Rules Strange Talk, Welcome to Sweet Home

Chapter 75: Morningstar High School 35


Luo Zixuan was a little confused: "You are back, I am really happy for you!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It's almost time to turn off the lights. Let's go back to **."

The dormitory manager walked straight to dormitory 204.

Su Qingyu took off her shoes, kicked them under the bed, then climbed up the ladder, lay down quickly, covered herself with the quilt, and fell asleep.

There is an old rule that weirdos cannot attack people hiding under covers.

This rule does not appear in any copy, but is regarded as a guiding principle by all humans.

That is the supreme truth.

The dormitory manager stopped at the door of the dormitory and stood there waiting for the lights to be turned off.

The moment the lights in the dormitory were turned on, the dormitory manager pushed open the door.

The sound of keys colliding is particularly clear in the silent night.

She had just run back from the playground carrying Zhuang Xiaodie on her back, and her breathing was rapid and her heart was beating fast.

After lying down, she tried to regulate her breathing rhythm.

You have to pretend to be asleep.

The dormitory manager walked around the dormitory and suddenly it became quiet.

There was no sound of a door opening, no footsteps leaving, and no sound of breathing.

The entire dormitory fell into an eerie silence in an instant.

The three people lying in bed in the dormitory were all awake.

No one dared to speak.

The more fear there is, the longer time passes.

The outer clothes stuck to her skin, making Su Qingyu feel very uncomfortable.

But she still resisted the urge to change into pajamas, closed her eyes, and began to rest.

A dreamless night.

When Su Qingyu woke up, Luo Zixuan had already finished washing up. She had not slept the whole night and her eyes were black and blue.

Zhuang Xiaodie endured the pain all night, her ankle felt like it was being pierced by millions of needles at the same time. After Su Qingyu woke up, he went to the bathroom to get some cold water for her to apply on the ice.

Physical education class is on Thursday, which is enough time for Zhuang Xiaodie to recover.

Seeing Su Qingyu and the others wake up, Luo Zixuan came out of the bathroom, holding a towel in her hand, and said seriously: "Do you know where the dormitory manager was last night? The dormitory manager stayed in our dormitory all night!

She was standing right at the door to the toilet. If we had spoken last night or gotten up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, we would have died for sure!"

The water marks at the toilet door proved the location of the dormitory manager.

Qi Yue came back from the public toilet in the middle of the night. When she opened the door, she saw someone at the toilet door. There was water on the bottom of her shoes, and the water marks circled around the toilet door.

The longer you stay in the dungeon, the more emergencies you will have to deal with.

During the physical education class on Thursday, Su Qingyu successfully got two train tickets from the physical education teacher.

The old yellow ticket showed the departure time as 7 o'clock on Saturday morning.

Before the exam on Friday, the head teacher first gave each student a note.

The note said [Examination Rules].

(The school provides a completely fair examination environment. In order for students to successfully complete the examination, please abide by the following rules:)

[1. The weekly exam is a cultural exam, and the exam contents include Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages. There are only four invigilators in the exam room, and the chemistry teacher is not the invigilator. If you encounter questions that you don’t know how to answer, do not ask the chemistry teacher for help.]