Running with a Bag and Bun

Chapter 32: Unstable factors


As soon as he entered the door, Qi Yue saw Qi Mingfan sitting on the sofa, holding a lamb pillow and watching cartoons.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Qi Mingfan raised his head, opened his eyes in disbelief, threw away the pillow in his arms, ran towards them, and then jumped into Qi Yue's arms.

Qi Yue sighed inwardly and hurriedly picked up Qi Mingfan. Qi Mingfan nestled on Qi Yue's shoulders, hugged Qi Yue and kissed him, his longing for him was beyond words.

Qi Yue smiled and kissed Qi Mingfan, "I'm sorry, I should have come to see you earlier."

Next, Qi Mingfan pulled Qi Yue into his room, asked Qi Yue to sit on the bed, and then pulled out a bunch of things for Qi Yue to see.

Qi Yue looked through Qi Mingfan's paintings of the past two days. The characters in his paintings are still very immature, but it can be seen that the little man in them is eagerly looking forward to someone coming to see him and accompany him, and the person he is waiting for is Qi Yue. .

Qi Yue hugged Qi Mingfan, kissed his forehead, and apologized again, "I'm sorry."

Qi Mingfan opened his big round eyes and wrapped his arms around Qi Yue's neck, feeling a nostalgic clinging to him.

Qi Mingyu had been watching their interaction, and then he laughed, "He really misses you and looks at the door every day."

Qi Yue smiled and ruffled Qi Mingfan's hair. Although he was very angry with Qi Mingyu, he truly loved Qi Mingfan. It could be said that he treated Qi Mingfan as his younger brother.

Qi Mingyu walked to Qi Yue and Qi Mingfan and squatted down, looked into Qi Yue's eyes and said, "Qi Yue, will you stay with me?"

Qi Yue couldn't help but stiffen at the sudden knowing blow. He never expected that Qi Mingyu would say such words in front of Qi Mingfan. Although Qi Mingfan didn't speak, it didn't mean that he didn't understand anything. Qi Yue couldn't help but look down at Qi Mingfan and found that he was also staring at him.

Qi Mingyu rubbed Qi Mingfan's hair, "I think Mingfan must also want us to be together, right? Mingfan?"

Qi Mingfan actually nodded.

Qi Yue looked at the two people speechlessly. He wanted to ask Qi Mingyu whether he liked him, but he asked the two of them to be together, so how could he not like him? But these unspoken words made him feel insecure. Qi Yue liked Qi Mingyu and of course wanted to be with him. But now, he was hesitant. Qi Yue always felt that something was wrong. But can't tell why.

"Are you still blaming me?" Seeing that Qi Yue didn't speak, Qi Mingyu held Qi Yue's hand and asked.

"No." Qi Yue pursed his lips, "'s all over."

"I'm sorry about that." Qi Mingyu said again, "I really want to try it with you."

Qi Yue felt bitterness in his heart. He lowered his head and held his hand. He stared blankly for a long time before nodding.

Even after agreeing to Qi Mingyu, the two of them seemed to have not changed at all and were still doing their own things, as if it was just a verbal agreement.

If Ying Jincheng hadn't asked Qi Yue, I'm afraid no one else would have known about the two of them being together.

"Qi Yue, have you reconciled with Ming Yu?" Ying Jincheng discovered that Qi Yue had been going to Qi Mingyu's villa, and couldn't help but find Qi Yue and asked.

Qi Yue thought for a while and said, "We are together."

"What?" Ying Jincheng looked at Qi Yue in shock, "You... you mean, you and Mingyu are together? Are you dating?"

Qi Yue nodded.

Ying Jincheng frowned and looked at Qi Yue, "Qi Yue, Mingyu, he has always liked girls, how come he suddenly said he wants to be with you? Does he like you?"

"I... I don't know." Qi Yue lowered his head.

"Don't know?" Ying Jincheng almost laughed angrily, "You don't know if he likes you? Are you just going to be with him? Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?"

"I like him." Qi Yue said with his lips pursed.

"Qi Yue... let me tell you what you are good at." Ying Jincheng looked at Qi Yue.

Ying Jincheng found Qi Mingyu. Lu Lei was also there. He didn't care and asked Qi Mingyu directly, "Are you and Qi Yue together?"

"What?!" Lu Lei exclaimed, looking at Qi Mingyu in disbelief, "Aren't you? What's wrong with you this time?"

Qi Mingyu frowned, "I don't have convulsions." He looked at Ying Jincheng, "I really want to be with Qi Yue this time."

Ying Jincheng smiled and said, "When did you like men? Do you like Qi Yue? Can you accept him as a man?"

Qi Mingyu frowned, "I'm jealous of you staying with him, and I get anxious when I see you two together. Does this count as liking me?"

Ying Jincheng narrowed his eyes, "So what if I like you? You have always liked girls for so many years. Just because of your emotions, you went to Qi Yue. Have you ever thought about the future? He really likes you and pays for it." The feelings are also very deep. If you no longer have feelings for him in the future, have you ever thought about what he would do?"

"That's our business." Qi Mingyu's face darkened, "It's not your turn to point fingers."

