Chapter 1374: Report


"This is paper... A box made of paper..." Simon looked over and over with the milk in the box. He didn't even know what it was, let alone the words on it.

"Pull out the straw on the box from here, tear the white transparent plastic on the outside, and insert the long end into this silver circle, so you can drink it." After a demonstration, Popolo handed the box of milk to Kamina, who was next to him, asked with a smile, "Is there anything else you need? The young master has already instructed us to take care of the lives of the two on the boat."

"Yes!" Kamina raised her hand very high, "I want to know the names of the two young ladies!"

"?" Popolo looked confused, but still introduced, "My name is Popolo, she is Diplo."

Since the rest of the twin sisters stayed in the Overworld, maintaining the basic operations of the castle, Popolo didn't need to tell Camina how to tell them apart this time.

"Hmm~ Good name~ As expected of a girl who lives on the ground, she won't use a rustic name like 'Yuko'," Kamina didn't notice, and cast a cold gaze from a red-haired girl in the back , just said with an idiotic look, "Then~ Miss Popolo, Miss Diplo, do you have a crush now?"

"Our crush is the young master." Deborah replied with a smile.

Popolo added, "By the way, except for the jacaranda, all the women on board already belonged, and most of them were the lovers of the young master."

After so many worlds, they are no longer the cyborgs who didn't understand the world. Everyone has had the experience of being accosted on the street. As soon as Kamina opened her mouth, they knew how to deal with it.

"How, how is that possible!? So many beautiful girls! Big Brother Leeds, this bastard who eats alone!" Kamina shed tears of envy and hatred, showing the man's lecherous and inferiority.


"Ah, I'm sorry," Simon next to him didn't care so much, he didn't know when he had drained the milk, "Can I drink another carton?"

"Yes, of course, do you need a different flavor?" Diplo asked, taking the empty box in Simon's hand.

"Uh... This one is not bad, but I want to try something else, and can I have something to eat?" Simon asked cautiously.

Compared with those big sisters who were so beautiful that he didn't dare to look seriously, Simon said that there were many things on this ship that interest him.

"What... Is this the real taste of coffee!" The coffee beans used by Lilong before are all historical relics, and the village has no conditions to grow this stuff... Although it is necessary to praise the storage technology of the ancestors, it has been used for hundreds of years. Drink as usual, but some things taste better fresh.

"Coffee also has many flavors, and there is no 'real flavor' to speak of~" At the very least, sugar and no sugar are two completely different things. "However, drinking this at night will make you sleepless, right?"

"I can't sleep anyway." Usually this is a busy time for logisticians like him to prepare for tomorrow's weapons, and that's why he drank that bitter refreshing drink. Now the reason is slightly different, "So many novel and interesting The things are there, and my technician's soul is burning hot~"

"Although we can only study Red Lotus Rock." All Gundams are protected by the game system, this is to prevent the influx of technology from other worlds, which will lead to unpredictable events.

"Umm~ This is really annoying... I can see it but I can't touch it." Lilong shook his head, a lot of good things happened today, but now this one is a very small amount of bad news.

Liz shook his fingers and smiled: "However, it's not that there is no solution~"


"As long as you become a trainee villager, you have the right to study these things." A World Tree fruit appeared in Liz's hand, "Of course, I disdain to lie, the reason why I invited you is because of your genius brain, which is good for us. Pretty useful."

The secrets of Spiral Force and Luoyan are obviously beyond the capabilities of the android team, and now they need the help of a native genius.

"Presumptuous! Veraru, you actually made up such a ridiculous lie to cover up your mistakes!?" In the palace of Wangcheng's audience, Artini, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, scolded Veraru, who was kneeling beside him.

Villaru, who came all the way, did not want to bear this kind of crime: "Sir Artini, I did not lie! I guarantee by the reputation of a soldier that every word I just said is true!"

"What are you kidding!?" Although Veraru was not a direct subordinate of Artini, it wasn't the first day she knew Veraru, and she didn't want to doubt him, but, "Do you want me to accept some other world? Is it a human argument? The other party also has a robot that is beyond imagination!?"

"...!" Velaru couldn't say anything more.

His white face has many combat functions, but there are no non-combat functions such as video recording and taking pictures. When he reported to his superior Chimilov, it was fine. Other orcs saw Ying Longhuang's body from a distance. Even here, he couldn't pull out any evidence, whether it was human evidence or physical evidence.

Standing high on the throne, the Spiral King Rogernom, who was embracing the beauty, or something that looked like a beauty, finally said: "... Artini, since you don't believe it, call the Four Heavenly Kings to crusade against this so-called beauty. 'People from another world'."

"Spiral King!?" Artini was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to receive such an order, and said quickly, "It's just a mere human, I can do it alone!"

"This is to give despair to the person who made this declaration." The Spiral King waved his hand, indicating that he had made up his mind.

"...Yes!" Artini disapproved in his heart, but did not continue to insist on his own opinion, turned around and glared at Villalu before saluting and leaving the hall.

Noticing that Villaru didn't leave together, Roger Norm couldn't help but ask, "...Is there anything else?"

"Excuse my offense, King Spiral, there is one thing I really want to know the answer to," Velaru looked up at Roger Norm on the throne, he knew very well that this person controls his own life and death, and he said something wrong. My life will come to an end, "The last aliens who appeared, they mentioned the word 'spiral force', which seemed to refer to the power of the human who defeated me, and this power was obtained through the small face guide. out... do you know what that is?"

"Ah... I know." Roger Norm let go of the beauties around him.

The beauties smiled lightly, spun like a ballet, and turned into a tall black drill in the blink of an eye.

"!!!" Velarco didn't forget the weapon used by the man who defeated him.

"...After so many years, has the Spiral Warrior finally reappeared?" Unfortunately, as a senior, Roger Norm wanted to strangle the junior in the cradle.