in the cockpit?]

"The old man walked around in hell, but I didn't expect Death to say that there is still a place for me in the world." A very strange-looking Gundam descended from the sky and stopped right in front of the Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam. "So, I, the Asian Venerable ·The undefeated East is back!"