Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 704: Two or Three Things About Morning Star 2 (Extra)


The second person is named Sean, with a high nose bridge, white skin, red hair, from Ireland, and is another researcher at the Morningstar Group.

He never appeared in Su Qingyu's sight.

But a person's thoughts will always be reflected in his works.

Sean was responsible for overseeing the construction of Black Eden and Enoch City.

The construction of these two parks reflects his faith everywhere.

Sean belongs to the Cainite faction.

This sect is not very orthodox and is considered heresy, but Sean firmly believes in the teachings of Cainism.

He felt that because God was omniscient, omnipotent, and good, He was responsible for all the evil in the world.

Although Cain is a bad guy in myths and legends, he sacrificed his precious soul to help God complete the work of salvation, and he is worthy of praise.

Most members of the Daystar Group are atheists.

There is also a group of people who worship God like Su Qingyu.

Worship whichever one is useful.

Amway is not easy to sell these days.

Sean wanted to promote his religion, but few people were willing to listen.

The humans ignored him.

There was a weird one, but he was happy to discuss with him.


Wan Zhiwen sat quietly in the glass house.

He held a Book of Jubilees in his hand and ignored the plate of bloody food placed in front of him.

Sean felt strange when he saw Wan Zhiwen with strange words all over his body.

Why is it so weird that between food and books, I would choose books

Sean walked to the glass as if possessed and talked to Wan Zhiwen.

He asked, "Where did you get that book of yours?"

Wan Zhiwen's eyes were still on the book. He answered calmly in human language, "My companion gave it to me."

"Companion? Aren't you weird? How come you have a companion?" Sean looked at the closed glass and felt scared. "How did your companion get in?"

"Relax, it's just a book." Wan Zhiwen closed the book, walked to the glass, facing Sean, and through the glass, the book actually fell at Sean's feet.

Sean didn't even see clearly how the book penetrated the glass and fell to the ground.

He was horrified and wanted to sound the alarm.

There was no special emotion in Wan Zhiwen's tone: "I have no ill will towards you.

Have you read the contents of this book? If so, please share with me. "

Sean was originally full of hostility towards the weirdness in front of him, but after he looked into Wan Zhiwen's eyes, the hostility rising in his heart gradually subsided.

"I brought this book into the group and gave it to my colleagues." Sean's nervous heart magically relaxed. "If you like this book, I'd like to discuss it with you."

For some reason, looking at the strange eyes in front of him, he was willing to open his heart and talk to the other party on an equal footing.

Sean brought dozens of copies of the "Book of Jubilees" into the group and distributed them to his colleagues, hoping that they could understand his beliefs.

Some colleagues sold them as junk.

Some colleagues donated it to the library.

Some colleagues even brought it into the toilet and watched it while squatting on the toilet.

He gave a copy to Zhixu Sanren.

After Zhixu Sanren took it back, he looked at it for a few seconds and threw it to Shen Xitong.

Shen Xitong gave it to Wan Zhiwen again.