Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 705: Wangdi's Spring Love Is Entrusted to Dujuan 1 (Extra)


Du Yu lived two different lives before and after becoming weird.

Before becoming a weirdo, he was a poor little kid who had everything taken away from him.

After becoming a weird, he forgot his past and became a high-level weird who was free.

His life is a painting that transitions from black and white to color and finally returns to silence.

Here, lay out the black and white half first.

Du Yu was born in a laboratory.

Born with him was a little meatball monster.

When he was born, he didn't cry and was just a tiny ball. The researchers thought he was dead, so they wrapped him in cloth and prepared to bury him.

While the researcher was digging, the dreamer came quietly and stole Du Yu.

The first embrace Du Yu fell into was so cold.

His birth was so close to death.

The one who took Du Yu away was the Dream Maker, one of the five red monsters.

All weirdness has obsession.

The Dreamers did not.

He is special.

Su Xing, only to complete a task from "it" - to become Zhuang's father, to take care of Zhuang Nanke and Zhuang Xiaodie, and to form an illusory family with them.

He never thought about why he existed.

He firmly believed that the purpose of waking up was to complete this task.

In order to complete this task, he needs to modify Zhuang Nanke's cognition.

Cognitive change is extremely difficult.

He couldn't let Du Yu appear in front of Zhuang Nanke.

Once it appears, Zhuang Nan Ke will be pulled by the blood, remembering that his real child is still alive, and then fall into a hysterical state.

So, Mr. Zhuang kept Du Yu in the basement.

Researchers discovered the baby was missing and searched for him in a small area.

They discovered that the strange creatures could actually raise human babies.

This is a good topic.

They did not intervene, but instead provided convenient conditions for the Dream Maker to raise Du Yu.

Du Yu is a human, but he was raised by Guiyi.

His childhood was gloomy and dark.

Mr. Zhuang takes care of Du Yu's life.

Du Yu couldn't grow up like a normal child.

Little Du Yu, trapped in a small basement, had two wishes in his heart.

One is to fly away freely like a bird.

One is to play with humans.

He asked his father where his mother was.

The dreamer told him everything, hiding nothing.

The truth is cruel to a child.

Du Yu knew all this.

He also understood that not only could he not return to his mother, but even his father was no longer the father who existed for him.

Is he sad

Actually, not.

He never had it, so why should he be sad about losing it

In his dark life, Zhuang's father gave him a cuckoo.

That little bird was the only bright color in his dark life.

As Du Yu grew up, the group's internal philosophy also underwent some changes.

Experimental upgrade.

The humans took him into the laboratory.

That is the laboratory where the weird people are imprisoned.

Du Yu became the only human trapped inside.

Du Yu didn't hate life in the laboratory.