Chapter 1351: What about the story of the real world


Eternal Gundam, whose limbs were cut off, slammed down beside the red giant cocoon.

Before long, a small hole opened at the bottom of the giant red cocoon, which did not look like a friendly thing, and a group of people ran out of it. Uzmi, Kalod, Tifa, Amada Shirou, Aina, Mu, Nigall, Dior... The one who ran at the front was Kagali, the little princess of Orb.

"Kira! Aslan!" Since they had only known each other for a short time, and Uzmi did not reveal the mystery of his life experience, Kagali just regarded the first two as comrades in arms, and had no other intentions for the time being.

[Don't be nervous, it's a super-type body that can compete with me anyway, the driver won't die if the body doesn't explode, this is common sense.]The True Dragon and Tiger King stretched out his hand and pointed at the "Great Sword of God's Will" that was cut off by the Dragon King's Mountain-breaking Sword during the battle, and then turned into pieces due to the big explosion.]

"Who cares about that kind of guy!" But Cagalli knew that the pilot of the Shenyi Gundam was the culprit behind the plan to "attack Heliopolis and snatch the new Gundam made by the Dawn Society for the Federation". The banner of "Recapture Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam" simultaneously caused trouble to both Orb and the Federation, and I hated it so much.

[This can't be done, Cagalli, your words and deeds need to be more fraternal to match Orb's external declaration~] Liz sneered.

Although Uzmi said a very positive remark before, which made a group of young people convince, but if combined with his previous actions and Aub's diplomatic attitude, it can only be regarded as the speech of a strong-mouthed king... Well, A has 100 billion RMB, B has only 1,000 RMB, A lives a luxurious life at home, B lives a frugal life at home, A and B only live close to each other, and they have nothing to do with each other. In dealing with it, can we say that A is giving B the motivation to work hard and save money

In fact, the comments of some military and political figures who are displeased with Orb are more realistic - Orb is not fraternity, it doesn't care how miserable people outside Orb live, and it doesn't care how other neutral countries are scolded by the federal government, It is just naively erecting walls, intending to create a paradise between "isolation" and "both left and right", and let itself live a peaceful life.

Of course, which of the three "what the mouth says", "what the heart thinks" and "what the hand does" is more valuable, different people have different opinions... Looking at Cagalli's angry expression, it is probably the former Bar

"… I have already heard Kagalli say about the general matter. Thank you very much for your help." The negotiation between father and daughter was completed in the giant cocoon, and Uzmi could only accept it. this result.

[You really should thank me a lot, no matter how lofty the ideal is, it is a joke to lose the country.]Liz, who had no plans to leave the True Dragon and Tiger King, looked down at Orb's first chair and replied, "So, if you have some words that you can't see clearly, please think about it."]

"Tsk... I still want to complain a few words..." Dior said depressingly at the back.

When he was eroded by DG cells, he thought he was dead. He didn't expect that after being brought back to the giant cocoon of the Dawning Society by Hell Reaper Gundam, he was released without any trouble, and he suffered more or less mental damage.

It's just that everyone here knows that the words Leeds doesn't want to hear are by no means such pediatric "complaints", but those "justice speeches" who stand on the moral high ground and reprimand him for his actions.

"I understand that I will support the 'Macro Fortress plan' proposed by Cagalli, and I will immediately appease and mobilize the citizens to cooperate with the work of the Demon Gundam." Transforming Orb into a Macroscopic Fortress was originally a very huge project. But with the help of Demon Gundam, it is possible to complete it in a very short time. What is lacking now is not "productivity", but "wisdom". What kind of Orb can keep the residents of the island alive after flying out of the universe? With the data of many colonial satellites as a reference, it is not very difficult. subject, but still planning.

[That's your business. ] Leeds is not particularly concerned about Aub's future.

"But, can I ask you something?" Uzmi raised his head and looked at the sky covered by the crimson mist, "It can be seen that your Excellency has no plans to stop, what are you trying to do? ?"

[Nothing~~] The real dragon and tiger king turned around, Suzaku's wings fluttered, and he left the ground.

Since Leeds often wanders in other worlds alone, it is common to see no one for a few months, not to mention the group of friends who maintain a "half friend, half monarch" relationship with Leeds, even with Leeds. The harem group of sheets did not feel uncomfortable. Until "reunited with Sadiel's fleet", "destroyed the giant satellite cannon of the Principality of Zeon", "completed the aftermath", "destroyed PLANT's gamma laser", "completed the aftermath" after everything was over, they I just sat on the space battleship of Sadie Likong and slowly returned to Earth.


"Xianggong, Xianggong! Can you hear me?... 6O, 6O!... Can anyone on the "God of Fortune" hear me!" As Zhang Jing, who wanted to show off her great achievements to Leeds, failed to contact them, they faintly realized that, While enjoying his world-saving interstellar journey, something unpredictable may have happened on the other side of Earth.

"Forget it, Sister Jing, according to the husband's personality, maybe he deliberately forbids the maids to contact us, and secretly plays some pranks." Murong Jiu, who was reading the technical information of PLANT's "Genesis", said coldly. As always, speaking is not flattering... I have to say, Madam, your judgment is very accurate!

It's a pity that Murong Jiu's mouth was actually just a hard mouth, and she didn't take this sentence as "one of the possibilities" to heart, otherwise she wouldn't have waited for Zhang Jing to shout for a long time and really didn't answer at all. Come out and talk.

"That's right, don't care, don't care~" Because the giant satellite cannon and the gamma laser cannon were mainly handled by Zhao Yun, Da Ji, who had been in a state of agitation for a long time, jumped over and wandered around Zhang Jing, "Let's not talk about self-proclaimed" The city lord who will never really die', since the maid team has not been reduced, it means that there is nothing to worry about~"

"...It makes sense." The worry on Zhang Jing's face subsided.

However, the brain power faction headed by Sima Yi, their thinking has not ended - Daji's statement did not explain the problem of "why the contact is not answered".

Fortunately, things moved quickly.

"—Something's happened, everyone!" Para Heath, who was directly in charge of dealing with their group, flew into the common room with a stack of photos.

"Zado?" Leon asked subconsciously.

In view of what the Dragon Emperor had done in the Principality of Zeon, Zado chose to give up "Genesis" and put his power on the attack on the Federation (which was then eliminated by the Federation's "Cyclops System"). But from their point of view, they haven't been able to confirm Zardo's true attitude for the time being.

"If only Zado attacked!" Parra threw out the photos in his hand, and the photos flew to everyone in a gravity-free environment, "The earth is controlled by a monster called 'Devil Gundam'! It is said that What kind of 'DG cells' it possesses, whether biological or mechanical, will be eroded and dominated as long as it encounters it!"

"What did you say?" Everyone frowned.

Although they could hear that it was a big deal, they were not imaginative enough to figure out how serious it was with just a few words.

"That... Come and see this photo in my hand?" Leon lowered his head, covered his face with his right hand, and turned the photo over with his left, facing the outside.

Everyone heard the words and looked over, and then they couldn't look away.

"Black, black... The real dragon and tiger king..."