Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 36: Defense Against the Dark Arts



As usual, Ke Wen went to the edge of the cliff early in the morning to review the "Three Fighting Techniques", and then went back to the auditorium to wait for dinner.

There will be two consecutive 'Defense Against the Dark Arts' classes this morning, and this course is the only one big class in a week.

The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is a balding middle-aged man named David Kouros, who is a new professor this year.

The professor looked very professional. After class, he carried a suitcase in each of his left and right hands. He didn't talk much after entering the classroom. He opened the suitcase with his right hand and put it on the innermost side of the classroom.

In addition, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is a rectangular room with a large space, 20 meters long and 15 meters wide.

Professor David Kouros took out the contents of the box, then assembled it, and finally became a device that looked like a baseball launcher.

After the layout was done properly, Professor David came slowly to the middle of the classroom and said to the students: "Before the lecture, I need to remind everyone that the main purpose of my course is to teach you how to defend against black magic and how to use it when you are in danger. Charms save lives, not to teach you black magic or jinxes."

Looking around at all the students, Professor David went on to say: "I don't want any idiot in the future to try to ask me to teach him some curses and the like."

The unfriendly tone made the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin not dare to breathe.

Satisfied with the effect he created, Professor David nodded and continued: "Then, first of all, who can answer me what is the most commonly used defensive spell?"

All the students seemed to be frightened by the professor's previous attitude, and no one raised their hands for a while.

Seeing this, Professor David couldn't help but look ugly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Answer my question! Doesn't anyone know such simple common sense?"

"If this is the case! Then I will express my great disappointment to you, and I will deduct 20 points from each of your two colleges."

As soon as Professor David finished speaking, students from the two colleges raised their hands one after another.

"Come on!" Professor David pointed to a Slytherin student.

"Professor, it's an impediment spell."

"Hmm." Professor David said with a straight face and a nasal voice that he was correct, and then asked, "Who else knows other answers?"

Students who knew raised their hands again.

"Come on!" Professor David pointed to a Gryffindor sitting in the front row of Cowen.

"And the Armor Charm, Professor."

"Hmm." Professor David spoke nasally again.

Without giving any points to the students who answered correctly, Professor David stepped up to the mechanism that looked like a baseball transmitter.

Standing still and turning around, Professor David said, "Listen up, now I will teach you the incantations of the Obstacle Curse."

Raising his voice, Professor David read: "Impedimenta, remember? Impedimenta! What are you waiting for? Read to me! Impedimenta!"

"Impedimenta." Ragged voices rang out one after another.

Professor David asked everyone to read it five times, and then he continued: "Remember the essentials of the wand's movement. You have to shake it forward. No matter from which direction, just shake the wand forward and point the tip of the wand in the direction of the source of danger. Do you remember!"

"Remember..." the answer sounded.

"Get up, get down and line up!" Professor David directed.

The students got up one after another, came to the open space and divided into two columns according to the colleges and stood up.

"Next, I will use this magic prop to launch a hollow rubber ball at you." Professor David said while patting the machine beside him, "What you have to do is to use the obstacle spell I gave you to block the Rubber balls, don't let them fall on you, understand?"

"understood… "

"Gryffindor comes first!" Professor David pointed his wand at the students at the front of the column: "Are you ready?"

"Sure, I'm ready to teach."

The student at the front of the column was Benedict Shaq, swallowing his saliva nervously at this moment, and the wand on his chest trembled slightly.

Professor David ignored Benedict's nervousness, and after saying "I'm starting", he immediately pressed the button on the top of the machine beside him.

With a 'swish' sound, a red rubber ball flew out of the cylinder in front of the machine instantly.

"The obstacle is heavy..."


There was a muffled sound, and before Benedict finished chanting the spell, the rubber ball hit his chest.

At the same time, Benedict finished reading the last pronunciation smoothly, but because he was hit, the wand in his hand didn't move, and he froze there.

"You read so slowly, do you think you are reciting poetry!" Professor David reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "Speak more sharply! While reciting the mantra, I wave the wand! Don't wave the wand after the mantra!"

"Yes, yes professor..." Benedict responded cautiously.

"Do it again!" Professor David said, "Get ready!"

After the words fell, start the machine again.

"There are many obstacles!" Benedict chanted the spell faster this time, and at the same time remembered what the professor said, and waved the spell in advance.


There was another empty sound, but unfortunately, although Benedict successfully released the spell, he was still a step too late, causing the red rubber ball to hit his chest again.

"Go and practice for me!" Professor David said with a stern face: "Now I have reminded you, but you still react so slowly! In the future, when you fight people or dangerous magical creatures, do you still need me to remind you by the side! Go! While practicing the speed of casting spells! The next step forward!"

As Benedict walked away with a mournful face, Ke Wen took a step forward calmly, with the arm holding the wand hanging casually by his side.

"Are you ready?" Professor David routinely reminded Cowen.

Seeing Ke Wen nodding, Professor David pressed the button again to start the machine.


A red rubber ball rushed out of the cylinder in front of the machine and shot towards Ke Wen.

"There are many obstacles."

The voice was neither soft nor heavy, and the speed of speech was fast. Ke Wen only slightly raised the wand in his hand, and pointed the tip of the wand at the direction where the rubber ball was flying.


An invisible barrier instantly blocked the rubber ball, causing the ball to bounce back quickly, landed halfway, and rolled back to Professor David's feet.

Professor David was taken aback for a moment, but immediately put away his expression, nodded slowly and said, "That's right, but now is not the time for you to show off. You should do what I said and swing your wand forward."

"May I ask why, Professor?" Ke Wen asked.

"Because what you will face in the future is not something light and fluffy like a ball." Although Professor David had a bad attitude, he still answered the question dutifully: "No one knows how dangerous the attack you will face in the future, so you swing The movement of the wand is to make the defensive emotions in your heart stronger, and the stronger the emotions in your heart, the higher the defensive effect of the spell."

"Understood, thank you professor." Ke Wen suddenly nodded and thanked...

(end of this chapter)