Running with a Bag and Bun

Chapter 33: Welfare is here again


Before Qi Yue, Qi Mingyu had already taken a bath. Now Qi Yue was in the bathroom, surrounded by the humid environment after Qi Mingyu took a bath. It seemed that the whole space was filled with the smell of Qi Mingyu. Qi Yue's face turned red. He flushed the water, his mind was in chaos, and he was a little absent-minded. After taking a bath in a daze, he picked up his pajamas and prepared to put them on.

The pajamas were made of silk and were of very good quality. However, when Qi Yue put on the pants, he obviously felt that the pants Qi Mingyu gave him were too big, because the pajamas were originally loose, and they were more than one size too big, which made his grip loose. Qi Yue stood awkwardly in the bathroom, holding his pants in his hands, not knowing what to do. Later, he stretched his pants by himself and tied them into a knot that was not tight at all, and then he was careful. Qi Yue put on her top, but it turned out that the top was quite big and the neckline was opened a lot. Qi Yue looked in the mirror and felt a little ashamed.

Obviously the clothes I wore last night were quite appropriate.

Qi Yue came out of the bathroom with his hands on his pants. Qi Mingyu was still sitting on the sofa reading a book. When he saw Qi Yue coming out, he raised his head and looked at Qi Yue carefully, with an unknown light shining in his eyes.

Qi Yue coughed, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Mingfan went to bed." Qi Mingyu looked at the watch in the living room, "It's still early, do you want to come over and watch TV together?"

"Ah, okay, okay." Qi Yue picked up his pants, moved to the corner of the sofa and sat down. In the quiet night, Qi Yue's vision was a little wandering and he did not dare to look at Qi Mingyu.

He vaguely heard Qi Mingyu chuckle, and before Qi Yue could think about it carefully, he felt someone sitting next to him.

Qi Mingyu put one hand on the back of the sofa behind Qi Yue, as if surrounding Qi Yue. He reached out and handed Qi Yue the remote control, "Here, you can watch whatever you like."

The TV at Qi Mingyu's home can order programs without restrictions. Qi Yue took the remote control, and with Qi Mingyu's arms around him, he ordered programs with a red face, trying to keep his eyes on the TV.

Qi Mingyu looked at the person in front of him who was so red that his ears and neck were red, and he pretended to be calm and composed. In fact, his nervous eyelashes were trembling all the time, and he felt cute inexplicably. Qi Mingyu's eyes were deep, and he looked at it The hand on the sofa gradually went around Qi Yue's hair and touched Qi Yue's other earlobe. The heat was just right and the soft touch made Qi Mingyu reluctant to let go.

Qi Yue was startled. He did not dare to look at Qi Mingyu and shrank his neck involuntarily. However, being treated so intimately, Qi Yue did not want to turn his head away.

Perhaps it was Qi Yue's acquiescence that encouraged Qi Mingyu. Qi Mingyu's movements became more and more giving up. His hands were no longer limited to Qi Yue's earlobes, but were stroking downwards more and more, because they were crossing Qi Yue's ears. Shoulders, Qi Mingyu's hand couldn't reach very far. He caressed and touched Qi Yue's neck. Qi Yue was forced to raise his head slightly involuntarily. The delicate skin was under his palm. Qi Mingyu His eyes became deeper and deeper, and he involuntarily approached Qi Yue and kissed him on the side of his face. The young man had just taken a bath, and the fragrance after the bath was still on his body, with water vapor, which was strangely attractive. Qi Ming Yu kept kissing, and his other hand hugged Qi Yue's waist, pulling him towards him.

Qi Yue didn't know what was playing on the TV. He was now in a panic and at a loss. Being held in Qi Mingyu's arms, Qi Yue could only breathe rapidly and was forced to accept Qi Ming All the impressions that Yu brought to him, after being in the car today, Qi Mingyu seemed to have turned on a switch, and he became intimate with his movements and behaviors. Qi Yue was not unhappy, but uncomfortable with it, as if he suddenly got The candy child was also at a loss. He got too many candies, but he became even more uneasy. After all, he had never received any candies before.

"Qi Yue..." Qi Mingyu's deep voice sounded in Qi Yue's ears, hoarse and restrained. He held Qi Yue with both hands very hard, and his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to eat Qi Yue.

Qi Mingyu closed his eyes hard, took a deep breath and said, "I really didn't expect..."

Qi Yue looked at Qi Mingyu in confusion, his eyes were innocent, but his eyes were full of him. Qi Mingyu no longer wanted to endure it, he pressed Qi Yue on the armrest of the sofa, kissed fiercely, and his hands were also on Qi Yue. As he groped, Qi Mingyu's heavy breathing was right next to his ears, and the touch on his lips was vivid. He chased him without escaping, as if he had to pull him to fall with him, but Qi Yue had fallen long ago, and he fell to Qi Ming There is no way to climb out of the abyss.

The buttons on his trousers didn't need to be pulled at all. They opened instantly. Qi Mingyu slowly moved his hands down while caressing and rubbing Qi Yue's upper body...

