Running with a Bag and Bun

Chapter 25: Little sun, little sun


Looking at Qi Yue's bitter face, Ying Jincheng suddenly thought, "Are there any classes next?"

Although he didn't know why Ying Jincheng asked this, Qi Yue still shook his head.

"Please go somewhere with me."


Ying Jincheng smiled, showing his gentleness, "Would you like to go to a place that can heal you?"

Qi Yue hesitated, but before he could nod, he was pulled away by Ying Jincheng.

The two of them stood at the door of the veterinary hospital. Qi Yue pointed blankly at the pet sign in front, "Senior, why did you bring me here? There are no puppies around us to check."

"Pfft..." Ying Jincheng rubbed Qi Yue's head, "I work here."

"Work?!" Qi Yue's eyes widened, "Senior, aren't you treating people? Why... can the two be the same?" Qi Yue murmured, casting a suspicious look at Jin Cheng.

Ying Jincheng raised his eyebrows, "What's that look in your eyes? Can't I have a hobby? Don't worry, I'm just an apprentice here."

"Ah, senior, you like small animals." Qi Yue suddenly realized. No wonder Ying Jincheng wanted to work here, taking care of small animals and studying at the same time. He was indeed a top student.

"Okay, let's go in." Ying Jincheng dragged Qi Yue in.

This place is actually not big. It is two floors high and there are very few people inside. Most of them are young people. They are very enthusiastic when they see Ying Jincheng. Ying Jin brings Qi Yue to a room with a familiar face, " This is where stray cats and dogs stay, and our task today is to give them a bath."

Before the door was opened, he heard various cries. Qi Yue thought that these small animals should be locked in cages. Who knew that was not the case? Nests were built one after another on the ground, with clear distinctions, giving them free space. , and prevent fighting together.

"Are these all puppies and kittens?" Qi Yue asked, pointing to a bunch of small creatures on the ground.

"Well, the older ones are in other rooms. I guess you can't take care of them, so I brought you to this room." Ying Jin picked up a puppy familiarly and introduced its name, " This is the little sun, which was found in our school. When I first found it, it was extremely dirty from top to bottom, and its legs were shortened. It was lying in the corner dying, and I don’t know how long it had been there. I have been hungry for a long time, but I managed to survive tenaciously. Now I am full of energy and have a cheerful personality, just like a energetic little sun."

"So you named it Little Sun?" Qi Yue touched Little Taiyang's silky fur. The little guy's limbs were shaking wildly in Ying Jincheng's hands. There were no side effects at all. He seemed to be a cheerful and good boy. .

"Yes." Ying Jincheng looked at Qi Yue and touched the little sun with soft eyes.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Qi Yue asked suddenly, and then...

Ying Jincheng was about to answer, but he saw Qi Yue spreading Little Sun's hind legs... "Pfft... Haha..."

Qi Yue suddenly came back to his senses and put down his hand shyly, "That... I, I didn't mean it."

Little Taiyang didn't feel anything at all. He stretched out his little head and rubbed Qi Yue's hand.

Ying Jincheng smiled enough and pointed at the little sun and said, "It's a boy."

"Oh." Qi Yue nodded, sheepishly lowering his head and scratching Little Sun's chin, "It's still a little golden retriever."

"Well, it's just a hybrid. You can see that its limbs are very short. It's not a purebred golden retriever."

"Then can it grow very big?" Qi Yue asked, thinking about what kind of dogs there are with short legs. No matter what kind they are, they all seem to be small dogs.

Ying Jincheng shook his head, "It's hard to say, but most likely it won't grow very big."

The two held the little animals for a while, and then Ying Jincheng said, "Let's go over and give them a bath."

"Okay." Qi Yue reluctantly put down the kitten in his arms.

"Let's wash the little sun first. This little guy is not honest at all. Every time I give him a bath, he is exhausted and sweating. Don't worry if he gets it done soon." Ying Jincheng said, bending down to hug him. The little sun running.

The special bathing area for the animals is in the next room. The platform is elevated and is large enough for adults to stand and bathe the small animals.

Little Yangyang originally stayed in Ying Jincheng's arms obediently, but when he saw the bathing table, he started struggling, probably knowing that he was going to take a bath next.

Ying Jincheng couldn't help but patted the little sun, "Why do you feel like you are going to suffer? It's like this every time you take a bath. I've never seen a dog so afraid of water like you."

Qi Yue smiled as he watched Ying Jincheng talking to the little animals. He had never thought that the senior would have such a side. He was gentle and peaceful, making people want to get close. No wonder he was loved by so many little animals.

After the two people put the little sun on the table, Ying Jincheng said, "Qi Yue, come with me to pack up the bathing tools."

"Then it..." Qi Yue pointed to the little sun.

Ying Jincheng smiled and waved his hands, "Don't worry about it. The platform is too high. It has no courage to jump down. Its legs are too short."

