Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 44: Morningstar High School 4


The dormitory manager, Aunt Ding, was called over by other students. She strode over and impatiently waved away the girls who were watching.

Aunt Ding had a loud voice. She yelled, "What are you looking at? What's so good about it

The chirping is so annoying!

The lights are turned off at 11pm. Why are you standing here instead of washing up at this time?"

The girl who was slumped on the ground was choking with sobs and unable to speak.

Aunt Ding saw the dead man and muttered, "You brought random things to the school dormitory, you idiot."

Su Qingyu immediately thought of the first half of the second rule of [Dormitory Rules].

[It is forbidden to bring any flammable or explosive items into the dormitory. ]

Aunt Ding opened the wardrobe and threw the half-chewed body, along with clothes, skin care products, perfume, etc. into a black garbage bag.

Seeing the perfume, Su Qingyu understood.

Flammable and explosive items are not limited to common gunpowder, gasoline, etc., but also include perfumes commonly used by girls.

Perfume contains a certain amount of alcohol, which is flammable.

The girl directly violated the rules and her death was not unjust.

Su Qingyu pulled Zhuang Xiaodie and said, "Stop looking. Let's go to the bathroom to wash up first."

If you see too many people killed by it, your sanity will decline.

"Okay." Zhuang Xiaodie rubbed her eyes. Looking directly at the bloody scene made her feel tired and terrified.

It felt like my brain was filled with something, and as soon as I closed my eyes, the girl's tragic death would emerge.

Moss was growing in the gaps between the tiles of the old-fashioned sink in the bathroom, the sewer was a little clogged, and there were several girls' long hair floating at the water inlet.

This is the new dormitory. Su Qingyu was the first one to wash up. There shouldn’t be any hair here.

Directly above the pool is a rectangular mirror.

When she finished washing her face and looked up at the mirror, she saw a reflection of the clown poster on the door of the toilet cubicle.

The Joker's eyes looked at her through the mirror.

Su Qingyu felt a strong sense of being watched.

It's everywhere, watching everything that happens here.

After brushing his teeth, washing his face and going to the toilet, Su Qingyu and Zhuang Xiaodie explained a few things to do at night and then returned to their beds to rest.

She and Qi Yue slept on the upper bunk, their beds were next to each other.

Su Qingyu chose to sleep face to face with Qi Yue, her head facing the dormitory door and Qi Yue's head facing the balcony.

After washing up, Luo Zixuan returned to her bed. She put on headphones and hid under her quilt to play with her mobile phone.

At 11 o'clock, the lights in the dormitory are turned off on time.

All I could hear was the ticking sound of the second hand of the clock in the room, which was particularly harsh in the quiet of the night.

Listening to this regular sound, it was like someone was beating a drum in Su Qingyu's heart, making her anxious.

Su Qingyu took a deep breath, ignored the voice, and fell asleep.

Late at night, Su Qingyu heard a rustling sound.

The sound came from Qi Yue's bed. Su Qingyu felt that Qi Yue's bed was shaking slightly. It should be because she sat up.

The watch shows that it is 1 a.m.

Choosing to get up at this time is either a spooky person trying to harm others, or a person with a weak brain seeking death.