Qi Yue suddenly woke up, his body as a man... Qi Yue felt uneasy and scared, and immediately pressed Qi Mingyu's hand, his eyes were uneasy and shivering, and there was a vague expectation, maybe Qi Mingyu Mingyu doesn't care at all...

But Qi Mingyu seemed to be awakened by Qi Yue's move. He did not continue and frowned. Qi Mingyu took a breath and said, "I'm sorry, I'm too impatient." After saying that, he asked Qi Mingyu. Yue pulled her up, stretched out her hand to straighten Qi Yue's clothes, and then said to Qi Yue, "Go and rest."

Qi Yue lowered his head to cover up the hurt in his eyes. He nodded and told himself in his heart that he had to be considerate of Qi Mingyu. It was too early for everything now. He stood up, Qi Yue walked into Qi Mingfan's room while holding up his pants. inside.

Qi Mingyu watched Qi Yue disappear into the living room, then relaxed and spread out on the sofa. He looked at his pants, where the protrusion... Qi Mingyu slowly exhaled. He really never thought about himself. He had such a big reaction that he completely lost control in front of Qi Yue, and even the self-control he had always been proud of was a little out of control. Qi Yue tasted so good that after he tasted it, he couldn't help but want more. But everything was developing too fast today. Qi Mingyu didn't want his heart to follow the instinct of his body. This would be unfair to everyone.

He likes Qi Yue and wants to continue dating Qi Yue, but Qi Mingyu doesn't know how much guarantee this relationship has and how much his heart has sacrificed. He obeys his heart, but he can't see clearly. In his heart, he likes Qi Yue, but he doesn't dare to say how long this relationship will last. He knows how much Qi Yue cares for him, so he can't follow his body's instinct to treat Qi Yue. In fact, Qi Mingyu didn't realize that , he did this because he felt sorry for Qi Yue, so he suppressed his desire, but Qi Mingyu still couldn't clearly understand it now.

The next day, the two of them acted as if nothing had happened. Although Qi Yue was still a little shy and uncomfortable, he was still a man in the end, and he would not shy away from things he could let go. His shyness was just because of his appearance. It's just the person you really like.

Qi Yue and Qi Mingyu interacted smoothly. After all, one semester has almost passed. The student union cadres only work in the student union for one year. It is their own choice whether to be promoted or to leave. However, Qi Yue is here The art department has always been very serious about work and has good abilities. The director of the art department really wanted Qi Yue to stay as the candidate for director, but Qi Yue did not intend to stay in the student union. He originally just wanted an experience, or he wanted to go to the student union at first. , but also because he is closer to Qi Mingyu. He himself is not a person who pursues this kind of thing. A quiet design is most suitable for him, especially if he does not wander around for a day, does not have to work, does not have to do anything else, and can focus on One thing is the most stable life for Qi Yue. Although he is running everywhere for Qi Mingfan, Qi Yue is also very happy when he can stay with Qi Mingyu. He does not want his energy to be exhausted. I want to give out some more, so I don’t plan to run for election.

Qi Mingyu did not comment on this because he also planned to leave the student union, although with Qi Mingyu's ability, he could be re-elected.

In this way, summer vacation has arrived in a hurry. Calculating the time, Qi Yue is already a sophomore, and Qi Mingyu is also a junior.

"Qi Yue, you must come over on my birthday." Ying Jincheng came over to see Qi Yue. Because his birthday was in August and he was on holiday, he came over to tell Qi Yue specifically.

Although Qi Yue chose to be with Qi Mingyu in the end, Ying Jincheng had no intention of ignoring Qi Yue. He liked Qi Yue, but not to the point where he had to be with him, especially since Qi Yue's heart was not at all It's not about him, and Ying Jincheng can't force it. It's best to do what you want. But since Qi Yue has never put his heart on him, and he made it very clear, Ying Jincheng can't do it. No more forcing, but for Ying Jincheng, Qi Yue is still special, and this specialness will not change until his feelings completely disappear. Maybe one day, Ying Jincheng can simply regard Qi Yue as a good friend. .

Qi Yue nodded and said to Jin Cheng, "Don't worry, senior, I will definitely come when the time comes."

Ying Jincheng smiled and patted Qi Yue on the shoulder, "I'll pick you up when the time comes."

"No need, senior, just tell me the place and I'll go by myself."

Ying Jincheng shook his head with a smile and blinked, "I won't be able to get in without an invitation. My parents said they would hold a birthday party for me. Unfortunately, I can't give you an invitation now, so I will have to pick you up then."

Qi Yue nodded, because when Ying Jincheng came over, Qi Yue was studying with Ji Chen, so Ji Chen also heard it. Seeing what Ying Jincheng said, Ji Chen sneered, "Qi Yue has Qi Mingyu I'm taking it with me, do I still need you to pick it up?"

Qi Yue punched Ji Chen in embarrassment. He finally found out that Ji Chen and his senior seemed to be at odds with each other. They would choke each other every time they met. Unfortunately, the senior always followed up with a good temper, like a punch on cotton. , not happy at all.