Chapter 1361: Fantasy Palace


I want to borrow money for my efforts to exchange for Gundam, and I have already tried my best to adapt to the new Gundam—this is not a useless pursuit of powerful power. From the very beginning, I booked the next world as a "Super Fighting World", which may affect me. A matter of life and death. Considering that Leeds always has a restless heart, the rest period may only be two weeks, and every minute and second is precious.

It's their business that the permanent villagers are busy, but the unrelated apprentice villagers seem to be unwilling to be lonely, freeing up their precious rest time during the day (going out to fight wild monsters at night) to watch the battle training of powerful machines that they can never get... Actually They also understand that this kind of big killer that can kill others suddenly can't be handed over to people with low trust, but it's just greedy! Can't help but have a way!

Of course, among the apprentice villagers, there are still some melon eaters who just want to have fun—for example, when they go back to "The Main World" to teach trendy music, the maid who is left behind asks to run errands, and obtains Macross Fortress in the face of Leeds. The technical information of Freya.

"...It's amazing, is this a robot from another world? It's completely different from our Valkyrie team!" She, who had been waiting until Liz and her party returned, was sitting at the table in the newly built small open-air restaurant next to the fighting platform. Enjoy the delicious food while watching the Gundam fights.

"It's just a different focus. Gundam's mobility is slightly inferior," explained Leon, who was resting at the dining table next door. "Besides, the most powerful thing on your side is the space folding technology."

"Is that so? Hmm..." Freya tilted her head to look at the fights on the field, and couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like to be driven by her boyfriend Hayate Immelman.

Even a layman can tell that the blast is more suitable for piloting a humanoid Gundam than a deformed fighter that can switch freely between three forms. .

"Che~ This kind of robot is just a little bigger and looks scary. As far as the stand-in messengers I have encountered so far, there are many who can solve them through their abilities." Joseph Joestar came over with a plate , because the open-air restaurant was already full, so I could only take a table with Freya.

"Yo~ Mr. Joseph, have you come back? Did you save your daughter successfully?" Leon asked with a toast.

"Although Dior's ability is a little troublesome, with the cooperation of Jotaro and I, it's easy to solve~" Joseph opened his hamburger wrapper and whispered softly.

What if there is no time-stop ability of Jotaro Kujo, other people are likely to be killed by Dior, so I won't tell others~~

"Compared to this, I haven't been back for a while. Where did you get these things?" Joseph pointed to the battlefield. The Gundams on both sides seemed to have won and lost, and they were separated.

"In a world where people are a little bit fond of civil war... Wouldn't you go get one instead of this?" Leon shook his finger, he didn't forget that Joseph and Jotaro were both serious permanent villagers who owned Bind the robot's ability.

Joseph took a bite of the hamburger and said inarticulately: "This time I PASS, I just came back from Egypt not long ago, the old man needs a little rest... Besides, isn't this a transitional model? It should be thrown away after this time. ?"

"I know this!" Freya raised her hand and shouted, "Mr. Leeds has a special idea. He wants to locate a 'machine warfare world that can evolve the real-type Gundam into a super-type body' in the infinite world!"

"...The premise is that there is such a world." Leon poured cold water.

"So that's it, right? Suppose this hamburger is a Gundam—" Joseph put down his hamburger and lifted the top bun.

"Add an extra accessory to this—" Picking up the plate in front of the heroic Freya who was still tilting her head and fantasizing about the wind, she slid the half-eaten steak on top of the hamburger.

"—It becomes a super-linked Gundam." Cover the top layer of bread, pick it up and bite.

"Well, if there's no accident, it's like this~" Leon turned his head quickly, so as not to be regarded as an accomplice.

after a few seconds.

"Ahhh! My steak!!!"

"This place, which was very popular last time, is so deserted now. The speed of the villagers liking the new and disliking the old is slightly faster~"

"...Master, for them, this is just a slightly special place for entertainment."

When everyone else was attracted by Gundam, Liz brought Sakuya to the Dream Palace, intending to continue reading the past of [Liz] - but, just like people who read novels and don't like novel eunuchs, Liz It is also not expected that the memory fragment of the previous time will be lost in the subsequent development. Although I don't know the specific working principle of the Dream Palace, but according to the personal evaluation of Zhao Yun and Daji, it is easier for the fantasy to continue with the other party's Sakuya.

Incidentally, it was for this reason that Liz excluded Remilia, who had repeatedly asked to enter the Palace of Dreams together, leaving the vampire Loli to lose her temper.

(dong dong dong) The gem was put into the toll terminal in the Palace of Dreams, and then the door numbers of the four doors of "Forgetting Reverberation", "Potential Self", "False Phantom" and "Nightmare of Homeland" glowed faintly.

Liz came to the wooden door of "forgetting the reverberation" and put her hand on the doorknob, but instead of opening it immediately, she lowered her head slightly and said, "... Speaking of which, Sakuya, according to the personal experience of Cai Fan and Brother Yun, The memories of these past lives are all recorded in the soul, but under normal circumstances they will not be recalled at all, is that right?"

"?" Sakuya frowned, and didn't quite understand why Liz suddenly asked this question, but still responded, "Sorry, master, I'm not very clear about the specific details..."

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the GM is only responsible for the settings, and [Leeds] who really implements these settings. In terms of content other than basic settings and hidden settings, especially in terms of principles, the GM can't give an answer.

"Let's just take that first thing... In other words, the main body has a high probability of forgetting these past events, completely." Liz rolled his eyes secretly and said helplessly, "To be honest, in the character template of that scumbag Feiton Under the influence, there is a voice asking me to apologize to you, so as to improve your favorability, but... I think it is more appropriate to tell you the deepest feelings in my heart at this time."

"Master..." The head maid clenched her fists subconsciously.

"Unfortunately, there is no 'apology' at all, the only thing that exists is 'remembering'," Liz opened the wooden door and stepped in, "... Well, if the main body can't say it, I can only say it. ."

"...That's enough, my master." Looking at the blue light curtain covering Liz's figure, the head maid's expression lost its former perfection and dashing, and even the steps she walked into the light curtain lacked sufficient composure. .

Fortunately, this gaffe is unknown.

- The wooden door is automatically closed, and the dream continues.