Chapter 1367: Set off


"You bastard! As the village chief, I can't let you leave with the strange guy!" Although a pair of timid eyes kept swiping at Liz, the village chief mustered up his courage and stopped Kamina, who was about to leave the village. forward.

"What are you talking about now, mayor?" Kamina pointed to the small hole that Leeds had smashed above. Even the villagers who have been following in the lead of the village chief have come out of the house, looking up and trying to peek into the so-called "sky" through the small hole. Who is right is a foregone conclusion, and the village chief's words have no confidence.

The village chief hesitated for a while, probably thinking of what he had done before, but he still didn't let go, "Sober up, Kamina! Even if your dad didn't lie, didn't he come back!? He He's already dead outside! The outside world is much more dangerous than you think!"

"Of course I know about this...!" Kamina lowered her head and clenched her fists unconsciously.

One year can be considered to be dashing outside.

Two years can be considered stumped by something.

Three years can be a fluke.

However, after nearly ten years, no other possibility can be imagined. The only thing Kamina can do is to make up his father's heroic poems in his fantasy, so that he can leave a perfect image in his heart.

"Huh? Do you want to stay?" asked Liz next to him.

"How is that possible!" Kamina's answer did not contain a trace of hesitation. He had already prepared for enlightenment or something.

"That's it~ Then let me have a chat with the village chief~" Liz gently pushed Kamina away, stepped forward, and looked at the village chief of Kiha Village with a smile.

"What, what?" The village head uncle couldn't help but take a step back, looking at the clothes on Liz's body, and then at the dirty rags on his body, he knew very well that the other party was not the human he knew well.

"Don't be so nervous, a guy who plans to leave immediately is harmless to you." According to Liz's character, Kamina will definitely gain his favor, but he will not let the village chief go because of this. To the villain category, "First of all, although it is not my own controllable responsibility, it is also a fact that I broke the top of Kiha Village. I am really sorry for disturbing your life."

"Oh... oh..." The village chief didn't expect to get an apology from Liz, too surprised to be able to respond properly.

"But this is the end, so we can only think about the aftermath, right?" Liz turned his head and looked at the villagers, "Now only Kamina and Simon want to go outside, it doesn't mean that others will not have this plan in the future..."

The village chief remained silent and asked himself, even if it was him, he wanted to take a look at the outside world before closing the hole...

"Of course, you can also think of being the big picture of the village management and banishing these two troublesome people." This statement is a bit ugly, but Liz thinks that the village chief really has this kind of thinking is actually understandable, "However, I Personally prefer to see this as a reconnaissance operation?"

"Reconnaissance operation?" Not only the village chief, but even Kamina, who was on the sidelines, looked puzzled.

"No one knows what's in the world on earth now. As the head of a village, it's normal to send a small number of people out to explore... If the two of them don't come back within a year, it proves that what you said, village head, is right. Other villagers will no longer think about going out to die; if they come back within a year, they can also bring specific information about the above world, and it will be convenient for you to make follow-up arrangements, right?" Liz said with a smile.

"Indeed, indeed..." The village chief still had the rules handed down from his ancestors in his heart, but Liz's statement, he could only admit that it was very reasonable.

"So, don't stop Kamina and Simon from leaving~" Liz turned sideways, and the village chief and Kamina's eyes met involuntarily, "However, the villagers' eyes are sharp, if they come back successfully, Don't take the credit for yourself~"

Obviously it is someone else's credit, but it suddenly becomes "all the professors teach well", "all the leaders' wise guidance", etc., and it makes people lose their appetite.

"Who do you think I am!" The village chief said angrily, then he stopped blocking Kamina, bypassed the two and walked down the stone ladder.

Liz shrugged and had no choice. Looking at the village chief's uncle's face, he inadvertently speculated maliciously in this direction. If the village chief was a kind old grandfather, or a girl whose actual age did not match her appearance, he would not say it. The last half of the sentence.

"What was that just now?!" Kamina leaned in front of Liz with a big face. "It's amazing! This is the first time I've seen someone convince the village chief. Is this also the skill of the people on the ground?!"

"So I'm not an earthly person, and this has nothing to do with an underground person or an earthly person. It's just a matter of personal eloquence—huh?" Liz, who was explaining to the "ground control", suddenly stopped talking.

(Boom!) Before long, a drill... no, a red mini-robot with a big drill sticking out of its forehead rushed out of the rock formation and landed on the street of the village.

This mini-robot is less than two meters tall, and its overall shape is that of a big face, with only short limbs sticking out from the side of the big face. The expression of the big face will also change with the pilot's feelings.

"Big brother~!" As for the pilot, it was naturally Simon, who hadn't shown up until just now.

"Oh oh~!" Camina exclaimed excitedly, watching Simon driving the mini-robot to run here, "Simon, is this the treasure you found when you dug the ground today? It's amazing Eye-opening!"

"Hehe~ I didn't expect that the necklace before was the starter key." In fact, even if there was a starter key, someone without a screw force wouldn't be able to drive this thing, but it was obvious that Simon didn't realize the awakened power in him.

"Although I don't know what this is, but with it, we are more confident! Well done, Simon!" Kamina gave a thumbs up.

"This, this..." Simon wiped his nose, feeling a little shy when he was praised, he couldn't help changing the subject, "... But, how are we going to get up?"

This is already the top spiral stone staircase. Since the village's rules have always been that people are not allowed to go out, naturally there will be no serious passages. The road blazed by people like Kamina's father was also blocked by the village chief at the time.

"It's okay to have momentum!" Kamina shouted with fists.

"… "

"Cough, momentum is very important, but let me come here," Liz took out his wand, this is a super world, the pilot has supernatural abilities, and he can use the magic of the wizard when he is fully active, "... By the way, this The hole is sealed~"