Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 86: recipe


Ke Wen not only hated the living spiders, but he also hated the dead spiders even more, especially after the huge body of the acromantia died, the visceral mucus flowed all over the floor.

Ke Wen would never start collecting venom.

But the twins didn't care about these things. After seeing the giant arachnid being dismembered, they immediately ran up.

But standing in front of the big spider's remnant body, the two faced another difficulty. They didn't know how to collect the big spider's venom, so they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Kewen.

Seeing this, Ke Wen stepped forward unhurriedly, looked at a distance of two meters away from the spider's body, and then tapped the poison sac with his wand.

"This is the poison sac. My previous spell deliberately avoided the location."

Fred: "How do we collect the venom? I mean, is there anything to be aware of?"

Ke Wen was very pleased with Fred's caution, and immediately looked around the ground, and then picked up two small branches.

Put the twigs on the ground in front of your feet, and then Cowen began to 'summon' with the Transfiguration Charm.

The so-called summoning is not a 'calling spell', but the summoning spell among the seven branches of Transfiguration.

To tell the difference, the 'Bringing Curse' is to make objects fly from a distance, while the effect of the 'Transformation Summoning Curse' is a substitute transfer, making the objects appear in front of you instantly.

As long as you know the specific location of the object you want to summon, you can replace it with other objects.

For example, if Kewen wants to summon dragon leather gloves and a sealed beaker now, two conditions need to be met.

One is that he knows the specific location of the gloves and beaker, and the other is to prepare replacements.

Now the replacement that Ke Wen prepared was the branch in front of him, so after using the 'Transformation Summoning Charm', the gloves and beaker that he put in the dormitory instantly appeared in front of him.

The twigs that were placed on the ground before disappeared and were replaced in the dormitory.

"Okay." Cowen said to the twins after calling, "Fred, George, one of you is holding a beaker to receive the venom, and the other is wearing dragon leather gloves. Remember to squeeze the poison sac lightly."

"Kevin, you know a lot!" George stepped forward, picked up the dragon leather gloves and the beaker, and turned around and handed the beaker to Fred.

"It's good to read more books." Ke Wen explained with a smile: "There is a book of 'Dangerous Mystical Creatures' in the library, which contains a detailed introduction of 'Acromantula'."

Fred: "Then we're going to take a closer look, shall we George?"

"Of course!" George put on the dragonskin gloves and echoed as he walked up to the remnant of the acromantula.

Next, the twins squatted down, not disliking the nausea of the remnant of the acromantula, and began to search for the poison sac under Ke Wen's guidance.

However, when looking for the spider's remains, it is inevitable that you will touch those nerves that are not yet stiff, so the spider's legs often shake suddenly, which is quite scary.

George, who was taken aback for a while, had no choice but to look up for help: "Kewen think of a way, it's always moving, which makes me think it's not dead yet."

Ke Wen didn't help to solve it, but reminded: "You can use the 'Separation Curse'. Now that the spider is dead, the resistance to the magic spell has almost disappeared, and the Separation Curse can easily split its legs."

"Good way!" Fred temporarily put down the beaker in his hand, took out his wand, pointed at the spider's legs and whispered: "Separate left and right!"

Scoff! Scoff!

With a few cracking sounds, four huge spider legs were separated from the half of the body.

Now, there was only about one meter left where the poisonous sac was located, which was convenient for George to remove the poisonous sac.

Soon, George found the poison sac from the sticky remains and picked it out with dragon leather gloves.

The poison sac is the size of an adult's fist, and there is not much venom inside. It is estimated that only one-third of the beaker's venom can be squeezed out.

The twins were carefully collecting the venom with their heads on top of each other. Ke Wen glanced at the spider legs on the ground next to him out of boredom, and then couldn't help being taken aback.

I glanced at the twins and found that their movements were very careful and standard.

After estimating that there was no danger, Ke Wen stepped forward and came to a huge spider leg.

Crouching down, Ke Wen picked up a twig from his side and poked at the broken part of the spider's leg.

After feeling the resistance from the feedback, Kewen raised his wand and released a faint 'flash spell'.

Looking at the snow-white spider leg flesh at the broken part of the spider's leg, Ke Wen couldn't help pinching his chin with his left hand and meditating.

"Kevin! We've collected it!"

George's call brought Ke Wen back to his senses, he turned his head to look at the twins, and nodded to indicate that he understood.

"What are you doing?" Fred came over and asked curiously, holding the beaker and bottle with some preciousness.

"I'm wondering..." Ke Wen looked down at the spider legs again, and said hesitantly, "I'm wondering if this spider leg meat can be eaten..."

"My God!" George whispered, "You want to eat spiders!?"

Fred next to him also looked shocked, his eyes scanning back and forth between Kewen and the spider's legs.

"Is there a problem?" Ke Wen said nonchalantly.

"That's a spider!" George couldn't believe it.

"In my concept of recipes..." Ke Wen said indifferently: "As long as it is facing the sky, you can eat it."

The twins were shocked by what Ke Wen said, and for a while, they couldn't catch up on the conversation.

"But forget it." Ke Wen said and got up, turned to the twins and said, "Let's go, it's late enough, let's go back to the castle."

The twins responded quickly, with expressions as if they were afraid that Ke Wen would perform a live performance of swallowing spider legs alive.

The three turned and walked outside the Forbidden Forest, but before leaving, Kewen turned his head again and glanced at the four huge spider legs...

Leaving the Forbidden Forest all the way without any danger, carefully bypassing Hagrid's hut, the three of them returned to the castle.

Ke Wen did not return to the dormitory. After informing the twins, he went to the basement floor alone.

Scratching Li Zi, Ke Wen pulled the doorknob and walked into the dark college kitchen.

The oil lamp was quickly lit, and Lili, the house elf, held the dim oil lamp and approached the door while asking, "Is that Mr. Quinn?"

"It's me." Ke Wen said softly, "I'm going to disturb everyone's rest again."

As soon as the words fell, the other elves in the kitchen lit up the lights one after another, and expressed their welcome to Ke Wen in a hurry.

"What would Mr. Quinn want to eat tonight?" The little elf Lili approached, looking up expectantly and asking.

"I'll talk about the order later." Ke Wen raised his hand with a smile, and patted Lili's head lightly.

In Lili's excited and enjoying expression, Ke Wen said: "I need you to do me a favor first..."

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Thanks to 'zz Tai π_π' and 'Unknown Evil Spirit' for their two monthly tickets support! !

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(end of this chapter)