Chapter 1355: God of War is so fun


If Dr. Kaxiu is present, he can give a complete explanation from the characteristics of DG cells to the weaknesses of the Demon Gundam, and demonstrate the feasibility of the plan "focus on breaking through the power furnace of the Demon Gundam, and if it fails, consider breaking the living body parts"... However, Even if Zhao Yun and the others didn't know anything, they all went to the battlefield with dumbfounded expressions, and the choices they made were still similar.

Whether it's a human-to-human battle or a robot-to-robot battle, the word "attacking the enemy's key points" can't be wrong, and the biggest key point of robots is not the pilot? Although Remilia's strength is difficult to describe as a "fragile pilot", it is much easier to deal with than Demon Gundam.

To sum up, Ying Longhuang started with a breath of thunder and lightning, punched a hole in the Demon Gundam, and then used the vast dragon scales to form a steel wall to resist the energy cannons emitted by the Demon Gundam. He rushed into the body of Demon Gundam, trying to find and defeat Remilia through the "Quest System"—

"All squads, adopt the C formation, and give priority to using beam saber and physical bombs to attack to save the energy of the body." Commander Sima Yi, who is located in the center of the team, seems to have launched an attack on Zeon and Zado. After the battle, they fought with robots. way more mature.

"Well... it's very convenient to bind the Gundam with the system. It can be carried around and repaired quickly, but the energy consumption seems to be a lot faster." Leon glanced at the screen, he didn't think he had fired many guns, the energy tank However, he had already gone down a section, and he could only immediately let Duel Gundam take out his beam saber and cut the tank in front of him into two pieces with one sword.

Well, it’s a tank. It’s not a space tank, or a modified version of a tank. At most, it has some DG cells mixed in it, and it can be controlled by no one… Even so, as long as it can fire a gun, it is a threat, and phase-shift armor is also required. Energy.

"Haha~ That's related to the body~ My Chi Angel Gundam comes with a solar furnace, and the energy is almost unlimited!" Patrick continuously shot the iron balls produced by the Federation as if showing off.

Form C is for the team to survive. No matter how well Sima Yi strategizes and the positioning of the "Mission System" is accurate, it will be difficult for him to estimate what enemies will appear in front of him, and when he will be able to find Remili along the pipeline network in the Devil Gundam body. Asia. But since Patrick's Chi Angel Gundam can maintain the output all the time, he will not force Patrick to make soy sauce and make full use of the resources in his hand, which is also the talent of the military division.

"Unfortunately, Zado's nuclear-powered Gundams have already been dispatched to Earth earlier." If there are Freedom Gundams and Justice Gundams to choose from, who would grab the Duel Gundams, Leon expressed regret.

(Beep beep!) The front fuselage detected a missile lock almost simultaneously and sounded a warning to the pilot.

"!" Duel Gundam, like other front row companions, prefers to use shields for defense rather than beam saber slashing missiles.

"—Not good! The wall of the Demon Gundam in front is open, guarding against chain attacks!" Sima Yi's body at the rear was guarded by his wife, and he focused more on the surrounding environment. He immediately discovered the vision and sent a reminder to his companions.

"What?!" The pilots in the front row were all surprised.

(Boom!) The tiny missiles fired from the tube wall slammed into the Gundam's shield in front, bursting with dazzling light and a thick plume of smoke.

"Don't even think about it!" Fortunately, Sima Yi's reminder, all the Gundam pilots who served as the forwards were mentally prepared for the melee attack launched by the sneak attackers who rushed out of the smoke screen.

"Yo~ Isn't it finally tanks, fighter planes, armored vehicles and iron balls? This time Gundam appears, which means we are approaching the princess' boudoir?" Leon said frivolously, wrestling with the opponent's beam saber while controlling the duel Gundam With a kick, he intends to kick the enemy away gracefully.


(Clang!) Duel Gundam's kick was blocked by the opponent's elbow.

The timing and action of the defense are so perfect that it doesn't look like an action executed with the help of Gundam's built-in intelligent program, like a qualified fighter.

"Hey, hey, isn't the level of enemy upgrades too big--ah!" Once the dashing high kick is blocked, it will turn into a strange posture full of flaws, and it's just lucky to get a straight punch. .

The good news is that more than one Gundam duel was beaten, and Leon was not so embarrassed.

The bad news is that there is a row of black Gundams in front of them, all of which can win in short contact melee combat.

"... The counterattack just now," Zhang Jing, who was also the striker of the C formation and was also thrown out by the Black Gundam, noticed one thing, "Could it be that the maid in the castle is inside?"

