Chapter 1389: Back to the main world


"Spiral force system... It's obvious that you need to smash experience into it, but there is no effect?" Liz, who was lying on the lawn of the castle garden, was studying the game's clearance rewards in front of his gossip mirror.

This is not the first time to reward a skill tree that needs to be upgraded with experience, but it is only related to [the alchemy system that everyone chooses to learn and give up by their own efforts] and [most people choose to practice avatar and invisibility. Terminated ninjutsu system] is different, obviously this time [the spiral force system is worth all the experience points to enter] - there is no way, look at Kamina and Simon, and think back to the anti-spiral family, as long as the IQ is online No one would underestimate this light blue special energy.

However, unlike the previous two systems, the Spiral Force system does not have clear new skills, and there is even no written description, just the word [Spiral Force LV.1]. Liz tried it, and whether he controlled the spiral force in his body (if there was any) with his mind, or learned Simon's shout "My drill is a groundbreaking drill", he couldn't make his right hand become a drill.

However, even if the current effect is unknown, Liz still set it up in the gossip mirror to give half of the experience points gained in the future to the spiral force system - if the immortal martial system is not the core fighting skill, it is the basic that must not be given up, he wants to do his best Smashed it in, the expectations are so high.

"By the way, shouldn't this thing have anything to do with 'vigor'..." Liz, who thought so, turned her head and said to the harem group beside her, "It's time for you to play, sing me some passionate songs. , help my dear Lord Xianggong get some vigor."

"Sing your sister, don't you see that we are not in the mood?" Zhang Jing immediately pushed back.

Liz put away the gossip mirror and said angrily: "I saw it, but please forgive me for not being able to keep up with your slender brain circuits and completely unable to understand the reason for your mood. I will go to the super world according to your request, and then Your Gundam has also successfully evolved into a super system, and now you have unexpectedly obtained a high-probability and powerful spiral force system... If you were not my wife, I would say 'slut is hypocritical'."

"Who are you calling a slut!" the little fairy girl said angrily, but when she glanced at her husband, who was still lying on the ground, his anger went down immediately, and he could only turn his head and explain gloomily, "...we are different from you after all. , just a weak mortal."

"Jing'er, you are too modest. The gangsters who were beaten to death by you will definitely not agree with this statement." Liz joked.

"Sister Jing means," said Murong Jiu, who always felt like she was going to be crooked again, "I didn't feel anything at the time, but now I feel scared in my heart."

"Just a little bit!" Zhang Jing wouldn't say that her feet are still weak.

Liu Mengli, who always had a gentle and elegant expression, looked a little depressed now, "This is not the same as the super-type battle we imagined... Originally, we thought that the primitive demon was the apex... I didn't expect to see the anti-spiral clan, The existence of the King of Destruction, Yuga, Emperor Getta..."

Compared with these existences, the primitive demons that almost destroyed the "Macro Fortress World" that day were simply miscellaneous soldiers.

The last person to speak was Wang Yuanji, "Then, I thought that the world I was in was just one of the planets in a certain universe... These existences don't need to be malicious to us at all, they can make our planet perish unintentionally..." The reason for the end of the world is that "Emperor Getta accidentally made an individual next to him", isn't it funny? But some things are not funny when they happen to me.

"The world is like this. There are strong people on the head of the strong. How can there be absolute security?" The world is not completely safe, but it is safe relative to 99% of the world.

Zhang Jing said angrily, "Can't you comfort us!"

Liz waved his hand, "I can't do it. I've just experienced the highest level of battle, and I'm in a high mood~ I don't feel like flirting with girls, so you can comfort each other with yourselves."

"you… !"

Of course, fear is only fear after all, it will neither cause harm to the present nor affect the future, and it will be over for a while.

"Haha, Jotaro~ You see that these people are bragging about the sky, and they are super galaxy-level robots. Why don't you guys make it as big as the universe?" Joseph, who didn't plan to live in "Main World" for a long time, basically I would miss most of my trips in the past, and this time as well.

Jotaro did not comment, but gave a little knowledge in a statement tone, "The Milky Way is just a very ordinary star system, it is estimated that it consists of 100-400 billion stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae and various types of interstellar gas and of interstellar dust."

"Hmph, believe it or not~~ Anyway, we have a complete video record~~" Da Ji shaves her face, and likes to see the shocked expressions of this group of people waiting for a while.

"...Is it true? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I know that Yinglonghuang is very big, but it is only 5,000 kilometers long, how can it become a super galaxy-level robot? Impossible." Jose The husband shook his head and said...

"..." Jotaro, who didn't think Liz and the others would be so bored that they cheated on the video after hearing about the video, pondered for a while, and shouted to Leon, who was having dinner with Ada in the restaurant, "Excuse me, Leon, what Daji just said" Are 'supergalaxies' really what I understand them to be 'supergalaxies'?"

"Ah? Yeah..." Leon, who didn't pay attention to the conversation here, replied casually, "It seems that the DG cells and the helical force are superimposed on each other to produce this terrifying effect... Fortunately, it is used in the imaginary universe. This move, otherwise we will be the Demon King’s army that destroys the universe once again~~”

"DG cells... Really..." Jotaro decided to visit the library later, and the librarian Wang Yuanji should have already compiled relevant archives.

"What's the matter - did I miss such a wonderful thing!" Perhaps Leon's face was much more convincing than Daji's coquettish face, and Joseph finally accepted this fact.

Leon showed off: "Dude, what you've missed is far more than that~~ Imagine sucking a planet the size of the earth, and then shooting it out as a bullet, that kind of feeling... Tsk, I've felt like this for the rest of my life. die without regret."

"Eh… ?"

Everyone in the restaurant was silent.

Well, it's not just Joseph and Jotaro.

""""You bastard! Since I thought of such a thing, why didn't you inform us at that time! Bastards, we also want to try launching planetary cannons! ! ! """"

So, all the money in the private house was emptied tonight.