Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 11: Sweet Home 9


Su Qingyu wanted to go back to her room, but her father lowered his head, pointed at her and yelled, "You unfilial daughter, find my wine quickly! I want wine... Kakaka... Give me my wine!"

[Dad has contributed a lot to this family. Don’t reject him. He is under a lot of pressure. If you reject him, you can act like a spoiled child to your mom.]

Su Qingyu knew that she couldn't refuse her father's request.

But alcohol can add to dad's contamination.

Su wanted to act cute with her mother, but her mother was cleaning in the kitchen and the dishes broke onto the floor. Her mother stepped on the broken glass with her bare feet and blood was flowing, but she seemed not to feel any pain.


Su Qingyu called out for her mother, but her mother ignored her.

Unable to act coquettishly.

The bottle of wine was hidden under the sofa.

Su Qingyu didn't want to stay in this messy living room for even a quarter of an hour.

So she pretended to search for a while, found the bottle with only one-third of wine left under the sofa, and handed it to her father.

Dad tilted his head back and gulped it down.

Su Qingyu said "I'm going back to my room" and went into the room without looking back and locked the bedroom door.

The sound of a wine bottle breaking behind her.

Dad would laugh shrilly at one moment and curse angrily at the next.

"You damned unfilial daughter!"

"I work so hard every day... ka-ka-ka... I work so hard outside to make money! All for you! And you don't even want to see me!"

In the room, Shuangxi's dark eyes fell on Su Qingyu and reminded him, "Master, you have been slightly contaminated."

As a weirdo, Shuangxi can sense pollution.

not good!

Su Qingyu sat on the edge of the bed, her delicate eyebrows frowned.

She thought it must have been contaminated after entering Mom and Dad's gray bedroom.

Windows are definitely the most dangerous place.

At night, grandma didn't knock on the door like she did last night. The bedroom door kept making a "dong dong" sound, and someone was trying to open the door lock from the outside.

The black cat would come out of the bed in the early morning and lick her face and palms like it did last night.

Su Qingyu suffered from nightmares at night because of the slight pollution.

There was a roaring sound in my ears, which became more severe as the night deepened.

At first, Su Qingyu dreamed that she was always being followed, and in the dark alley, she could hear the "click" sound of a camera from time to time.

When using the restroom at school, a dark camera would appear from under the cubicle.

Someone is watching from the dark.

"You're so cute, would you like to be my model? I'll take the perfect artistic photo of you!"

"You don't look good in pants. Your short skirt was beautiful that day."

"Your sleeping profile is so charming."

"Don't be shy in front of my camera."

"Why are you running away? Children who don't obey must be punished!"

"I really hope you can be my model and sleep beautifully forever..."

Use words of different sizes from newspapers, stick them into strips of paper, and stuff them into the desk.

Creepy words and a look as sticky as a snake.

Affected by the nightmare, Su Qingyu struggled to open his eyes and free himself from the fear brought by the nightmare.

But she felt like she was suffering from sleep paralysis. She knew she couldn't dwell on the nightmare, but she couldn't open her eyes.