Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 109: Get rich


Wonderful living room.

The action team assembled again, all emotionally excited.

"Ahem!" Kewen attracted everyone's attention in a somewhat pretentious manner, then took out his wand and said, "Okay, now please cooperate with me."

"What mystery are you playing?" Penello complained with a smile: "Didn't you tell us to come here today to share the money?"

"Please, cooperate with me, can you have a sense of ceremony?" Ke Wen said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone laughed and cooperated with Ke Wen's command, got up from the sofa, and stood by the five walls of the living room in the direction of the five-pointed star.

Seeing this, Ke Wen gently waved his magic wand like a conductor, and moved the sofa, coffee table and other furniture to the wall.

After the living room of about a hundred square meters was vacated, Ke Wen pointed his wand towards the second floor.

Soon, five small black cloth bags flew down from upstairs, and finally hovered in front of Ke Wen.

Everyone guessed what was in the small cloth bag, so their breathing became short of breath and their eyes became fiery.

"This is the purse that comes with the Goblin Bank. It is made from the pouch of the magical animal 'Xiu Niu' after undergoing the 'Traceless Stretching Curse'."

Ke Wen put on an orderly demeanor, and introduced: "This is the most exquisite money in the magic world..."

"You're enough!" Penello couldn't help interrupting, and said angrily: "How long do you want to keep everyone's appetite! Hurry up!"

Ke Wen heard the words, glanced at the expressions of the four friends, and found that if he continued to be a monster, he might be beaten.

Therefore, Ke Wen immediately accompanied the smiling face, waved his wand lightly, and controlled the four money bags to float in front of everyone.

Seeing that Penello was about to reach out to open the purse, Ke Wen quickly shouted: "Wait!"

The four of them paused when they heard the words, and looked at Ke Wen at the same time.

"That's right."

Ke Wen reached out and took the money bag floating in front of him, then turned the money bag upside down, and said to the four friends: "You learn to be like me, and then listen to my instructions later, and open the money bag together."

After finishing speaking, Ke Wen said with a funny face: "Believe me, the scene that will appear later will definitely be an unforgettable scene for you all your life!"

The four of them couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words, and there was a look of expectation in their eyes.

Following the suggestion, the four of them turned the money bag upside down with their left hands so that the mouth of the bag was facing down, and then grabbed the golden rope at the mouth of the bag with their right hands.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Ke Wen couldn't help grinning, and suddenly shouted: "Start!"

Everyone tore off the rope at the mouth of the money bag almost at the same time, and the next moment—


jingle jingle—

The dazzling gold Galleons poured out from the purses in everyone's hands like a waterfall, and soon submerged everyone's feet.

However, everyone has five million Galleons in their pockets, and there is no way they can pour them all out in a short period of time.

Soon, everyone had to step up and stand on the rapidly rising pile of gold coins.

Cowen stumbled.

Originally, he just wanted everyone to experience the feeling of facing Jinshan, but seeing that the pile of gold coins in front of them had already exceeded one meter high, Ke Wen had to stop.

"It's ok! Stop! Stop it all!" Ke Wen let go of the hand holding the little Lolita, and quickly closed the money bag in his hand again.

Others also felt that the 'golden mountain' under their feet was a bit burdened, so they stopped dumping gold coins one after another.

Each stood on the gold coin mountain with a height of more than one meter and a diameter of three or four meters. After everyone looked at each other, Ke Wen was the first to act.

With a scream of 'Yahhoo', Ke Wen's body was slightly vacated, and then he lay on his back, smashing his whole body into the golden mountain.

Seeing this, the others couldn't bear it anymore, they all screamed and laughed strangely, imitating Ke Wen's movements, and threw themselves into the gold coin mountain.

Ke Wen didn't keep jumping or swimming in the gold coin mountain like the other four.

He just lay quietly on the mountain of gold coins, with a big smile on his face, planning in his mind how to let go and spend next time.

Suddenly, Ke Wen felt a darkness in the top of his head.

After focusing his eyes, he watched Spirit as he leaped, and then fell sideways towards him.

"Oh my God!"

Boom! blah blah—

Little Lolita Spirit hit Ke Wen's body with her buttocks, causing Ke Wen's body to fall upside down, and he collapsed head to toe on the pile of gold coins.

Ke Wen's exclamation caught the attention of the other four people, and when they saw Ke Wen's distressed appearance, they all laughed loudly.

Spirit was also taken aback by Ke Wen's exclamation, but after she realized it, she also giggled, then raised her hand and kept piling gold coins on Ke Wen's body to prevent him from getting up.

The entire living room, which was illuminated goldenly by the gold coins, was filled with wanton laughter...

Five million Galleons were equally divided, which turned everyone in the money-making group into a local tyrant in the wizarding world.

You know, even most of the ancient families with a long history may not be able to come up with so much cash.

During the following holiday time, everyone chose to do sweeping shopping by coincidence, sweeping all the way in Diagon Alley, no matter what kind of shops they sold, they went in to buy and buy.

Of course, everyone was accompanied by their own family members. After all, it was impossible to hide the money they had earned, so everyone told their families.

All parents are a performance, unbelievable.

It's unbelievable that their children actually earned such a huge amount of Galleons with Ke Wen during the holidays.

Originally, they thought it would be nice if their children could earn hundreds of Galleons at most by following Ke Wen during the holidays.

But who would have imagined that the number they finally heard from the children would be such a dreamy five million.

The Weasley family got rid of the plight of poverty so far, but because they were used to living a simple life, the couple chose limited concealment and did not start spending money lavishly, even without changing the house.

Penelope's father exchanged back one million Galleons in pounds and started a company in the world of ordinary people.

Zhang Qiu's family bought a small castle and began to climb to the top with money.

As for Ollivander, he smiled and rejected Ke Wen's filial piety, not taking any money, and asked Ke Wen to keep the money for himself.

Cowen opened a vault for Spirit at the Goblin Bank, deposited a million Galleons, and then began spending money to decorate his 'Wonderful House'.

But even with the most high-end and most expensive decoration, it only cost less than 100,000 Galleons.

In a blink of an eye, there is still half a month left for school.

On this day, Ke Wen returned to the academy by himself in a 'transformed carriage'...

Thanks to the 'Mystery Store Owner' friend for two monthly tickets for their support!

(end of this chapter)