Sure enough, after Qi Yue let go of his hand, Little Taiyang circled around the table, stretched out his little neck and looked down, whining and calling anxiously for a long time, but did not dare to take any actual action.

Qi Yue followed Ying Jincheng to prepare things for bathing. He watched Ying Jincheng rolling up his sleeves and squatting on the ground like a nobleman, connecting the water pipes while muttering, "There is something unreasonable here, every time When I take a shower, I have to connect the water pipe, and the water outlet over there is broken and has never been repaired. Hey, it’s very inconvenient.”

Qi Yue tried hard to hold back his laughter, but a lot of whispers still leaked out. Ying Jincheng tilted his head and looked at Qi Yue, "What are you laughing at?"

Qi Yue waved his hand quickly, "No, it's nothing, haha..."

The senior's image was so reversed now that Qi Yue couldn't help but laugh.

Ying Jincheng shook his head, took the connected water pipe, put on the fluffy head, and pointed it at Qi Yue.

"Ah, senior!" Qi Yue jumped up in surprise, and a lot of water was sprayed on his body. This nozzle is for bathing small animals, so it is not big and the amount of water is not much. Qi Yue's clothes are only superficial. It looks wet, but it's not actually soaked in. Just wipe it with your hands and it'll be fine.

Ying Jincheng chuckled, "You were definitely laughing at me just now. I'm going to fight back." After saying that, he raised the nozzle again, aiming it at Qi Yue.

Qi Yue hurriedly ran to the side and said, "Senior, this is not fair. I think the senior is too approachable, so it's a kind smile."

"Xiao Qiyue, why didn't I notice that you were so naughty?" Ying Jincheng held up the nozzle and laughed, "Come here, give the little sun a bath."

The process of bathing was indeed extremely difficult. A puppy was as slippery as a loach. Although it couldn't get off the platform, it could run around. After all, this platform can also be used to bathe big dogs. It can be imagined that it can definitely be used. For a puppy to run around.

Qi Yue and Ying Jincheng made a splash and grabbed the little sun. The little guy actually acted cute towards you and whined, which could make your heart melt. If you don't pay attention, it would escape out. , and then continue to catch it...

When the two of them came out of the veterinary hospital, it was already dark. Qi Yue turned his stiff arms, but his mood was unexpectedly good. The depression of the past few days was gone, and he felt better.

Ying Jincheng smiled and looked at Qi Yue's smiling face, "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." Qi Yue nodded with a smile, "Being with small animals is really healing."

"Haha, I'll bring you here next time."

"Okay, I like Little Sun so much." Qi Yue's eyes were bright.

"I thought you would annoy that little guy, he's so tormenting." Ying Jincheng smiled and shook his head. Although his words seemed helpless, his eyes were very soft.

Qi Yue looked at Ying Jincheng and suddenly asked, "Senior, since you like the little sun so much, why don't you take it back and raise it?"

Ying Jincheng smiled, "Like it doesn't mean you want to possess it. I'm usually too busy and don't have much time to take care of it. Wouldn't it be too lonely if I let it stay at home alone? It lives a good life here. And there are many friends accompanying it, so I just need to take the time to come over and see how it is doing."

Later, Qi Yue learned that although Ying Jincheng did not take Little Taiyang back to take care of him, he invested a lot of money in it just to provide good food and environment for the little animals. After all, a pet hospital cannot raise so many little animals in vain.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Ying Jincheng suggested.

"What are you going to eat?" Qi Yue touched his stomach. He was also hungry.

"Come with me. I will definitely satisfy you. It's not far ahead." Ying Jincheng dragged Qi Yue.

Qi Yue joked, "Senior, please don't take me to any high-end restaurants. I don't have money to eat."

Maybe it was because of today's interaction that Qi Yue felt relieved and even joked with Ying Jincheng, or maybe it was because Ying Jincheng made him feel so comfortable that he unconsciously felt relieved.

Ying Jincheng smiled and said, "I didn't bring much money today. If you really go to the restaurant to eat, then I will sell you there to work there to pay back the money."

"Senior, you are actually like this!"

"Hahaha… "

After walking not far, Ying Jincheng pointed to the food stall in front, "Look, that's where it is?"

Qi Yue stared in surprise, "Senior, you actually know how to eat food stalls?"

Ying Jincheng patted Qi Yue on the head, "Why can't I eat it?"

Qi Yue glanced up and down at Ying Jincheng. Although he had been busy bathing small animals for a long time today and his clothes were wrinkled, Ying Jincheng's whole person still revealed a natural temperament, warm and moist at all. It’s not like being in a place with a group of people eating popular snacks.

"Nothing like it." Qi Yue said with a smile.

"Hey, I've eaten here several times, and every time it's with Qi... Well, the environment here is good, very clean, and the most important thing is that the food is so delicious." Ying Jincheng pulled Qi Yue in, "Don't you It would be a shame to taste it.”