Chapter 1353: Evil deeds


"Stop joking, is this the countermeasure you have come up with so far?"

"In the end, why did I, the defense affairs consultant, know about the R&D project of the Ultimate Gundam until now! And in terms of the funds, venues, and personnel consumed by this project, there are definitely not too many insiders, and now the responsibility is pushed to Who can be perfunctory when a shrimp, soldier, and crab head up?"

"Enough! What is the weakness of this thing on our heads, I just want to know the answer now!"

When encountering the True Dragon Tiger King and the Demon Gundam, the three camps in the waters near Orb at that time all chose to run away with their tails tucked in.

The Zardo Army who lost their captain Cruze, the Zeon Army who failed to fish in troubled waters, and the Federation Army who came to support them from space all had their own space battleships, and they tactfully escaped from the earth as soon as possible. The unfortunate thing is that the initiator of this operation, the sea fleet of the Federal Army, was chased and killed by the younger brother of Demon Gundam along the way, and finally managed to get rid of the pursuit. Trapped in Earth.

However, there are many federal troops accompanying them... There are indeed many space battleships and transport ships on the earth that can rush out of the atmosphere with their own functions, but if you want to send a huge number of troops to the universe in a short period of time, you still have to rely on quality. Accelerator, and because of the military operations in front of the Zardo Army, the only mass accelerator on earth is the only one left.

The leader of the blue cosmos, Murta Azrael, as an advisor to the attack on Orb, is naturally also on the list of those trapped on Earth... Now he is hiding in the organization's luxury in the deep mountains and forests. In the villa, discuss the solution with Blue Cosmos' henchmen and some senior federal officials.

It's just obvious that such an arms dealer group that obtains huge political influence through economic means and promotes the outbreak of war to satisfy its own economic interests does not seem to be very good at solving world crises.

[You can try smashing a nuclear bomb~ Didn't you get the technology to re-enable nuclear energy from a strange place? ] Leeds gives advice.

"What?!" The sudden intruding voice shocked everyone in the conference room.

(Bang) Hearing loud noises, feeling violent tremors, seeing flying debris, but no one noticed that a huge sword flashed horizontally above his head.

[I'm here~] The real dragon and tiger king lifted the upper part of the villa with one hand and threw it aside.

"Yes, it's that super robot!" Although these are all people in this world, it seems that no one can achieve the same color as Mount Tai collapsed. The first reaction of everyone is to get up and run for their lives. Bu Cai realized that he had nowhere to escape at all.

Probably, only Dongfang Invincible and Domenkaxiu can escape from the 50-meter-high robot with their feet... The "50-meter-high robot" is not the "real dragon and tiger king".

[To be honest, I approve of your military actions against Orb, and I cannot question your political views. ] The reason for the former has been said many times. The Federation has a life-and-death level of demand for mass accelerators. Although it is very arrogant to take action on Orb, it is considered a "dead fellow, not a poor fellow". As a third party, it is difficult to say anything; the reason for the latter Because of the standpoint, the ability gap between the adjuster and the natural person is too great, and the two sides can hardly coexist in the term "earth people". It is understandable that some natural people want to protect the interests of their own groups.

[But ah, throwing nuclear weapons to agricultural satellites is too hard, right? Even if the other party is regarded as a "monkey that looks like a human", at least there are hundreds of thousands of monkeys, is there a little sympathy?]Leeds is not against nuclear weapons. A guy driving a super robot has no face to look down on this and that. At most, he can only avoid "big power and lethality" and talk about "pollution of the environment"... But at least there are other moral bottom lines.

"Difficult, could it be that you are not infected by DG cells at all?!" Murta did not think that the man who spoke madly that day would care about "Scarlet Valentine's Day". The only explanation is that the other party has been there from the beginning. acting.

[Correct answer, but no prize—]

A thick purple beam fell on the villa.

(Boom) The blue cosmos cadres left on the earth were instantly wiped out.

[—Anyway, let me finish, shall you? ] The True Dragon and Tiger King turned around and looked at the Gundam head temporarily extended from the Demon Gundam that attacked from the sky.

(Hooah!) Gundam's head let out a roar like a beast, and continued to attack the blue cosmos stronghold that had been blown flat. Maybe he noticed that there was a strange basement or escape route under the villa? To have a complete and deadly attack

[Yes, these guys are the culprit who started the war and the culprit who hurt the earth, please feel free...] Liz had no choice but to let the real dragon and tiger king fly into the air to avoid being affected.

As you can see, Liz and Remilia did not "completely control the Demon Gundam" at all, they could only "restrain the Demon Gundam". achievement of goals". Once it encounters the "things that must be done" that the Demon Gundam decides, no one can stop it.

This isn't some nasty little thing to laugh at.

In this doomsday-level prank, if the Demon Gundam is completely under control, it is a good deed that is 100% unmixed, and the restoration of the war-torn area will end. But the actual situation is that Devil Gundam is dedicated to removing "vermin on earth", and with the efforts of Leeds and others, the definition of "vermin" is narrowed to armed organizations and most of the industrial production facilities that pollute the environment.

If you follow the current rhythm to the end. First of all, the military facilities of the Earth Federation government will be destroyed, don't even think about competing with Zeon and PLANT. Then, large-scale armaments, whether held by the military or held by civil organizations, will be attacked, and whether those who hold these armaments survive or not depends on luck. In the end, the industrial progress of the earth will go backward for an unknown number of centuries. Although the existing products will not be affected, there will be no new products for a long time, and the quality of life of the people on earth will be embarrassed for a period of time.

Hmm... This result, the environmental protection fighter Dongfang Invincible must be happy to see it, and it is hundreds of times stronger than the future he has worked hard for. But if a referendum is held, Leeds is sure that 90% of the earth's people are unwilling to trade their current living standards and military strength for the regeneration of the earth's natural environment.

In other words, Leeds' current behavior can be completely classified as "evil behavior".

(… ) After blasting a big pit, let the big pit return to level, and then let the ground grow the tall head of vigorous vegetation, and slowly retract into the sky.

[The blue cosmos high-level annihilation, there are no other people who need to be killed, right?]The real dragon and tiger king raised his head and looked at the sky covered by the red mist. [Then, just wait for Brother Yun and the others to come back~]