Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 12


Du Ruo sat on the stand, overlooking the playground.

He Huanhuan was holding a large bag of potato chips, chewing and chewing, and handed it to Du Ruo, who stuffed a piece into his mouth, tasteless.

There are long jumpers and high jumpers competing on the playground.

He Huanhuan bit half of a potato chip, and suddenly sighed: "Meow meow, sometimes I really want to fall in love."

The absent-minded Du Ruo came to pay attention, and looked at her strangely: "It's autumn, what are you in love with?" But she saw her looking at a certain stand.

Jing Ming sat on the bottom floor of their class stands, with his long legs hanging on the railing, and played with his mobile phone with his head down; Min Enzhu sat beside him, leaning slightly on his body, touching his collar for a while, and playing with his hair for a while. very intimate.

He seemed to be playing a game, so he didn't pay attention; she leaned over to look, and put her arms around his neck, looked at the content on the phone, and laughed to herself. After laughing, she pecked his cheek lightly, quickly and without showing any trace.

Jing Ming was still looking at the phone and didn't respond to the kiss.

Du Ruo stared at them.

"Don't you sometimes want to fall in love?" He Huanhuan looked away and said honestly, "I sometimes think so, and I feel a little envious when I see other people fall in love, but only occasionally. Haha."

"There are many boys in the school and few girls. If you think about it, it will be easy to find a boyfriend."

"Is it possible? Then why don't our direct senior sisters have boyfriends?"

"..." Du Ruo glanced at her speechlessly, "I'm comforting you, but you can't accept this kindness obediently, don't talk back?"

He Huanhuan laughed. Du Ruo couldn't help but giggled.

Under the stands, Jing Ming stood up. He planned to watch the girls in his class compete with each other. Min Enzhu had no interest, just sat there and played with his mobile phone.

Jing Ming got off the stands and walked to the competition field.

He Huanhuan put away the bag of potato chips and said, "The three-legged pair has started. The other two girls in our class are going to compete. Let's watch together."

Du Ruo said yes. She was the only girl in their class and did not apply for this project.

At the start of the track, He Huanhuan went to cheer up her classmates.

Du Ruo paid attention to Chen Si and Wang Huaiyu, who walked back and forth with their feet tied together. A group of boys in their class, Jing Ming and Zhu Tao surrounded them to point out,

Zhu Tao: "You put your arms together."

Zhang Lei: "Call the beat. One two one."

Jing Ming didn't speak, looked down at the "three legs" of the two walking, and suddenly laughed: "I'm going to fall."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Si and Wang Huaiyu stumbled, Zhang Lei and others hurriedly put their hands on them to support them.

Jingming folded his arms and watched.

Chen Si yelled at Jingming: "The mouth of a crow."

Jing Ming laughed: "I don't cooperate well, blame me?"

"Of course it looks simple to you."

"Can you use your brains?" Jing Ming teased, "Your steps are small, too broken, and the frequency is high, so it's not easy to keep pace. It's no wonder if you don't fall. Take bigger steps, reduce the number of steps, and reduce the frequency."

Wang Huaiyu thought about it: "That's right."

Xia Nan at the side heard it and said, "Thank you for getting the secret book."

Jing Ming glanced at her, then shrugged at Chen Si and Wang Huaiyu: "Your opponent has heard of it, so please yourself."

Chen Sidao: "Then we don't necessarily lose. What if we are tied."

Jing Ming said, "Xia Nan has longer legs than you."

Chen Si laughed angrily, stretched out his arms and pointed at Jingming twice.

All the girls laughed.

Du Ruo was not in that happy atmosphere, she and Jing Ming couldn't get along like ordinary classmates, it was natural.

The referee whistled and assembled. The onlookers dispersed one after another.

With an order, the pair of girls who were tied together ran towards the finish line, and the boys smiled and cheered on the side of the track.

As expected, Xia Nan and Qiu Yuchen took the first place, while Chen Si and Wang Huaiyu came in second.

Du Ruo stepped forward to congratulate.

Qiu Yuchen was untying the rope on his leg. When he saw her, he was surprised: "Xiaocao, aren't you going to run 400 meters? Why are you still wearing a skirt?"

"...Oh my god, I forgot!" Du Ruo broke out in a cold sweat, "I'll go back and change immediately."

He Huanhuan grabbed her and said, "Change your head, the 400m is about to start. All the boys from our class have gone to assemble."

Sure enough, there were fewer boys around. When the three-legged match started, they went to the other side of the playground.

Several volunteers came to clear the track and said that the race was about to begin.

The four of them had just retreated into the playground when the starting gun fired, and the men's competition had already begun.

Du Ruo panicked: "What should I do now?"

He Huanhuan: "You can run in this suit. It's okay, and no one stipulates that you must win the first place. The most important thing is to participate. The sports meeting is just for fun."

"I can't run in high heels."

Xia Nan, the owner of the high-heeled shoes, quickly took off the sneakers on her feet: "Let's change."


"What are you doing in a daze? Take off quickly."

Du Ruo took off his shoes, put on Xia Nan's sneakers, looked at his dress again, and covered his face: "Will it be nondescript?"

Qiu Yuchen sneered: "What kind of ethics do you care about now?"

He Huanhuan thought it was very fun, and was very excited: "Sneakers are popular with skirts now."

Du Ruosheng has nothing to love: "It's over, I'm going to run like this, and I'm going to attract the crowd. It's embarrassing and embarrassing to the whole school."

Xia Nan glanced at her: "Don't worry, I'll take pictures for you when you wear a gauze skirt for a running competition."

