Chapter 1378


"—According to the information analysis of the map by the maid team, if there is no accident, the army of the four kings of orcs has been assembled, and they are coming here in a mighty way." Although it came later than expected, it is not ruled out that the four kings are fighting each other. It's been a while, but what's supposed to come will come eventually.

"Is it finally here? Simon's Honglian Luoyan and I are already hungry and thirsty!" Kamina stepped on the table in the conference room and shouted excitedly.

"... Four Heavenly Kings of Orcs." Simon took a deep breath.

Although they lack the actual combat experience with the face of the orcs, there are many militants in the Leeds team. In the frequent training, the two brothers have grown extraordinary, and the improvement of their strength has also brought the confidence to set foot on the battlefield... Maybe the distance card Mina still has a way to go, but Simon is no longer the cowardly brat from Kiha Village.

"Nude tattooed men over there, calm down during the meeting," Liz continued after letting Kamina sit down again, "Just as everyone agreed before, it will give Nia a chance to solve the problem peacefully... But , let’s acquiesce in advance that the negotiation fails.”

Nia was silent and made no objection.

A princess who was thrown into the coffin box by her father, felt incompetent whether as a diplomatic ambassador or a hostage. Leeds gave her this opportunity, which was already very humane.

"The battle will definitely be fought, and it will be just right. I refuse to use the mobility of the "Fortune" to bypass the four kings' army and attack Huanglong's strategy." "Maximum speed", not referring to the slow flying battleships of the Orc Army, but the space battleships made by the Anti-Spiral Clan. In other words, "God of Fortune" has the ability to rush to the capital in the blink of an eye.

"With all due respect, Lord City Lord, you are a foolish monarch~" Jia Xu shrugged, "a single-minded monarch" is sometimes more pitiful than a "dumb monarch".

Liz ignored him, "Then, the remaining question is—" He raised his hand and pointed upwards.

Of course, everyone knows that Liz is not referring to the ceiling of the conference room, but the existence of the constant monitoring of their every move determined by the "Mission System" on the moon (PS: At this time, no one thought that the "moon" is the body of the enemy) .

"We have no way of determining what the Spiral King has to do with the existence in the sky, but my intuition clearly tells me that the thing in the sky is not only more threatening, but also not a friendly guy," Liz folded his hands, propped his chin, and swayed Commander Ikari's signature move, "...So, how should we fight this battle?"

"Definitely fight the orcs first. They haven't shown their hostility yet. Are we going to fight at the same time now?" Zhang Jing said as a matter of course.

"In most cases, what you said is right," Liz said with a half-closed eyelids, and then put on a disgusting smile, "but do you really want to intervene in our fight?"

Zhang Jing stopped talking for a while, even if the Gundam they were driving was immediately modified, she didn't think she could get rid of her "cannon fodder" status. From this perspective, it is a good thing for the monsters to divide the battlefield early.

"Although we still have a killer move~" Lilong said with narrowed eyes.

"???" Everyone who had not heard of this new discovery from Li Long couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Cough, keep this as a surprise~" Liz forcibly ignored the dissatisfaction of the younger brothers and continued to advance the topic, "Now let's discuss the specific deployment, because the opponent is a group of super-type machines, everyone is serious~"

"Captain Liz, why are you fighting?" After the meeting, Nia found Liz who was playing with her harem group and asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Liz pushed the teasing Remilia in her arms to Sakuya next to her, looking strangely at the little girl who joined the team last.

"...I don't understand anything, maybe you think it's ridiculous to say something," Nia was on the "Fortune" for a while, but because the "Fortune" was in the sky most of the time, she couldn't see it with her own eyes. The battle between humans and orcs is still difficult to get rid of that naivety, "So I'm thinking, if I learn this answer from your mouth, maybe I can understand the meaning of this war better!"

"No, my answer should be of little reference value," Liz knew that there was something wrong with her personality, but under Nia's persistent gaze, she still gave the answer, "Because fighting is fun."

"Interesting?" The kind Nia suddenly puffed up.

Before receiving the rebuke from the little girl, Liz had already begun to explain, "Please rest assured, the 'interesting' in my mouth will still be based on morality, position, and interests, and will not go to the battlefield to kill... Just like this Once, when I first came to this world, the first people I met were Simon and Kamina, who subconsciously stood in the camp of humans; then, when the orcs saw us, they took a ten-meter stick without asking a word. The long mace was knocked down, and I wanted to fight back from my own interests; in the end, I chose to stay in this world to fight the orcs, rather than leaving Simon and Kamina, who had only known each other for a long time, escaped. That's where the interest comes in."

"...Is that so?" Maybe Nia didn't understand anything, but she seemed to understand the truth of "the one who made the first move is the one who made the mistake".

"Big brother."

"I'm so hungry... Can't we put some snacks on the table during the meeting?" Kamina spread out on the sofa, and his enthusiasm for answering was low.

"I still have a small cake for breakfast..." It was supposed to be left to Simon, but now it can only be given to Kamina.

Even though he hadn't eaten his stomach, Kamina suddenly became more energetic, "Oh! If you have any questions, just say it, and the big brother will answer it!"

Or the previous question, "Brother, why are you fighting?"

"In order to fight for important things and protect important things, a man must fight heroically!" The man who ate the cake that was snatched from the girl who was picked up by his younger brother couldn't look handsome.

Nia blinked and asked, "What are you fighting for, eldest brother?"

"This piece of earth! This piece of sky! Life on earth!" Kamina, who took out red glasses and put on from nowhere, pointed to the sky... the ceiling said.

Nia asked again: "What about the thing to protect?"

"Of course..." he waved his finger, "that's everyone from the Brotherhood of Steel!"

"Me, am I too?"

"Ah, didn't you follow Simon to call me eldest brother, you are already the fifth member of the Brotherhood of Steel, Red Lotus!" Kamina said Yuko and Lilong were both members of the Red Lotus.

"Well~!" Although she didn't get the expected answer, Nia was also very happy. "Brother, I won't bother you for now. I'll find Simon."

"Hey, wait, wait! Wait a minute!" Kamina quickly blocked in front of Nia who was about to leave.


"That... Let me tell you a word..." Kamina hesitated, no longer the manly speaking style just now, "I'll leave it alone... Simon's parents were crushed to death by falling rocks because of the earthquake caused by their face. …”



"Wow wow~!" Simon, who was startled, hurriedly hid things behind him.

But it was too late, Nia had already discovered, "Ala? What is it?"

"Uh... I found this thing when I landed on the ground before..." Simon stretched out his dirty right hand embarrassedly, and inside was a gem that shone with a unique light, "Because I think it matches Nia, I plan to make it. I'll give it to you as a necklace...before the war starts."

"Give it to me?" Unfortunately, Nia couldn't show a happy expression at this time, "... Just now, I heard from my elder brother... about your parents."

"Don't worry about it, that has nothing to do with you, Nia..." Even though Nia was told not to care, Simon's expression changed - after all, his deceased parents were involved.

"Simon, don't you want revenge?" It really has nothing to do with himself, but it has to do with his father.

"I thought so at the beginning, but after special training with my eldest brother, it has changed now," Simon showed a bitter smile, "Since I have a spiral force in my body, I should fight for more people, no Just for myself."

"...Simon, can I sit with you in the cockpit of Luoyan during the battle?" Nia hadn't gotten an answer to that question, but there was something in her heart.