Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 701: Two or Three Weird Things (Extra)


When Su Qingyu goes out in the real world, she doesn't like the weirdness of the contract.

When they are alone at home, it is a completely different world.

Besides dealing with his old laws and contracts, Ji Yifan's biggest hobby is playing cards with Yingluo and the others.

As they fought, they would always end up quarreling.

Ji Yifan still remembers that time when he used ghost money to buy a new suit. He had just dressed himself up when his suit was torn because of a quarrel they had while playing mahjong.

If his heart still beat, it would be aching.

Wuxin pointed his sword at Youyou's mouth and said that Youyou took advantage of their inattention to wrap the mahjong in his mouth and changed the color.

Youyou refused to admit it and said Wuxin was jealous that she was liked by her master and that was why he wanted to put the blame on her.

Finally, we counted the number of mahjong tiles and found that not only did the number of tiles not match, but even more than a dozen red tiles were missing.

Youyou was playing mahjong and found that the centers of some of the tiles were made of wood. He threw them in front of Yingluo and accused Yingluo of cheating in front of her.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, little ghosts suffer.

They quarreled and fought, but no one was hurt.

The thrown mahjong hit Shuangxi's head.

The commander's hands tore Ji Yifan's suit.

Simon escaped the disaster because dust easily fell wherever he walked, and he was in the kitchen trying to figure out why the natural gas wouldn't light.

Youyou’s mahjong skills are too poor.

Even with cheating, I didn't win many games.

All the small trove of money he earned from Su Qingyu went into the pockets of Yingluo and Wuxin.

Wuxin always has a nonchalant face.

He looked like he was saying, "I'm not vying for favor, but my master will still see how disgusting I am."

Youyou was so angry that she almost died.

Oh, no, Weird has already died once.

Although Yingluo was the last to arrive, her master always liked to keep her by his side.

This made Youyou feel a sense of crisis.

Youyou looked at Bai Yuanxiang's bookcase and saw many books.

He kept lingering at her door.

He wanted to wait for Bai Yuanxiang to leave the desk, and then read her books, using human wisdom to gain human love. ..

But from sunrise to sunset, and from sunset to sunrise.

Bai Yuanxiang sat at the desk holding the pen.

She didn't move a step.

On the third day, Youyou couldn't help it anymore and rushed in. He snatched Bai Yuanxiang's test paper, threw it into his mouth, chewed it into pieces, and then sprayed it into the air.

A cannibalistic look appeared on Bai Yuanxiang's corpse's green face.

"You actually touched my test paper!"

The whole body has a cold and gloomy aura.

But Youyou was even more ferocious than her. He bared his jagged teeth and slammed a stack of paper money on the table.

"Ka-ka-ka... Stop worrying about your boring test paper. Use the time you have to solve this blank test paper of mine."

Bai Yuanxiang noticed something strange: "But you are colorful."

Youyou sat on the desk, tapping her fingers lightly on the table: "Bai Yuanxiang, you have read so many books, you should understand human thinking very well.

Help me answer a question, these ghost money are all yours."

Bai Yuanxiang looked at the stack of paper money that could be exchanged for many test papers.
