Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 697: Venusstar Group 98


Dad happily took the thousand paper money, licked his fingers with his tongue and began to count the money.

As he counted, he said, "Daughter, aren't you still in school? Are you using the money you earned from working part-time on Saturdays and Sundays?"

"Dad, I've grown up a long time ago." Su Qingyu turned to look at her mother, "Mom, don't you want this ghost money?"

Mom didn't touch the money.

Instead, he stared at Su Qingyu and raised two fingers.


It seems to be saying, can you bear to hurt your mother

Su Qingyu stabbed "Mom" directly with a knife.

Why are you reluctant

It's just its disguise.

Dad exclaimed and stood up.

The dishes and chopsticks on the table fell to the ground.

Mom put away a finger with a grim look on her face.

Dad bent down and tried to pick up the vegetables.

Before his fingers even touched the broken dishes, they turned into ashes and disappeared.

The room returned to its original dilapidated state.

Su Qingyu returned to the bathroom.

There is only one last time left.

After a flash of white light.

Su Qingyu saw her childhood self.

She saw herself holding her doll, alone in the room, looking out the window lonely, waiting for the moon to rise over the branches and for her parents to come home.

She saw herself sitting on a small stool, leaning on her grandmother's arm. Her grandmother was sometimes conscious and sometimes looked at her blankly, asking her who she was.

She saw Zhuang Xiaodie playing with her hand in hand during the day and going into the laboratory at night.

She saw herself standing alone at the corner of the wall, listening to other classmates say that her parents were the culprits and that all the experiments they conducted were harmful.

Su Qingyu had no time to feel sad about her past.

She kept taking out paper money for testing.

She threw handfuls of paper money into the air.

The ghost money fell down like butterflies, attracting everyone to scramble for it.

Only the "self" in the past remains unmoved.

Su Qingyu looked at the face that was so similar to her own.

Walked over.

Found "it".

"Are you really that against me?" The other self raised his head. "Zhuang Xiaodie has done so much for you. She has given you all the possibilities of happiness. Why do you choose to live in pain?"

"It" was defeated by the rules it set.

The biggest mistake mankind makes is accepting "it" at the beginning.

Humans shouldn't bring "it" back to the group for research.

"It" should not be given the chance to survive on this planet.

All Su Qingyu did was to kill this possibility in the first place.

"No reason, you talk too much nonsense!" Su Qingyu shook his head, then quickly stabbed the dagger into the chest of his other self.

The other self raised a middle finger, then retracted it and made a fist.

Su Qingyu killed "it" three times.

In a trance, she seemed to see a mass of matter falling from the sky, landing on the lawn, and then dissipating.

Is that how it works

Su Qingyu looked at the dagger in his hand, which lacked a sense of reality.

The other self suddenly opened his eyes wide, raised his hand and grabbed Su Qingyu tightly, and a strange laugh came from his throat.

"Ka-ka-ka... You stay here... Ka-ka-ka..."