Chapter 1350: Lux (Explosive Seed) This is the Meteor System


"Asian Venerable?!" Both Aslan and Kira were shocked.

Even if the fighters have the pride of fighters, the fighters who can really achieve good results in the Gundam Fighting Festival disdain to participate in the war, but they belong to the Earth Federation government camp after all, and the Principality of Zeon and PLANT cannot be unguarded. them. As Zardo's red-clothed elites, the two of them would have never heard of the name "Eastern Invincible", which represented the strongest fighter.

Well, of course, this is also because Aslan and Kira are not that naive. In this world where MS is inseparable, the winner of the last Gundam Fighting Festival, Dongfang Invincible, is a lot of people who are determined to protect their home and country. , The idol in the heart of the cruel boy who failed to correctly recognize the war is not only to the extent of "hearing his name".

"Little girl Klein asked me to come to support Orb. I didn't expect... boys, can you still fight? With me, the old man who died once, and this Meteor Gundam!" Meteor Gundam put on a fighter's posture, obviously It is not a built-in action program specially designed for the East Invincible, but a somatosensory manipulation method to make the Gundam and the pilot's movements consistent.

"Is it Lux?! And it's our army's identification number?!" Aslan was surprised to find that this machine had an abnormal body proportion, multiple grooves on the surface, and was covered in gray. The body that looks ugly is actually a Gundam produced by authentic PLANT.

Kira, who joined Zado for a short time, didn't know what Gundam Zado was developing, and he didn't focus on it. He excitedly responded to Dongfang Invincible's question: "Of course we have to fight, how can we let this monster exist!"

"... Hmph, don't cry in pain for a while." Dongfang Invincible sneered, and then focused his attention on the great enemy in front of him, "This opponent has tainted my 'invincible' name. Strong enemy!"

[Wait, the Asian Venerable East is invincible,] Liz asked the True Dragon and Tiger King to stretch out his left hand and signaled to the three that he would not launch an attack for the time being, [You are the first strategist of Demon Gundam, I can be regarded as yours Successor, although there was a bit of misunderstanding before, but now we can completely put aside our previous hatred and work together... No matter if you want to return the earth to nature, wipe out all human beings, or dominate the earth circle!]

"!" The two teenagers who thought they would get a powerful help were worried again in their hearts.

"I'm sorry, although the old man has already passed the age of being a prodigal son, but under the nagging of a little girl day and night, I still want to try another path," Dongfang Invincible did not mention another path. The specific content, this is not the concern of everyone present, "I am more concerned about that kind of thing, is the color of your real dragon and tiger king different?"


"No, or I should put it more clearly... Space Pirate Liz, have you been dominated by DG cells!" Dongfang Invincible roared.

Although there was no direct logical relationship between "infecting DG cells" and "color change" during the time when the undefeated East was in charge of Demon Gundam, it was a few months ago after all. According to the amazing self-evolution speed of Demon Gundam, even if there is something different now, it is reasonable, Dongfang Invincible subconsciously blamed it on the role of DG cells.

[Dominated by DG cells? No, it's me who dominates the DG cells... Well, it doesn't seem right to say that, ah, yes!]Liz's voice is getting higher and higher, and reason seems to be replaced by infiltrating madness, [It is better to say that I am a Devil Gundam now! Compared to the big iron block on the moon, and the little girl who was stuffed into it and couldn't move, I am the one who conveys the will of the Demon Gundam! Hahahaha~~! ! !]

"...Enough, knowing this is enough," Meteor Gundam soared into the sky, deforming during its ascent, "Whether you are a space pirate or the spokesperson of Demon Gundam, I will knock you down, and then destroy the moon. The Demon Gundam!"

[A defeat to strengthen? It's okay...] Liz is very face-saving, and did not attack in the process of transforming others. After all, he is a guy who has always pursued the fun of games. [The stronger you become, the more useful you are to the Demon Gundam, which is a good thing for me. .]

Meteor Gundam's head is retracted into the body, the limbs are close together on the torso, the bottom armor of the groove structure is opened, and it turns into a gray connection device, "Meteor system, start!"

The cockpits of three of the Gundams in the battlefield were instantly blue-screened, with only the words "METEOR SYSTEM" left, and the aircraft flew towards the Meteor Gundam uncontrollably.

"Meteor System?! I've never heard of Justice Gundam having this function!"


"Damn Klein faction! Is there such a backhand!?"

ZGMF-X09A, Justice Gundam.

ZGMF-X10A, Freedom Gundam.

ZGMF-X13A, God's Will is Gundam.

ZGMF-X14A, Meteor Gundam.

When these four combinations are unique!

"The heart of justice illuminates the east, the wind of freedom blows across the universe, and the sword of divine will slays the demons!" The red, blue and white giant Gundam, whose size is not inferior to that of the real dragon and tiger king, holds a physical giant transformed from the divine will. The sword appeared above the crimson sky, "This is the strongest power for those who pursue peace, Eternal Gundam!!!"

[The combination of three real systems is not necessarily a real system... So! Call the wind and call the rain, drive thunder and lightning!]The sky that was originally covered by the crimson clouds made by Demon Gundam was replaced by pitch-black thunderclouds. After a while, Orb was shrouded in violent storms, and the thunderbolts from the sky fell on the True Dragon and Tiger King, strengthening its power. .

"The 'King of Hearts' mark on my right hand is telling me that you are not an enemy who needs to test your strength at all. You must use the ace from the beginning! Super mode!"

Part of the armor of Eternal Gundam was opened, revealing the golden fins, and the Great Sword of Divine Will was divided into two and separated to both sides. Afterwards, the three nuclear engines in Eternal Gundam's body operated at full power, and the "emotional energy system" exploded due to the determination of the East's undefeated determination, and Eternal Gundam's whole body turned into a dazzling golden color.

[Six days of demons!]The dark blue column of thunder struck the real dragon and tiger king, making a sound like the chirping of thousands of birds.

"My hand is as hot as a bright red fire! It shouted loudly for me to seize the victory!" Eternal Gundam raised the great sword in his hand, and from the middle of the crack of the great sword, a golden beam sword with a length of one kilometer was suddenly formed. Even the thunderclouds in the sky began to disintegrate because of its presence.

[Blue Dragon King Profound Truth!]The True Dragon and Tiger King suddenly launched, rushing straight to the Eternal Gundam from bottom to top.

"Breaking Heat·Shishatianjianjian!!!"

[Dragon King Breaking Mountain Sword · Reverse Scales Break! ! !]