Chapter 1362: Quickly complete the story of the main body


[Leeds] is running in the alley, or to put it more accurately, his arms are being pulled and his feet are passively moved to prevent himself from falling into the dirty snow that has been trampled by unknown numbers of people. Li - Liz, who shares the five senses of this child's body, can confirm this by the incoordination of her movements.

To be honest, Liz didn't know why [Leeds] didn't kill the white-haired girl on the spot, but instead followed her to escape in the alleys of the London slums. You know, according to [Liz]'s demeanor of killing a thief in a villa, it's obvious that he is a vampire who doesn't put human life in his heart... It may be more conscientious than the current Remilia, of course, This "destroyed conscience" is an evaluation given from the standpoint of human beings.

Maybe it was a girl with white hair? Although the other party was dressed in ragged clothes, had messy hair, and had blood on his hands, and was a few grades worse than the well-dressed rich little girl on the street, there was still 0.00001% that made him fall in love at first sight. possibility.

Maybe it's just curiosity? However, it can be seen from [Leeds]'s previous actions in the urban area that his curiosity can only be regarded as "unique" but not "strong", and it seems that there is nothing particularly interesting about it.

Maybe an unreasonable whim? Intelligent life forms often have such times. For example, recently a child who was thrown to the ground on the bus and stomped his head three times in a row, why did he stretch out his foot and kick a stranger's hand? This is death, this is unreasonable, this is whim.

-Unfortunately, Liz could only share the five senses of [Leeds], but he had no way of knowing his true thoughts at the time, and naturally he could not get the answer to this question.

"...Quiet, stand here and wait for a while." After running for a long time in the labyrinth-like alleys of the slums, the white-haired girl who came to a stinky cul-de-sac, finally stopped and interrupted. Liz's thoughts.

"..." [Liz], whose right hand was finally freed, looked down at the dried blood on his hand, and didn't know what he was thinking... Well, it could be considered to act according to the request of the white-haired girl.

The white-haired girl ignored the strange words and deeds of [Liz], but turned around to clean up the footprints left by her escape... Without professional training, she cannot be called "perfect" in the work of footprint cleaning, but at least she has This awareness can make the person who tracks him suffer a little bit.

Of course, if the sky is good and the snow doesn't stop, it won't be long before most of the trail will be covered with snow, and even Holmes won't be able to catch her.

"Come in with me." After cleaning up the traces, the white-haired girl quietly pried open a wooden window with a knife, and then crawled in with dexterous movements. Whether it was smashing windows, climbing, or landing, there was almost no sound.

"...?" [Liz], who finally looked away from the blood on the palm of his right hand, stared dully at the white-haired girl who was urging him silently.

In the next moment, activate the ability, omit the climbing action, and teleport behind the girl.

"What!" The white-haired girl gritted her teeth and stopped the exclamation she almost shouted. Her current look, once seen by others, is not much different from being sentenced to death directly.

Half of it was helpless, and half was courage. Even though her hands were shaking, the white-haired girl gently closed the wooden window and closed the only way for her to escape.

(Wow!) Take out the match and light the kerosene lamp.

Then, she didn't know what to say or what to do.

You can only close your mouth, tighten your nerves, clench the knife in your hand that doesn't provide half a sense of security, and quietly wait for the other party to speak.

"...Ah," [Liz] looked around and said slowly, "...what a stinky house."


There were tens of thousands of prostitutes in London in the 19th century. This job was a youth meal with no way to go. It can be said that once a prostitute's belly swelled, she would be unemployed for a period of time... Even if it was a big sale, Want to meet customers with curious tastes

Between "starving to death" and "killing the child", most prostitutes choose the latter, killing the child through crude and backward abortion technology, and then throwing the child into the river near the east end of the city like garbage ... However, there are exceptions, and [Sakuya] is one of the lucky ones.

Said to be a lucky one, but just said that she was "born in full month". Her prostitute mother threw her at the door of the orphanage immediately after giving birth to her. Life in the orphanage was clearly not good.

She is just a human girl. Although she seems to have above-average physical abilities and special fighting talents, she is not a high-level "collection of grievances from tens of thousands of children abandoned by prostitutes who want to return to their wombs"... just , in her unpredictable life, she still embarked on a similar path, taking revenge on the prostitutes who had abandoned their children.

So, she escaped from the orphanage, found a vacant house in the slum because its owner died of a sudden illness, sneaked in to live, and began to act in the name of "Jack the Ripper".

On this day, [Sakuya] just killed a prostitute, just like when she committed several crimes to open her stomach, but was caught by a white-haired boy... If it was an ordinary murderer, it would definitely kill him directly. , but the revenge in [Sakuya]'s heart can be regarded as a kind of creed to a certain extent, the people she wants to kill are only prostitutes, not children who seem to be the same age as her.

Not wanting to kill people, but also can not ignore it, let him report to the police, as an ordinary person [Sakuya] has no confidence to escape the city's search, in a hurry can only forcibly take away the white-haired boy - to be honest, in the When dragging the other party to her house, she hadn't figured out how to treat this witness, and the not-so-good upbringing made her not very good at dealing with this kind of thing that requires IQ.

- However, the subsequent development helped [Sakuya] save this trouble.

"..." After washing the knife, black robe, and blood on his body with ice-cold water, [Sakuya] still couldn't calm down.

The white-haired boy he brought back, whether or not he called himself a "vampire", has powers that normal humans do not have. I have seen it with my own eyes. Although the other party showed a lack of interest after asking some questions about her hunting operations, and let her leave to deal with the criminal evidence on her body, it is natural for the weak to fear the strong, [Sakuya] does not welcome this guest. .

Maybe when you open the bathroom door, you will find that the white-haired boy has left

With this expectation, and after wiping her body with cold water, her whole body trembled, [Sakuya] finally summoned up the courage to push open the wooden door of the bathroom—because it was a house where the poor lived, there was a separate bathroom that doubled as a toilet. Even if it is not bad, the door is open to see the light of the hall.

"... This is?!" Unfortunately, the white-haired boy remained in the house.

However, [Sakuya]'s focus is on the changes in the interior - everything in the house has disappeared, leaving only a beautiful big bed in the middle where a nobleman slept, occupying most of the space of the pitifully small house .

[Sakuya] All the money she had accumulated through various means was gone, her clothes other than this one on her body were gone, and there was no food reserve enough to last a few days... Unfortunately, she didn't dare to faint when she was lying on the big bed. The culprit who slept with his head lodged a complaint.

After making the judgment that "if I stay in the morning without any heating measures, even if I don't freeze to death, I will get sick", [Sakuya] carefully got into the bed, and the white-haired boy was far away to end the incident. one day.