Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 14


Du Ruo pushed open the door of lounge 01. Jing Ming was wearing red headphones, a black hoodie, and ripped jeans, slumped on the sofa playing games, moving his jaw occasionally and chewing gum.

The huge lounge was quiet and he was the only one.

Du Ruo closed the door softly, walked over and stood aside, hesitating whether to disturb him while playing games. He caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye, looked up and said strangely, "Sit down."

"Oh." She sat down on the other side of the sofa, and he continued to play games.

Only then did she see the little robot leaning against his feet, quietly staring into a pair of bright eyes.

She was free, flipping through the album just now, and was looking at it seriously, when Jing Ming's faint voice came from the side: "Look at the last page."

"Huh?" She looked up.

"End page." After he finished playing the game, he took off his earphones, put away his mobile phone, and threw it into a paper bag beside him.

"Oh." Du Ruo turned to the last page of the album and saw a lot of references and information about pioneers in the field, so he could take them back and search online for study. There is even a link to the course in the back of one!

She is like a treasure.

Jing Ming had stood up from the sofa, picked up the control panel on the coffee table, and said, "Let's go."

"Hey." Du Ruo hurriedly put the album into her schoolbag, stood up, but heard the whistling sound of the robot, the little robot obediently followed behind Jing Ming's feet, and he glanced at her.

He was talking to a robot just now.

Du Ruo: "..."

Jing Ming left the lounge and went to the corridor, Du Ruo followed behind him. When he came to a closed door at the end of the corridor, he stopped, and she heard a faint cheer on the other side—it was the stadium.

He stood in front of her, looked back at her suddenly, and asked, "Have you seen a robot competition before?" The corridor space was narrow, and even though his voice was low, there was a faint echo.

"No." She shook her head.

He turned around: "Then you should watch some serious games first."

"What's a serious game?"

"Robot dance competitions, football matches, etc., have a relatively high research component. Unlike today's one, which has more fun components and is more violent and bloody."


She was a little puzzled: "Isn't this competition just about robots fighting robots?"

He was noncommittal, and seemed to snort a laugh: "Don't be scared later."

Du Ruo wondered, she had seen professional robot fights in the video, the cute me slowly raised my arm and poked the stupid you, and the stupid you wobbled and raised your leg to kick the cute me.

Just like that day in his dormitory, the little robot ran over and hit her ankle with a "boom", and then ran away jolting after the beating.

Thinking of this, the door was suddenly opened, and the usher bowed to invite Jing Ming to enter.

The lights were bright, and he walked into the arena with his pockets in his pockets. Suddenly, the stadium was full of voices, and the roof was about to be blown over.

Du Ruo was guided to the seat closest to the venue, with the enthusiastic stands behind him.

The surrounding stands were full of people, most of them were students from nearby colleges and universities, and some professionals sat in the front row, probably people who were interested in robots, or practitioners in related industries.

All boys.

The competition venue is not big, similar to a gymnastics arena. It is a regular quadrilateral, surrounded by solid iron walls as short as steps, and a protective barbed wire fence is erected above the fence.

The center of the field is empty, and the robot has not yet played.

Suddenly, the lights directed at the stands dimmed, and the venue gradually fell into darkness. With a "snap", the lights turned on, and the light focused on the center of the arena.

The electronic cards on both sides lit up, and the words on the top showed the information of the two sides:

On the first row of the electronic card on the left, the two most eye-catching words are:

m jing

Next is his basic information.

age: 18

robot: eva

matches: 6

average kill time: 47s.

Jing Ming

Age: 18

Robot: Eva

Matches played: 6

Average time to kill: 47 seconds

Opponent Yi Kun's side is:

k yi

age: 22

robot: sonny

matches: 6

average kill time: 49s.

Yi Kun's robot is called Sonny, and the average time to end the game is 49 seconds.

The strength is quite ah.

Du Ruo's eyes moved down from the electronic screen, and Jing Ming was standing on the left side of the closed field, with small earphones plugged into his ears. Eva spun around at his feet, her eyes wide open.

The live big screen cuts to this picture—

Eva is a short, tank-like robot with two feet made of tracks, a short body, two hands on the side, and two big eyes on the top of the head. It is very cute. Naturally, there was laughter at the scene.

On Yi Kun's side, his own external temperament was in stark contrast to Jing Ming's, with a frosty face and a serious expression, and he was wearing a rather formal casual suit.

His robot Sonny was a circle taller than Eva, and the outer shell seemed to fit perfectly, without a single gap, like a bunker.

The most frightening thing is that Sonny has two long mantis-like arms, and his fist is as huge as a hammer, fierce and ruthless.

The game is about to start, and the host activates the atmosphere, raising the microphone to the audience and asking them to call out their favorite champions.

All of a sudden, the stadium shouted loudly:

"Jingming! Jingming!"

"Yi Kun! Yi Kun!"