Ying Jincheng chuckled, "Mingyu, even if your feelings may not change in the future, what about your family? Will they allow you to be with a man?"

Qi Mingyu frowned. He didn't think about it at all, he just followed his feelings.

When Ying Jincheng saw that Qi Mingyu was silent, he continued, "I hope that even if you are separated in the future, Qi Yue will not be too sad."

Qi Mingyu clenched his fists. This kind of unfavorable feeling made him feel angry, but Qi Mingyu couldn't say anything to refute. Probably from the bottom of his heart, he was probably uncertain and uncertain about this feeling. Confused.

After Ying Jincheng left, Lu Lei really didn't know what to say to Qi Mingyu. He shrugged, "As long as you are happy."

Qi Yue had no idea about the previous conversation between the two, but he found that Qi Mingyu began to visit him frequently, just to have dinner together and go back to the villa to be with Mingfan. There were no major changes in his life.

Even so, Qi Yue was somewhat happy to be able to get along with Qi Mingyu, although this happiness was accompanied by some uneasiness.

Everyone in the school knew that Qi Yue, a design major, had a good relationship with Qi Mingyu, the president of the student union. The two often appeared together, so Qi Yue inevitably became the messenger.

Holding the love letter he had received for the unknown number of times, Qi Yue got into Qi Mingyu's car and handed the envelope in his hand to Qi Mingyu.

"I told you, you don't have to give me this kind of thing from now on, just throw it away." The weather was getting hotter and muggier, Qi Ming loosened his collar and turned on the air conditioner in the car, saying nonchalantly.

Qi Yue held the envelope in embarrassment and said hesitantly, "It's just a little bit of my thoughts." How could he have the nerve to throw it away directly? At the very least, he should throw it away from Qi Mingyu.

Qi Mingyu originally wanted to drive away, but he suddenly stopped when he heard Qi Yue's words. He turned to look at Qi Yue, "Are you dating me now?"

"Ah?" Qi Yue's face turned red.

"Then why don't you just throw it away?" Qi Mingyu leaned close to Qi Yue and pulled him into his arms, "You have the right to do this, don't you?"

Qi Yue smiled and said nothing. Even now, the two have been dating for more than two months, and he still doesn't have any sense of belonging, so he really can't agree with Qi Mingyu's statement.

Qi Mingyu took out the envelope from Qi Yue's hand, threw it out the window, and then closed the window. Anyway, the air conditioner in the car was turned on, so he didn't feel cold. He lowered his head and looked at Qi Yue, "It seems like we haven't been intimate for so long?"

Qi Yue was startled. He moved his body, feeling a little uncomfortable. His eyes were wandering. He just didn't look at Qi Mingyu. He felt his face heat up.

Qi Mingyu looked at Qi Yue's blushing face, laughed, then slowly lowered his head, took Qi Yue's lips into his mouth, first licked Qi Yue's lip flesh, sucked slowly, and then tentatively Sticking out his tongue, Qi Yue closed his eyes and allowed Qi Mingyu to move, and their breathing gradually became faster.

Qi Mingyu hugged Qi Yue tightly, holding Qi Yue's head with one hand and pressing him towards him. He put his other hand around Qi Yue's waist and tightly wrapped his arms around Qi Yue's waist, holding him completely. Qi Mingyu's movements became more and more violent, and his hands couldn't help but reach in from the hem of Qi Yue's shirt...

The delicate skin was under his palm. However, before Qi Mingyu could feel it carefully, his hand was held down. Qi Mingyu did not force it anymore and concentrated on kissing Qi Yue.

After a while, the two separated, and Qi Mingyu's heavy breathing sprayed on Qi Yue's face. Qi Mingyu was still kissing Qi Yue.

After the two of them calmed down, Qi Mingyu smiled and said, "Why don't you let me go?" He moved his hand that was still held by Qi Yue.

Qi Yue's face turned red and he immediately let go of his hand.

Qi Mingyu pinched the flesh on Qi Yue's waist, and then withdrew his hand.

Qi Yue nestled in the passenger seat and simply didn't know what to do.

When I was at Qi Mingyu's house in the evening, it rained heavily and thunder and lightning roared. Even people who are not afraid of thunder would probably be frightened when they heard such a loud thunder, let alone children.

Qi Mingfan grabbed Qi Yue's arm, not wanting Qi Yue to leave. He trembled when he heard the thunder, obviously frightened.

"Stay here today." Qi Mingyu bent down and kissed Qi Yue's forehead. It seemed that Qi Mingyu had liked the act of kissing Qi Yue in class since he came back from the car. Qi Yue didn't know how many times he had been kissed by Qi Mingyu. Although it was all on the cheek and forehead, it was enough for Qi Yue to blush.

He looked at Qi Mingfan, who was looking at him with wide eyes and pleading, and nodded.

In the evening, Qi Mingyu gave Qi Yue a set of pajamas, "I don't have any new clothes, so you don't mind wearing mine."

Qi Yue took it with a blushing face and shook his head. He carried the clothes and went to take a shower. The heat on his face could not go away. Although it was not the first time to stay here, the feeling this time was completely different from the last time.