"Maid!?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

(As expected of Mrs. Jing...) The cyborg who threw the Gundam that Zhang Jing was driving was Diplo, and replied with admiration, (We are here to stop you according to the order of Miss Sakuya, please wear steel battle suits and escape early.)


Yinglonghuang is not the first machine to debut. Both the enemy and the enemy are well aware of the moves. In addition to the powerful thunder and lightning attacks with the characteristics of killing evil, the only thing is to let the scales on his body fly out and turn into a huge number of troops. One move... Of course, "collision" and "bite" can definitely be used, and the power of Yinglonghuang's body will be quite amazing, but in the face of the Demon Gundam, which uses regeneration ability as its selling point, it's better to save some effort. .

Devil Gundam's moves are a little more abundant. The super-caliber energy cannon and DG cell army basically correspond to the moves of Ying Longhuang. The special moves are that the whole body can be deformed at any time according to the needs, although it cannot be used during the battle. evolution, however the existing data is enough to combine multiple attacks.

After Zhang Jing and others rushed into Demon Gundam's body, there were actually only two people left on the battlefield outside. However, even though it was only a battle between two people, there was a grand scene of a fleet confrontation—

"Miss Remilia, please stop, this kind of battle is meaningless." Zhao Yun, who drove the Dragonscale Machine to destroy the DG Legion released by the Demon Gundam, still tried to end the battle by peaceful means.

(Sorry, don’t point fingers at the NPCs you meet during the game!) Although there are factors that play on the spot, the previous lines were rehearsed, but this one is not the case... Gensokyo vs. Permanent Villagers The positioning is similar.

"Miss Remilia..." Zhao Yun was not angry, the other party was just a child.

(Don’t be long-winded! Since you have time to distract yourself, let’s have another opponent!) As soon as Remilia finished speaking, Demon Gundam’s left shoulder armor opened, and a plane was slowly raised, which was just a scale for the Dragon Emperor. sized black robot.

However, Zhao Yun didn't dare to be careless, "...the real dragon and tiger king."

Chapter 209 When will God of War 4 start teleportation... Players who like to lick the map are very annoying

"Block it, dragon scale machine!"

[Cut, these trash fish...!]

Between the demon Gundam of unknown strength and the real dragon and tiger king who knew the bottom line, Zhao Yun chose to focus on the latter, and blocked the vast dragon scale machine in front of the real dragon and tiger king.

It cannot be said that it completely cut off the way forward for the True Dragon and Tiger King, and the performance gap is there, but once the head iron rushes in, Zhao Yun, who has experience in dispatching troops, changes his formation a little, and the True Dragon and Tiger King may be defeated. Trapped inside... The worst case is that the real dragon and tiger king was surrounded by hundreds of dragon scale machines 360 degrees without dead ends into a ball, and then Ying Longhuang wrapped his body around the big iron ball. In this way, even with the power of the white tiger, the real dragon and tiger king cannot escape from it.

Even if the energy bar of the real dragon and tiger king is emptied, it is impossible to eliminate such a large number of dragon scale machines, not to mention that Liz still wants to smash the move on the dragon king's head, so he can only help Remilia. Send out a private communication, [There is no way... Remy, release "that thing", I will break through the defense line first.]

"So early?!" Remilia switched to the public channel and scolded Zhao Yun angrily, "Too despicable! How can you stop the real dragon and tiger king! Come and decide the outcome in an upright manner!"

"..." Zhao Yun was speechless, the generals of the Three Kingdoms really like the front, but the Dragon Scale Machine is the inherent sub-machine of the Dragon Emperor! How can you be mean to use your own moves properly

"Ugh...!" Silence equals refusal, and Remilia, who knew it anyway, blushed.

"... Miss." Sakuya, who was accompanying him in the cockpit, reminded her.

"Got it..." Remilia had no choice but to accept the decision to release the trump card early, "Come out, it's a real comeback!"

The real Dragon and Tiger King appeared from one shoulder of the Devil's Gundam in front, and this time from the other shoulder of the Devil's Gundam was a black horse-shaped body, which just matched the size of the True Dragon and Tiger King. It's just that there's one thing I'm really sorry about—

"Wow!" That's right, the pilot of the true resurgence is not a fanatical gourmet, nor a white horse, but a big dog. Who made Liz's pet list currently only include dogs, five poisonous beasts, and giant dragons. kind.

Fortunately, only Liz could hear the dog's barking, otherwise it would be too frustrating.

"Don't tell me!" The real dragon and tiger king with the wings of the Vermillion Bird rode on his horse. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that his strength was not increasing but decreasing. However, perhaps because the generals of the Three Kingdoms loved horse battles, Zhao Yun instinctively sensed the danger and agreed with him. The connected Dragon Emperor immediately charged up.

