Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 680: Venusstar Group 81


Q As pollution became more and more serious, Xiong Yuan proposed to build twelve parks.

Su Qingyu lives in an ivory tower and has no idea to what extent the pollution has spread.

Zhuang Xiaodie's growth rate is the same as Su Qingyu's.

She seemed to have become completely human.

Eating too much cold food will cause stomachache, staying up late will cause dark circles under the eyes, and watching TV dramas about tragic love stories will make you cry until your eyes are red and swollen.

She is fragile and sentimental.

Sometimes, Su Qingyu would stay overnight at Zhuang Xiaodie's house. She asked Zhuang Xiaodie if she still remembered her childhood. Zhuang Xiaodie looked confused and she thought she was a human being.

She has a habit of sleepwalking.

One time, Zhuang Xiaodie was sleepwalking and Su Qingyu happened to be with her. She chased her out and saw Zhuang Xiaodie talking to her father. Then the lights went out and Zhuang Xiaodie lay down on the bed and fell asleep again, as if she had never left the bed.

Strange things like this happened many times.

When she was young, Su Qingyu would tell her parents the details of her relationship with Zhuang Xiaodie. She thought that her parents were just showing concern for her life.

When she grew up a little, Su Qingyu knew that Zhuang Xiaodie was the subject of her parents' records. Whenever she told her parents that Zhuang Xiaodie exhibited behavior that was different from that of humans, her parents would record it.

Then, Zhuang Xiaodie would disappear for a while.

So, Su Qingyu would never tell these details to her parents again.

She wants to keep the secret for Zhuang Xiaodie.

Later, new experimental failures, copy contamination, strange invasions, vaccine testing, the Twelve Parks, etc., various things caused the group to gradually relax its supervision over Zhuang Xiaodie.

Su Qingyu was very happy. She felt that Zhuang Xiaodie could finally be free.

Su Qingyu's mother's full name is Cui Yuemei.

Enjoy the plum blossoms, and enjoy the clear music of plum blossoms and willows.

When she was young, other children liked to raise cats and dogs and play with dolls, but Cui Yuemei liked to take apart and put together clocks, watch the animal world, and watch others dissect frogs.

She has shown curiosity and desire to explore the world since she was a child.

When Cui Yuemei was in school, her scores in science were much higher than those in liberal arts.

At that time, all her close friends chose liberal arts, but Cui Yuemei chose science without hesitation.

She is more focused on her own things.

There is no such idea that I must be with my friends.

When she was in college, Cui Yuemei's parents hoped that she could stay in the county to develop, become a civil servant, and come home more often for dinner on weekends.

Cui Yuemei directly chose a school in the capital.

Other people's opinions are of no reference value to her.

She just did whatever she wanted to do.

I took the postgraduate entrance examination after finishing college.

She wanted to keep going up.

After graduating from high school, Cui Yuemei never asked her family for a penny again.

Later, Cui Yuemei met her current husband.

Both of them love learning and work, and they always have endless things to talk about scientific research. Their lives are in sync, and except for disputes over academic viewpoints, they hardly ever quarrel during their relationship.

Later they got married naturally.

Su Qingyu's arrival brought this small family into a new stage.

Cui Yuemei holds her little daughter in her arms, hoping that she can inherit her legacy and grow up to be a scientist.