Chapter 1363: All settings depend on editing


"… "

"… "

Although one wanted to sleep for a long time and the other wanted to get up early to get away from the devil, the time when the two opened their eyes was not much different under the loud closing sound of the neighbor's door - and then the two were speechless.

[Leeds]'s sleeping appearance is at the world record level. Once she falls asleep, it is similar to a dead body, but it is obvious that the white-haired girl has not practiced her sleeping skills. I automatically and consciously went to find a pillow to make myself more comfortable, and hugged the thing next to me by the way.

"!" Compared to the vampire boy who slept until his head was rusted, the murderer girl really reacted faster. She lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed, subconsciously standing in the corner of the house... It's just a pity, the house is so small , hiding in a narrow room that I don't know if it is a bathroom or a toilet, and there is a door to block it. In other places, it is less than three meters away from [Leeds] lying on the bed in a straight line.

[Leeds] Ignoring the unpleasant overreaction of the white-haired girl, she just sat up slowly from the bed and said thoughtfully, "... I was negligent."

Then, after "eliminating odors", "expelling the four evils", and "changing a big bed", this room "isolates the sound".

One second, the noise made by the poor people who got up early could still be heard; the next second, it was so quiet that one suspected that he had lost his hearing.

"What... did you do?" The strange change made the white-haired girl couldn't help but ask, and it seemed that she had spent the first night safe and sound, which made her a lot more courageous.

"?" [Leeds] tilted his head. He has lived alone for a long time, and he is not used to being asked questions, but after thinking about it, he still gives the answer, "I cut off the sound from the outside, so that I don't sleep when I sleep. Awoken... Well, it will be like this in the future."

If it wasn't for this white-haired girl, I would sum up this experience, [Leeds]'s life might have gone to the opposite direction, sleeping most of the time.

"Isolation, the sound from the outside?" In the field of supernatural power, sound isolation is much simpler than teleportation and creation, but to the uninitiated, sound isolation seems more mysterious, probably because this magic has never appeared in fairy tales.

"This is my ability..." Seeing the confused look of the other party, [Liz] felt that his mouth was open, and it didn't matter if he moved his hand to demonstrate, "According to the monster who died in my hand before, I am 'The ability to manipulate the world'—"

Ability to reverse.

First, the thin clothes on the white-haired girl were replaced by a lady's dress for going out in winter. The size was adjusted according to the figure of the white-haired girl, but I don't know if children of this age in the noble family would wear this style. clothes to go out.

Second, the large bed in the center of the room was transformed into two chairs facing each other in an indescribable way, Liz sat on one of them, and then the white-haired girl was caught by invisible forces and gently placed on the other. Sit down on a chair.

Third, a dining table appeared out of thin air between the two chairs, and the dining table was filled with all kinds of hot food.

"—In short, the scope of use is very wide."

"... This is the power of the gods..." The white-haired girl was a complete layman, but gave a very accurate evaluation.

On the contrary, the person involved did not realize this, and said casually: "Youkai are like this... I heard that the sisters of the clan, one is the ability to manipulate the level of fate, and the other is the ability to destroy all levels"..."

The ability to manipulate the world, the ability to manipulate fate, and the ability to destroy everything. Literally speaking, it’s really impossible to tell the difference, but in actual combat—no, that kind of combat power is so poor, it’s not at all. "Fight up".

"...Is that so?" The white-haired girl took a deep breath and tried to calm her heart that was fluctuating in surprise. After all, she was the notorious "Jack the Ripper", even if the reality beyond common sense was in front of her, she panicked. The frustrating time lasted only half a minute.

"Well." [Liz] nodded, thinking that he had fully answered the other party's question, he activated his ability again, planned to restore things to their original state, and lay down to sleep.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that the chair on [Liz] was deforming, the white-haired girl hurriedly said to stop it.

"?" The ability to send and receive freely came to an abrupt end.

"...Can you leave me some food? My savings and food were originally in the hall." The white-haired girl said with a bit of resentment.

The above dialogue is very important to [Sakuya].

It's not that the content of the conversation is important, but the "conversation itself" that matters. If [Sakuya] suppressed his curiosity at that time and didn't take the risk to ask the vampire boy questions, the vampire boy who lost interest would probably leave the same day... Yes, because there is a girl who can talk normally, so the social circle is Zero's vampire boy subconsciously stayed. The more time they spend together, the more familiar the two become, which in turn causes the vampire boy to choose to stay, thus forming a virtuous circle.

The best way to get to know a person at first is through dialogue: the vampire boy's name is Liz Scarlet, a son of the "Scarlet family" of the vampire family; he started unconsciously when he first had the urge to suck blood as a child. The ability to turn himself into a vampire who does not need blood sucking, and was abandoned by his biological parents as a monster; his actual age is over 500 years old, but he spends most of his time in deep sleep, and has been making noises according to "was awakened by others" The life rhythm of "the person who wakes up" change a place and continue to sleep".

The best way to really get to know someone is to do things: not to mention that [Sakuya] has never been attacked by a vampire boy so far, but every time she comes back from the outside, the vampire boy is sleeping, which cannot be used to prove that the vampire boy is good. Good people, but definitely not evil people, just a lazy vampire.

Time did not pass too fast, but the existence of the vampire boy had become more and more important in [Sakuya]'s heart.

The events that lead to a breakthrough in a relationship are—

"...You want to continue to torture and kill prostitutes?" Looking at the black robe on [Sakuya], the awakened vampire boy finally remembered the acquaintance of the two.

"Well... It's been too long." [Sakuya] knew that vampire boys wouldn't go out with her to do such boring things, but every hunt could kill her. She hadn't learned the magic skill of cutting bullets with a knife. When she arrived, she felt that at least she would say hello to the other party.

Ah, [Sakuya] You're right, lazy vampire boys won't take the initiative to do anything boring, but, "By the way... If you want revenge, why don't I check the 'world' and put your Can your biological mother find it?"

"What...!" [Sakuya] subconsciously clenched the knife in his hand.


It was the last and only failed operation of Jack the Ripper.

Then, "Jack the Ripper" disappeared from the world, and there was one more human maid in the world who lost her goal and turned to serve vampires.