Chapter 1370: Liz As the protagonist, I am attacking a shemale


There were some accidents in Litna Village, which is adjacent to Jiha Village. While obtaining a batch of arms handed down from ancient times, they also lost their living homes, and they could not even seek shelter from other villages through underground passages. No matter what attitude the villagers of Litna Village had on the "ground" before that, under the need of survival, they could only go to the ground, take out the arms they just got, and fight the incoming face troops.

Their struggle has been going on for a while, and it seems to be going well, but it is only a matter of time before the whole village falls. Just like the routine of pretending to be slapped in the face, if you beat a small unit, you will come to a large unit, if you beat a miscellaneous soldier, you will come to the captain, and if you beat the captain, there will be four kings. The enemy has been getting stronger, but their combat power cannot be upgraded accordingly. The outcome is predictable.

On this day, the face force that was operating near their base was defeated by Leeds. Although there were doubts in their hearts, the enemy of the enemy was a friend. They chose to take the risk of sending people to contact the three of Leeds. Yes", although there is no conflict between the two sides, but there is not much cooperation. Liz and Kamina thought of taking the initiative to overthrow the rule of the Spiral King and liberate the human beings living underground. It is meaningless to bring a group of low-combat oil bottles to the battlefield; the villagers of Litna Village are not afraid to go yet. Too far, I just want to find a patron saint for myself, so that the villagers can live smoothly on the ground.

Anyway, the first day Liz came to this world, the first day Kamina and Simon stepped on the ground, there was a safe cave for the night—

"Hey~ handsome guy from another world~ Show me your real dragon and tiger king again~~" Li Long, a ladyboy with a man's body and a woman's heart, is also a man who has been thinking about himself before he left the ground for a long time. A super talented mechanic with a dignified repair technique.

"To summon the real dragon and tiger king requires a lot of incantations, which is very troublesome... Besides, haven't you tried it before? My real dragon and tiger king has system protection, and your instrument cannot analyze it." Normal sexual orientation Men don't like shemales, but this shemale is still ethical, and there is no outrageous behavior other than words, and Liz can get along with him normally.

"It's enough to see such a handsome body once~ Just one look will make me so energetic that I don't need to drink coffee~" Storage conditions are good

"I'll take care of you..." The cute girl might nod her head after entanglement, but there is no such possibility for a shemale. Liz turned to look at the mini-face who was grinding beside her, "It's not my real dragon and tiger king. It's a waste of time, why don't you investigate Simon's Luoyan, there's something wrong with that thing..."

"Ah, did you find it too?" Lilong took out what looked like a cosmetic box from his arms, but when he opened the lid, it turned out to be a portable personal terminal. After hitting the buttons a few times, he turned the screen toward Liz, "Mingming volume It is very small, but the output is very large, it is difficult to imagine that this is the face dug out of the ground."

Generally speaking, the things dug up from the ground are antiques, and some antiques have collection value and cultural value, rather than use value. However, the technical content reflected by Luoyan from the panel data now slaps the face of the orcs, which is quite abnormal.

"I won't be surprised, no matter how high the output of the super system body is, it is normal." The text penetration rate in this era is extremely low, but Leeds has its own language and text patch pack, and there is no pressure to read the text on Lilong's personal terminal. "However, when I say 'there is a problem', I don't mean this~"

"Huh? Did I miss something?" Lilong asked.

"There is some kind of special energy hidden in your body, and now only Simon has awakened this energy and successfully activated the spiral rock..." Liz pushed Lilong's personal terminal back, and then pointed to the distance to stay with Kamina. Simon in a piece, "Compared to the most basic body parameters, let's study how Luoyan uses this energy, as well as the nature of this energy?"

"Special energy...!"

Lilong suddenly realized that the key to human beings to overthrow the rule of the orcs is.

"You guys are here, here's your dinner~" Yuko, a red long-haired girl dressed in a bikini + stockings + scarf, has excellent athletic ability and is currently the strongest in Litna Village fighters.

"Many, thank you..." Simon hurriedly took the plate and put it between himself and Kamina, but neither of them had any intention of reaching for the food, looking preoccupied.

Yuko climbed onto the boulder, found a place to sit down, and asked kindly, "What's on your mind? I'm a senior who got out of the ground anyway, maybe I can give you some advice."

"No, it's nothing," everyone has a little secret in their hearts, and Kamina naturally wouldn't say anything, and changed the subject bluntly, "What a spectacular scenery... The ground is really different, that big bright light Twinkle and countless little spots of light, even at night, are so bright, they can't compare to the hole in the ground, and it's not wrong to come to the ground, Simon."

"... Hmm." Simon, who has been sorting out the blood feud and his choice, temporarily shifted his attention from his troubles and responded to Kamina's words.

Yuko didn't go on asking questions so ignorantly, and followed the topic: "The big one is called the moon, and the small one is called the star~ This is what people said in the past~"

"...The moon and the stars? I wrote it down." Kamina nodded, he may be a hot-blooded idiot, but he will face everything on the ground with a serious attitude.

Simon raised his head, looked at the bright starry sky, and murmured, "...Why do they have names?"

"Huh?" Kamina and Yuko looked over suspiciously.

Simon continued: "Since there are names, it means that someone named them... Maybe people in the past have been watching those lights in the sky... "

"I really haven't thought about this...!" Yuko once again cast her eyes on the night sky she was already familiar with, but this time her state of mind also changed with Simon's words, "Could it be that we are looking at What people used to look at?"

With the atrocities of the Spiral King, the civilization established by human beings on earth has long since vanished, and the footsteps of the ancestors have been erased. How can they follow? But the blue sky, white clouds, sun, night sky, moon, and planets cannot be erased by anyone. Living under these things is the best proof to follow our ancestors.

"As expected of Simon, the one who can save me from the crisis has always been you..." Kamina sighed, the depression in her heart dissipating because she had a premonition of her father's fate, "Since I found the ancestors to stay We can’t lose, we can’t escape, we can’t regret, we can’t look back, let everyone see this world named by our ancestors, which is our mission now.”