Remilia, whose anger came and went quickly, shouted excitedly: "You must be impressed! This is a super-powerful body that I transformed from the DG cells of the Devil's Gundam!"

The True Dragon Tiger King and True Storm Rising flew right above the Demon Gundam at the same time, and two black figures staggered together in the area deviating from the battlefield.

[Blade and horse in one!]I don't know how many people remember the setting of riding status plus attributes... But it's okay, anyway, the super system is unreasonable, and the Dragon King's broken mountain sword riding on a horse is greatly lengthened. Isn't this a normal thing

Zhao Yun didn't intend to sit still and control the two above the Yinglong Dynasty to breathe out the thunderbolt columns - although the word "thunderbolt" is not powerful, it is far less powerful than the "Yinglong Haolei Gun", and even less powerful than the "Thunderbolt Talisman", but it is durable. Can't live without this thing having a diameter of tens of thousands of meters!

[This is your long-lost opportunity to appear, and it is likely to be the last appearance, so do well!]


It is impossible to escape, and I never thought to dodge, so when the real situation rises again, I ignore the attack of the thunder and lightning columns, carry the real dragon and tiger king to run in the empty universe, and are instantly submerged by the white torrent.

However, it was not "devoured"!

The steed galloping in the universe, carrying its master, rushed out of the thunder light, and hit the torso of Ying Longhuang in the middle like a meteorite!

[what!]The real dragon and tiger king used the momentum of his whereabouts to use his sword, so Ying Longhuang's armor like a copper wall was also completely broken into by the dragon king's mountain-breaking sword.

[A painless blow... Really?]The True Dragon and Tiger King launched continuous slashes at the area where the armor had been completely defeated in the first blow, and dug a small hole in the body of Yinglonghuang.

To be honest, Zhao Yun, who is of the same mind as Ying Longhuang, now feels almost like being bitten by a mosquito. The huge size of his body has this advantage.

[The continuous mirror surface will take a little effort to break it, but if it is a mirror with cracks, just pressing it will make the cracks spread and eventually turn into pieces - so, what about this?]The most violent Gang wind entangled on the blade of the sword, and then the Dragon King's Mountain Breaking Sword slashed downwards, extending in the direction of the dragon's body, opening a ten-meter-long road among the dragon scales.

[Mill kill, Dragon King Broken Mountain Sword, Yiqi Sword Flash!]Resurrection stepped on Ying Longhuang's body, using it as the road, dragging a piece of the Dragon King's broken mountain sword with its blade stuck under the armor all the way, [In front of us, there is nothing that can't be cut! ! !]

"—What? The giant dragon-shaped body that attacked Zeon and PLANT, and is fighting the Demon Gundam?"

The Principality of Zeon and PLANT, who live on the colonial satellite, have never spurned the "Earth", the homeland of human beings. The Principality of Zeon spurned the Earth's federal government, which implemented policies that were unfavorable to them, and PLANT spurned natural people with low abilities. After learning about the situation on the Earth's side, both of them sent a large force to the Earth's vicinity.

But... "Rescue"? Sorry, the orders these soldiers received were just to "monitor the situation".

If you think about it, everyone has been thinking about smashing satellites at the earth, and using giant satellite cannons to shoot the earth a few times. Even if they are worried that their lips will die, the next target of Devil Gundam's attack may be the colonial satellite. They can't easily trust the enemy, and the big figures in their country will have to continue to discuss for a while before they can get an answer.

However, there are not only the three major forces of the Federation Army, Zardo Army, and Zeon Army near the earth today, but scattered armed organizations are also gathered here - including Lux, who was turned into a traitor due to the coup d'etat of the radicals in PLANT. The Eternal and its troops led by Klein.

"Phew, at least not the worst development..." The captain of the Eternal breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no way, the Principality of Zeon and PLANT's big killers have been removed one after another, and the killer is still using an incomprehensible super-giant robot. It didn't take long for the Demon Gundam to appear. The two are connected.

"...In this case, now is the best time," Lux smiled sweetly and ordered, "Use the public frequency signal."

Under the instruction of the captain of the Eternal, the operator completed the relevant operations, "Yes, the public frequency communication has been turned on."

Lux pondered for a few seconds and issued a mobilization declaration: "I am Lux Klein, although we are opposed to each other because of the different futures we pursue, but I do not want to go to war with the Federation, Zeon, and Zado. Please think again. Thinking, who should we really fight? After the earth is destroyed, which colony satellite will be attacked next? What can we do at that time?… Today, a group of warriors are challenging the devil Gundam, do we want to stay here and wait for good news? Or do we have to wait for the decision of our country's top leaders? Or fight side by side with them? I believe the answer is in your hearts."