Chapter 1376: Nia


The anti-spiral race that ruled the universe sensed the arrival of the "foreign object" and silently monitored the development from a long distance; the four heavenly kings among the orcs who ruled the planet assembled their troops step by step; Liz and his party did not rush to attack, but resorted to the "Main World". "Resources, combined with the technology of the maid team and Lilong, on the "God of Fortune" to make a copy of Luoyan—

"That, Lilong, can this kind of thing really work?" 9S was a little unconfident as he saw that the upper part in front of him was a big head, and the lower part was a "luoyan" with a big drill.

"Ah, didn't you guys scan Luoyan's internal structure? You still have no confidence in what you've made now?" Lilong teased.

The things they make are naturally not 100% spiral rocks. Considering that they will never be disassembled once assembled, and that there is no need for individual combat, Lilong has deleted all meaningless deformation functions, leaving only the useful function of conveying screw force. .

"No... that's what I said," 9S scratched his head in distress, he was one of the cadres in the R&D staff, and he naturally knew how high the restoration degree of the machine in front of him was, "The problem is that we don't understand the working principle at all. , is simply a blind copy."

This is the same as some third-rate domestic companies. The company does not need a strong R&D department at all. It only needs a reluctant testing department. It buys other people's products and disassembles them for a round of analysis, and then they go to production and sell for money. Most of the products produced in this way can be used casually, but various quality problems occur frequently, and the user experience is very poor.

Lilong shook his finger and corrected 9S's statement: "No, we already know the working principle of Luoyan, but what we don't know is the nature of the spiral force."

"On this point, our side has raised our hands and surrendered, and we only look at you, Lilong." 9S smiled dryly.

"I can work hard on the screw force, but..." Li Long sighed lightly, "Obviously he is a driver without a screw force, and Luo Yan is bound by the system to automatically generate a screw force to transform the body. I also want someone to help me. I have the answer."

Recently, the theories of "explaining magic by scientific means" and "magic is just knowledge that has not been interpreted by others" have become popular. Vampires are just infected with viruses, magic is just a chemical reaction, everything follows the law of conservation of mass, and monsters are the product of genetic mutation. Yes, it seems that the protagonist is very strong.

But this argument can be reversed, and it may appear that the protagonist is very stupid, but "magic that cannot be explained by scientific means" and "knowledge that cannot be interpreted by people" are more compelling. EX curry sticks are always better than Yang Electron Cannons, fantasy species are always better than hybrid creatures, and the eyes of death are always cooler than nuclear bombs of more or less equivalent.

… Wouldn't it make Leeds' system look a little taller

After all, there are only a few people involved in the research and development of Luoyan, and they have nothing to do with idiots. Others who have nothing to do can only pass the time through channels such as TV sets, computers, comics, novels, game consoles, sports equipment, music equipment, dinner parties, drinking, and high-profile discussions. … no one finds it particularly boring, right? The "Main World" established by Leeds is, to put it bluntly, such a leisure resort, and everyone has long been accustomed to this way of life.

However, whenever they find something bright on this planet ruled by orcs and most of the places maintain the original ecological landscape, "Fortune" will stop and land from the air to the ground to satisfy the exploration heart of the crew. .

"...It's so strange, why are there so many boxes here?" On this day, they found a grand canyon filled with thick fog. There were no strange animals and plants in the canyon, only a bunch of strange big iron boxes.

"All in all, just open a box and see what's inside, right?" Liz thinks this is a convenient way to answer. "Long-lost time to open the box, why don't you find 2,000 men to try your luck?"

Patrick is not one of those Internet anchors who have obtained the personal image of "I am very skilled, but I am unlucky" through repeated operations. His good luck has gone through many practical tests. The apprentice villagers will come to Patrick to help open the box when they find an unexpected treasure chest in the mine.

It's just that there are always people with bad luck who just don't believe in luck, such as Zhang Nvxia, "Metaphysics, this is all metaphysics! What's in the box is doomed from the beginning, and it has nothing to do with who opens it!"

"This isn't a casino slot machine..." Murong Woman took out her wand, a little rusty, but she swung it with precision, "Araho is open!"

(Kick) The iron box squeaked softly and slowly opened under the action of some indescribable force.

There is no gold and silver jewelry inside, just a piece of something between the mummified corpse and the skeleton, and there are some flowers that have withered to pieces beside the corpse.

"So these iron boxes are coffins..." In Leeds and the harem group, Liu Mengli's hands were not stained with human blood. Take a few steps back and distance yourself to avoid inhaling the odor of the decaying corpse.

"...This should be the cemetery of a certain village... Sorry for disturbing you." After waiting for the gas to escape, Wang Yuanji whispered softly, held her breath, and stepped forward to cover the iron box again.

"It's boring~ let's go~" Liz shrugged, hugged the nightshade beside him, sat on the magic sword together, and flew towards the "God of Fortune".

"Eh~~? Don't you want to explore the nearby villages?" Zhang Jing said that she had never seen anyone living underground.

Because of the distance and the thick fog, Simon didn't get the conclusion that "these boxes are coffins" from other companions who left the boat to explore the canyon.

Then, just like everyone else, he manipulated Luoyan to open a relatively new-looking iron box.

(呲) Cold white mist creeps out from the box.

A girl curled up in a mattress made of flowers slowly opened her eyes and sat up from the box in a daze.

"... Gui'an." The girl tilted her head and greeted with a smile.

"Expensive, expensive, Gui'an." Simon thought he had opened his eyes these days, but he still didn't know how to respond when he saw this beautiful girl with white curly hair like clouds and dressed like a princess.

The girl seemed to realize that this was not the royal palace she was familiar with, and asked slightly confused: "Who are you?"

"I, my name is Simon, Simon."

"Hello, Simon, I'm Nia."

Nia, who was abandoned, and Simon, who was digging a hole, were destined to meet.