Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 14: Inside and outside the store


Perhaps it is some kind of magical blessing, the sound insulation effect of the store is very good, if you don't listen carefully, you can hardly hear the noisy sounds in the alley outside the store.

Obediently sitting on the bench for more than a minute, he roughly portrayed all the scenes in the store in his mind. Before he could discover more details, Ke Wen's small body suddenly stood up almost like a jump.

Walking quickly to the door of the store, looking through the glass bay window in the direction where Ollivander's figure disappeared, he searched carefully in the crowd, and after not finding Ollivander's figure, Ke Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyebrows were frowned, and he was about to open his mouth to mutter something, but he closed his mouth the next moment. Due to too much force, the upper and lower teeth made a crisp sound of collision.

no! Can't talk! In case there is any wiretapping or message magic in this room, it's over!

damn it! Why are hands so cheap! I should be applying for the 'Cosmic Adventure Pass' right now! Instead it should be in this damn! Slovenly! Dirty wizarding world!

calm! calm!


After taking a deep breath, Ke Wen, who forced himself to calm down, continued to think in his heart: First, I was cheap, and then I was crossed by the cursed Rubik's Cube. Then...then the curse broke out, and in the alley that I passed through, I was fainted by a man with inexplicable means...

Well, dazzled by magic I couldn't detect.


Recalling the memory from the moment he traveled through to the time he woke up in the hospital, Ke Wen secretly said: From this point of view, I was lucky enough to survive the Rubik's Cube curse in the early days of time travel...

Not entirely sure though! Among the people I have come into contact with after time travel, except for the Ministry of Magic personnel and medical staff in the hospital, everyone seems to have a strange attitude...

Along the way, everyone seems to have a false enthusiasm for Ollivander, and after introducing me, everyone's friendliness and enthusiasm for me are also full of utilitarian meaning...

Ollivander... The old man's true emotions are well hidden, but sometimes his eyes and movements reveal something. Obviously, this old man is definitely not as friendly to me as he shows...

He was watching me, guarding me. Because of this, he often ignores my age and identity, and whenever there is any situation that goes against his common sense, he will always test me the first time...

Kewen turned around and looked into the store, but his eyes were scattered and unfocused, and he still thought to himself: So, first of all, I should put a person who has just heard the bad news about a relative, has just escaped from death, is in a strange place, and has a sudden change in the living environment...

Tsk... How should I act in such a complicated situation? withdrawn? cowardice? Hmm... Cautious and withdrawn, I should be able to handle it for a while, and I will slowly change the character design in the future...

good! Just do it first! But I still have to be careful! Even though the curse of the Rubik's Cube seems to have survived, I am now in a magical world where scientists of all kinds are cursing and retreating. I can't be too careful about the so-called magic that I still can't understand.

cautious! cautious! Be more cautious!


Ke Wen breathed a sigh of relief, then rubbed his face with his hands, turned his head and looked around to see what he could do now.

It's a wand shop, though, and God knows what you can and can't touch, so you'd better be honest.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen obediently sat back on the bench again, and from now on, the avatar role-playing began, looking at the various scenes in the store for a while, and looking at the various male and female witches outside the store with surprise on his face. witches...

Outside the wand shop, at the bay window on the left, two wizards, a man and a woman, were whispering to each other.

The male wizard was a middle-aged man, and he didn't wear a wizard costume like those male and female wizards in the alley, but instead dressed in a decent casual suit.

The female wizard is an old man, dressed in a standard wizard robe and a pointed wizard hat.

At this moment, the male wizard's voice sounded: "Professor McGonagall, the situation of the child inside is what I just said."

"Are you sure?" The witch said in a deep voice, "No omissions?"

"I'm sure." The wizard nodded solemnly: "We have already checked the child's memory, and we can't find any memories before that night in his mind at all."

"I have read your report." Professor McGonagall nodded slightly: "Judging from the child's physical condition, he cannot be an orphan. He has obviously been carefully cared for and cultivated before. So it is impossible for the child to have no Relatives and friends."

"Our judgment is the same." The wizard replied: "But we tested it with the ministry's status pocket watch, and the pocket watch shows that the child has no relatives or friends alive today."

"Could it be that Death Eater..." Professor McGonagall pondered.

"We also suspect that is the case." The wizard whispered, "We believe that Ollivander Death Eater should have killed the child's relatives and friends first, and then took the child away..."

"excuse me!"

A third voice cut in: "Please don't add my last name when you say Death Eaters!"

"Oh, I'm very sorry! I didn't mean you, but your cousin." Hearing this, the wizard turned his head to look at the empty space beside him, and nodded in apology.

"Okay..." Ollivander's voice sounded out of nowhere again: "I accept this apology."

The wizard nodded again to express his apology, and then continued to say to Professor McGonagall: "We suspect that the Death Eater may have used 'Forget Nothing' on the child, so when we explored the child's memory, we couldn't find it. to any memory before that night."

"Why do you use the word 'possible'?" Professor McGonagall was puzzled: "Have you ever been affected by 'forget everything'? You should be able to detect it."

"We are also very puzzled by this." The wizard's expression was slightly helpless: "We did not detect any traces left by the curse on the child."

"How could this be?" Professor McGonagall whispered softly.

"When I was in the hospital..." Ollivander's out-of-the-box voice cut in: "I heard the nurse sigh."

"What?" asked Professor McGonagall.

The wizard also looked at the empty space around him.

Ollivander's voice continued: "The nurse laments that the child's body is too strong. If you want to describe it, the child's body is not as strong as a human being, but more like a dragon's cub."

"Oh yes!" The wizard interjected, "We also have the child's inspection report, which was mentioned above."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall nodded slightly: "There are too many miracles in the magic world. Maybe that child is a descendant of a special family in the East. Maybe they have that kind of physique that makes the child's magic resistance so strong. It took more than a day to 'digest' the traces of magic on his body."

After the words fell, Professor McGonagall and the wizard turned their heads at the same time, and looked at Ke Wen in the store through the glass window...

(end of this chapter)