"..." Du Ruo whispered, "No filming allowed."

Qiu Yuchen shrugged: "We will definitely not be the only ones taking pictures at that time."

He Huanhuan booed: "Yes. Haha, it must be very fun!"

"You..." Du Ruo was unable to support his forehead, and had no time to chat. The most urgent task is to rush to the 400-meter assembly point.

Three friends in the dormitory followed her to cheer her on.

The four girls ran wildly across the grassy playground.

Du Ruo rushed out of the playground, ran to the starting point, looked around for the registration point, and someone shouted at her: "Be careful!"

She was taken aback, and everyone around her was dodging left and right, as if something dangerous was coming.

Footsteps approached rapidly behind him.

Du Ruo turned around,

Jing Ming crossed the finish line of the 400-meter race at high speed and ran towards her!

With a look of astonishment on his face, he couldn't stop to dodge, and instinctively stretched out his arms to hug her, and the two of them collided heavily and fell to the ground. He tapped his chin hard on her temple. She grinned in pain.

Boys are so heavy! ! !

She's going to be crushed!

Not to mention the pain all over his body, his body was scorching hot, sweating, carrying his breath and body odor, pressing heavily on her body like a mountain.

She was so pressed that she couldn't breathe, her heart was beating wildly, and her internal organs were aching.

Jing Ming was taken aback, quickly put his hands on the ground, stood up, picked her up again, glanced up and down, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Du Ruo's heart was beating like crazy, completely uncontrollable, her face turned red and white, and her whole body ached. She couldn't say a word and could only shake her head mechanically.

Min Enzhu ran up to pull Jingming, and asked anxiously, "Did you fall?"

Jing Ming said, "No."

Min Enzhu looked at Du Ruo with a puzzled expression and a trace of dissatisfaction.

No girlfriend would like that scene just now.

She asked Du Ruo, "Why are you blocking the finish line here?"

Jing Ming was not interested in competing, and said, "Let's go."

Min Enzhu didn't say much, and followed.

Although Du Ruo was frightened by the collision just now, she had no time to take care of her beating heart. She quickly walked to the starting line and ran onto the track after the starting gun fired.

She ran wildly like the wind, as if trying to get rid of some monster that enveloped her.

She ran wildly on the runway with her fluffy white skirt in her arms. She was thin and thin, but she led the way.

"Look at that girl, she's running in a skirt!"

The students in the stands all attracted attention one by one, and they all laughed kindly, watched, cheered, and took pictures with their mobile phones.

Lively, cute, self-willed, free, this is the university. It's what sports should be like!

They won't know how flustered the girl holding the skirt is.

Such a beautiful misunderstanding.

Jing Ming walked across the middle of the track and field, slowly calming down his frantic heartbeat after running 400 meters.

Min Enzhu stepped forward to hold his hand and said, "You are not allowed to hug other girls in the future, do you hear me?"

Jing Ming was puzzled: "Who do you hug?"

"Just now." She pouted and said, "You don't worry about others being attracted to you."

Jing Ming was speechless: "Nervous."

He walked towards the stands, just in time to see Du Ruo running across the runway with her skirt in her arms. Looking thin, he has no energy, but he can run faster than a rabbit.

After running 400 meters, Du Ruo looked like a fish thrown ashore, with blood vessels about to burst. The originally beautiful skirt was also soaked in sweat and wrinkled.

All the students in the class came to congratulate her for running first, but she couldn't do anything except bow her waist and pant.

She drank water and walked slowly across the playground, and the situation improved a little.

She went back and sat in the stands for a long time, but she didn't know what she was doing.

Gradually, the hot flashes and disorders in the body subsided little by little, the sweat evaporated, and people felt a trace of invading coolness.

All the abnormal movements disappeared, and it receded cleanly, like a beach with ebb tide.

Act like nothing happened.

It was almost dusk, the game was almost over, and there were few people in the stands.

Du Ruo glanced in that direction subconsciously, everyone in Chen Si's class had already left.

Qiu Yuchen came over and said that their shift was over, and asked Du Ruo if he would go back to rest.

Du Ruo said yes.

All kinds of gold pastel strips and gold papers from the opening ceremony in the morning were scattered on the playground. At this moment, as the sun went down, the venue was desolate and messy.

Du Ruo and his roommates walked back to the dormitory. Along the way, the autumn wind caressed gently, and the leaves rustled above their heads.

After a lively day, the music ended.

A hint of barren atmosphere after carnival sweeps people, like sea water returning to tide as night approaches.

The four girls were all faint, tired all day, unable to speak, and walked quietly on the campus together.

Du Ruo walked, raised her head, took a deep breath, saw the sky, the sunset, the trees, and the windows of the boys' dormitory.

On a certain balcony on the third floor, there was a white shirt with a black embroidered ribbon on the back of the shirt.

She recognized it as Jing Ming's at a glance. He once passed through it in a public English class.

The night wind blew, and she felt a little cold. She wrapped her coat tightly and quickened her pace: "Go back to the dormitory, you're freezing to death."

"You don't wear enough clothes." He Huanhuan said, "But it's so pretty, Xiaocao, you look so good today, you almost turned into a little fairy, hahaha."

"Pfft." Du Ruo laughed and said, "Then this fairy is going down to earth, go back to the dormitory, change clothes, eat, and go to the library!"

Qiu Yuchen sighed weakly: "I'm still going to the library today. I don't have the energy to go."

Xia Nan: "I'm not going either, I'm exhausted."

Huanhuan: "I have to go, the group assignment hasn't been handed in yet."

Du Ruo smiled: "Then let's go together."