Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 104: Goat Village 16


It was now after midnight.

The sound of dripping water was getting closer and clearer, as if it was ringing in Su Qingyu's ears.

Su Qingyu closed her eyes, trying to dispel the strange drops of water that seeped into her mind.

Something hit the bowl, and the bottom of the bowl rubbed against the head of the bed, making a slight sound.

Then she felt a wet feeling on her face.

It was water, but it didn't feel like water dripping directly onto my face.

Like wet hair... brushing against my cheek.

[Gongyang Village] Rule 9.

[Water is sacred and pure. If you choose to live at the entrance of the village, try to choose a house with a well.

Place water by the bed at night. If you feel water dripping on your face, don't panic. Leave the room.

The last four words are contaminated and can be ignored.

Now, just stay calm.

Su Qingyu curled up in the quilt, wrapping herself tightly.

The quilt you bring with you is safe and secure. At least there won’t be any dirt suddenly appearing in the quilt’s interlayer.

Suddenly, a chill came in from the gap in the quilt.

Su Qingyu's whole body was a little stiff. She felt a cold hand quietly reaching into the quilt and touching her clenched palms.

He pried her fingers apart one by one.

Su Qingyu's heart beat faster instantly. That thing could actually touch her directly!

She tried hard to suppress the fear in her heart and dared not move.

Follow the rules and don't panic.

The hand gently drew a "well" shape on her palm, and the cold air invaded her, making her shiver.

Well? Well

That thing was telling her to go to the well.

Even though he was touched directly, Su Qingyu still managed to stay calm, closed his eyes tightly, and showed no sign of panic.

After completing this strange mark, the hand slowly left her palm, and the coldness gradually dissipated.

In the early hours of the morning, the darkest moment had passed, but the sun had not yet risen completely, leaving only a faint layer of light, and the sky was still a heavy dark blue.

Su Qingyu stood up and found that the water in the bowl beside the bed had dried up.

Wu Xin didn't sleep. He lay on the earthen kang at night, with his hands folded on his abdomen, his eyes open and staring at the ceiling. He spent the whole night like this.

"Did you see what came last night?" Faint light leaked into the room from the window. Su Qingyu sat on the edge of the bed, slowly combing her long hair that was as smooth as a ribbon.

"It's too dark to see clearly."

At night, that thing didn't get close to Wuxin at all, and the water in the bowl beside Wuxin's bed did not decrease.

Pushing open the door, Su Qingyu heard the black dog's howling.

The young woman who took them in stood in the yard with disheveled hair and bare feet.

Her face was distorted, with a crazy cold light flashing in her eyes. She grabbed the old black dog's fur with one hand, and with the other hand she was waving the stick in her hand wildly, hitting the poor black dog hard.

Every blow made the old black dog tremble violently.

There were streaks of blood on the old black dog's fur, its skin was torn and it was dying.

[Gongyang Village] Rule 10.

[Dogs are man's best friends. Villagers who keep dogs are not bad people. You can ask them for help. If you see villagers beating dogs, please expel them immediately.]