Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 674: Venusstar Group 75


She came to the group? I remember that she studied Chinese language and literature in college, and after graduation, she joined a private company engaged in pharmaceutical research as a receptionist.

Later, I also worked in that company for a while, but the salary there was not good, so I switched to the Rising Star Group not long after I started working there. ”

At that time, Su Qingyu's mother worked in that private enterprise, and the private enterprise arranged for her to study at the Venusstar Group. After her mother came to study, she found that she still had to choose a large company to work, so she switched to the Venusstar Group.

It's certainly fun to work in the same company with friends.

But people always strive for higher goals, and Su Qingyu's mother has her own career to pursue.

After coming to the Venusstar Group, she had less contact with Zhuang Nanke due to her busy work.

"Fate is really amazing." Dad said with some emotion, and he thought of the content of the experiment again, frowning slightly, "Wife, if possible, you should go and persuade your friend.

Although this experiment has a lot of subsidies, it also carries great risks.

The higher-ups held a meeting and heard that most people were against it. Only a few radical researchers patted their chests and guaranteed that it would succeed and no one would be hurt, so the higher-ups allowed them to try it this time. "

"I understand. I'll invite her to my house tomorrow." Mom nodded in agreement.

The next day, Su Qingyu went out with her mother to pick up Zhuang Nanke at the gate of the community.

The gray-blue sky and heavy clouds pressed down on their heads like a dull layer, swallowing up the sunlight. It was gloomy and depressing, as if a rainstorm would come soon.

Su Qingyu saw Zhuang Nanke walking towards him from a distance, carrying fruit and milk in his hands.

Zhuang Nanke is very different from his mother.

My mother is a researcher. Most of her life is occupied by work. She is very serious and only when she is with Su Qingyu does she relax from that tense state.

Zhuang Nanke gives people the feeling of being friendly and gentle, yet also a bit fragile and helpless.

Su Qingyu raised her head and asked Zhuang Nanke: "Auntie, why is your face so pale? Are you sick?"

The mother used her curled index finger to give Su Qingyu a few chestnuts on the head: "Little kid, don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, I was wrong, Mom." Su Qingyu covered her head.

Zhuang Nanke looked extremely haggard. It was as if all her energy and spirit had been drained away by something, leaving only her shriveled body wandering in the world.

She waved her hands, not caring about Su Qingyu's verbal offense.

"Xiaomei, this is your daughter, right? I haven't seen her for a few years, and she's so cute now. Time flies."

Xiaomei is my mother's name. When my grandma and grandpa gave her this name, they hoped that she would be like the plum blossom that stands proudly in the snow and is strong and unyielding.

"I gave birth to my child early, what about you? Why did you want to come to the group to participate in this experiment?" The mother reunited with her old classmates with a warm attitude.

"It's a long story, let's go upstairs and talk." Zhuang Nanke was not in good health. It was a cloudy day with cold wind, and she couldn't stand outside for too long.

"Yes, let's go upstairs and talk." Mom invited Zhuang Nanke to come home as a guest.

After Zhuang Nanke came in, she kept coughing. She covered her mouth with a napkin and frowned slightly.