Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 94: have eaten


The two twins, you say something and I will add something, explaining clearly that they collected the venom of the acromantia.

Even the plan to sell Venom in the future and use the funds to open a shop in Diagon Alley after graduation has been confessed.

While the professors were observing and listening to the twins' confession, Cowen unexpectedly discovered that both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall had a hint of interest and appreciation in their eyes.

It seems that the long-term plan of the twins has been affirmed by the principal and dean...

"So… "

After listening to the twins' explanation, Dumbledore couldn't help but chuckled and said, "The two bottles of Acromantula's venom are confiscated. Do you have any opinions?"

When the twins heard the words, they shook their heads with mournful faces.

Then Fred asked weakly: "Mr. Principal, do you need me to fetch it for you now?"

Dumbledore didn't respond, but turned his head to look at Cowen, also maintaining a slight smile, and asked, "Can we see the 'transformation call' that Mr. Weasley described?"

Ke Wen didn't expect the topic to suddenly shift to him, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Dumbledore continued: "I think, as an 'accomplice', you should know where the venom was placed?"

Hearing this, Ke Wen nodded and admitted. After all, in the past few days, because of the need to "companion to commit a crime", he has often visited the twins' dormitory. Naturally, he knows where the two bottles of venom are placed.

Seeing this, Dumbledore nodded and said softly, "Very good."

After speaking, Dumbledore raised his hand and made an invitation gesture to Cowen.

Cowen took out his wand and said hesitantly, "Uh... sir, I need something to replace."

Dumbledore looked around after hearing the words, and finally set his eyes on the coffee table, and then said reluctantly: "Well, I lost two more desserts."

While speaking, Dumbledore waved to the coffee table, and two pieces of pudding flew out of nowhere and landed on the desk in front of him.

Seeing this, Ke Wen secretly thought: This is to prevent the twins from tossing for nothing, and finally taste a little bit of sweetness...

Without thinking about it, Ke Wen waved his wand lightly.

In the next moment, the two pieces of pudding on the desk disappeared and were replaced by two bottles of venom.

"Wonderful 'Silent Transfiguration Curse'!" Dumbledore couldn't help but raised his hand, looked at Ke Wen with a smile and slapped him twice.

Afterwards, Dumbledore didn't care about the venom in front of him, but turned his head and smiled at Professor McGonagall: "It seems that you have trained Ke Wen very well."

"Don't make fun of me, Albus..." Professor McGonagall smiled helplessly after hearing the words: "It's as if we taught Kewen how to make mistakes."

"Ah! Of course not, you know Minerva." Dumbledore laughed heartily. "It's just a little joke. I'm really happy with Ke Wen's level of magic."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, and then looked at Ke Wen, his eyes concealed love: "I have never seen a student who works harder than him."

Dumbledore didn't respond any more, and finally looked down at the two bottles of venom in front of him, and after thinking for a while, he looked at Hagrid jokingly: "I didn't realize until today that Hagrid, you are the richest man in Hogwarts." people."

"You mustn't say that!" Hagrid looked too innocent, and couldn't hear that Dumbledore was joking with him for a while, so he couldn't help but said anxiously: "They are all descendants of 'Aragog'! How could I Use their venom for profit!?"

"Okay, okay, calm down Hagrid, I was just joking with you." Dumbledore comforted him with some embarrassment.

Reluctantly stopped the idea of continuing to joke, Dumbledore quickly changed the subject, looked at Ke Wen and asked, "So what about you? What did you get from the acromantula? And I'm a little curious, those who were killed by you Acromantus, why did they all lose their legs?"

"Uh..." Ke Wen was a little speechless.

With Dumbledore's inquiry, Ke Wen subconsciously remembered the taste and nutrition of spider legs.

Can't help it: (﹃)

"Kewen!" Professor McGonagall saw that Kewen didn't answer right away, but slipped away, so he quickly reminded: "Mr. Principal is asking you something."

"Oh!" Ke Wen returned to his senses instantly: "Sorry."

Dumbledore didn't care, and continued to smile and wait for the answer.

"I took those spider legs away." Ke Wen replied honestly.

"Oh?" Dumbledore was puzzled, and asked inexplicably: "Old man, I really don't know what the legs of the 'Acromantula' are for, what do you have... a new discovery that can shock the magic world again ?"

"No no!" Ke Wen shook his head quickly, and then explained: "I just, just..."

The next words were a little hard to say, so Ke Wen seemed a little entangled.

Seeing this, Dumbledore tilted his head slightly, raised his snow-white eyebrows, and motioned for Cowen to continue.

"I..." Ke Wen swallowed, and finally became cruel, and whispered: "I have eaten them all..."

The entire office fell into complete silence.

Dumbledore seemed to have turned into a stone statue, and his movements and expressions froze instantly.

Professor McGonagall's eyes, which were already big, were now a little protruding.

Hagrid and the twins had the same expressions, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, staring at Cowen in disbelief.

Especially Hagrid, whose mouth was so open it could almost swallow Coven's little head...

Speaking of which, the twins have never known that Ke Wen would take away the spider legs every time these days. After all, every time Ke Wen returned to the castle, he replaced the spider legs left in the Forbidden Forest.

Listening to Ke Wen's confession at this time, the twins couldn't help but think of the day when Ke Wen said that he wanted to taste the spider's leg meat.

Thinking of this, the twins couldn't help shivering fiercely at the same time, and because of their actions, the atmosphere of silence in the office was completely broken.

"Eat..." Dumbledore still couldn't believe it, murmured, then lowered his head slightly, and looked at Ke Wen carefully through the top of the lens.

That look seemed to be guessing what kind of monster Ke Wen had changed into.

At this time, Ke Wen simply broke the jar, so he nodded and explained: "On the day of the first attack, I accidentally discovered that the legs of the 'Acromantula' were very beautiful, so I went to the kitchen and asked the elves to help me." identified it."

"And then you boldly tried it?" Professor McGonagall covered his mouth with his hands in surprise, and said with a trembling tone.

"Ah." Ke Wen raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said with some guilt: "It turned out that the leg meat is very nutritious, and I have become much stronger recently."

The office became silent again...

Thanks for the support of the two monthly tickets of the dream cannon friends!

(end of this chapter)