Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 74: Qimingxing High School 34


Su Qingyu took out his cell phone and found something was wrong.

When they came out of the dormitory, their phones were fully charged, but now the battery level is only 80%.

"Turn on the power saving mode of your phone first!"

If the battery continues to drain at this rate, even with a flashlight and a cell phone, it would be hard to last more than 40 minutes.

What's more, it's a long way from the playground to the dormitory, so I have to use a flashlight.

The physical education teacher looked at their flashlights and gave a weird smile.

"You can run slowly... click click click... the teacher will be here with you."

Su Qingyu handed his flashlight to Zhuang Xiaodie, and then turned on the flashlight given by the old lady on the first floor of the [Infinite Corridor] copy.

When the light swept over the physical education teacher, he covered his face with his hands in fear and took a step back.

What's going on

Su Qingyu continued to shine the flashlight at her. The physical education teacher screamed, and then her expression softened and her voice became less sharp: "Student, stop playing with the flashlight.

Just run, it's okay, the purpose of physical education class is to exercise your body."

It seems that the light of the flashlight can have a soothing effect.

The long run begins.

The playground was empty, with only the lonely breeze as company.

Su Qingyu and Zhuang Xiaodie were running side by side. During the third lap, Zhuang Xiaodie's flashlight went out. Su Qingyu immediately turned on a new flashlight and put it in Zhuang Xiaodie's hand.

"Herringa, let's run faster."

"Okay." The long black hair swayed gently as she ran. This was a race against time and also a race against life.

When he ran close to the swimming pool, Su Qingyu saw through the glass of the swimming pool that someone was diving inside.


One after another, figures fell from the diving board.

But no one climbed ashore.

Su Qingyu said to himself: Without the swimming pool, everything is an illusion.

"Ah—" Zhuang Xiaodie stepped on the gravel on the ground and sprained her ankle.

"Xiaodie, are you okay?" Su Qingyu immediately went to support her.

"It's okay!" Zhuang Xiaodie bit her back teeth. She supported Su Qingyu's arm and stood up. She endured the pain and said, "The flashlight has limited power. Let's continue!"

[Physical Education Class Rules]Article 2.

[Please pay attention to your own safety and try to avoid getting injured during physical education classes. If you are injured, wait for the doctor at the school hospital.

If the doctor is wearing white overalls, then they are trustworthy. If they are wearing red overalls, please stay away immediately and inform the physical education teacher.

Don't leave with the school doctor in red overalls!]

The physical education teacher came over and asked with concern: "Student, are you injured?"

Zhuang Xiaodie shook her head and denied: "Teacher, I am not hurt."

Su Qingyu glanced and saw that Zhuang Xiaodie's ankle was visibly red and swollen.

When I ran the first lap of the playground, there was no gravel at all in that location.

It did it.

Although Zhuang Xiaodie suppressed her cries of pain into her stomach, the school doctor still showed up.

A group of school doctors in white coats came over carrying a stretcher.

They were tall and each of them wore a mask.