Infected by the atmosphere, Du Ruo was trembling slightly nervously. He glanced at Jingming. He lowered his head slightly, his eyes were covered by his broken hair, and he couldn't see his expression clearly. He could only see the high nose bridge and the well-defined jaw line. Move your tongue and lick your upper lip.

The earphone wire was sticking to his cheek and dangling slightly.

At this moment, Eva didn't run around, and the little one stood obediently at his feet.

The host signaled the two contestants to let the robot enter the arena. Jing Ming pulled off the earphones and stuffed them into the pocket of his jeans. He bent down and patted Eva on the head like a patriarch.

Eva immediately ran away happily, went around to the host, and entered the competition field surrounded by walls from the entrance. Sonny has also stepped in steadily.

When the two sides were in position, the host announced: "The game begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "snap", and the sound of the gate opening. The low walls around it were all lit up in an instant, but it was by no means a decorative effect.

There are four walls, two sides are red and blue flames, and two sides are high-speed rotating steel blades!

If the robot hits the wall, the damage will be unimaginable!

And Sonny launched an attack in an instant, rushed to Eva, and punched her down!


Eva's eyes went crooked all at once.

Du Ruo trembled in shock.

No cute slow-moving robots here,

There is no word "slowness" here, slowness is waiting for death.

As soon as Eva changed her cuteness, she quickly turned around and slid to the side of Sonny, and slammed into it. The high-speed rotating blade shaft on her chest instantly cut Sonny's metal shell.

Sonny immediately turned around and punched again, but Eva was faster, and once again circled to Sonny's side, stretched his hands under the shell that had just been cut open, and raised his hand.

Sonny, who was a circle older than her, fell headfirst, and the iron shell hit the ground with a clatter.

The audience stared and watched with bated breath.

Sonny struggled, and although he looked bulky, he turned somersault nimbly and stood upright again.

Sonny changed his strategy, accelerated suddenly, and rushed towards Eva. He was big, bulky, and fast enough to slam Eva into the wall with the spinning blades. The blade cut Eva's body rapidly, the powder splashed and sizzled! And Sonny beat Eva's head with two hammers in turn.

It's brutal!

Du Ruo's heartbeat was uncontrollable, and she was too nervous to look any more. She hurriedly looked at Jingming, who was standing on the sidelines, staring at Eva who was trapped by Sonny in the corner. Slender fingers quickly operate on the control panel.

Eva was caught in the corner and moved vigorously. The scroll in front of her sizzled with lightning, and the blade on the scroll pierced Sonny's shell, and the blue lightning penetrated into Sonny's body through the gap in the broken shell.

Sonny backed away immediately. Eva took advantage of the situation to escape from the wall.

The caterpillars on her feet were scratched by the knife edge on the wall, but she didn't flinch, and rolled in front of Sonny, and lifted his lower base again!

Sonny flipped headlong again, this time rolling to the wall of flames!

There were sparks flying!

Flames licked and burned Sonny's body. Although the metal shell was not afraid of fire, the internal circuit board and engine could not stand the high temperature.

Sonny fell upside down by the fire, struggling to get over.

Eva stopped, standing in the middle of the field and waiting.

The blood boiled in the stands: "Attack! Attack! End the game!"

In the center of the field, the time on the timer is 43 seconds.

But strangely, Eva didn't go forward to attack, but waited for Sonny to get out of the woods first.

Tired of waiting, Eva tilted her head to act cute.

The audience roared with laughter.

Du Ruo looked at Jing Ming, who was in charge of everything.

He stood on the sidelines, tapped his fingers on the control panel, turned a deaf ear to the cheers and laughter around him, and just stared at his opponent without blinking: Sonny on the field.

Finally, Sonny turned over and stood upright, away from the flame wall.

His controller, Yi Kun, didn't give him time to rest and calm down, so he called out the maximum speed and strength to crash into Eva.

Jing Ming tightened his eyes, and Eva also ran towards Sonny at the highest speed!

There was a loud "bang".

The audience in the stands were dumbfounded, the speed was so fast and the power was so great, it was like a car colliding!

The two robots were close together, Sonny beat Eva hard with a hammer, bang, bang, her eye shells were cracked, and her shoulders were shrunken; The shell, and continue to release current, sizzle sound.

The scene was completely silent, Du Ruo bit her finger and stared closely.

On the field, Sonny beat it a few times, and found that he could only damage the outer shell, but not the inside, so he increased his horsepower and pushed Eva to the rotating bayonet by the wall, trying to wring off her crawler belt.

Eva was pushed back again and again by him, but insisted on destroying his shell with electric shocks and blades. The moment she was cornered, Eva quickly turned around and avoided it.

Sonny couldn't dodge in time, he rushed to the knife-edge wall by himself, and didn't move.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, completely motionless.

The host announced: "The game is over!"

The boys at the scene all stood up in an instant and screamed wildly! Oh oh hoo hoo, bursts of howling like wolves.

The excitement and frantic heartbeat brought by the game has not yet calmed down. Du Ruo gasped and applauded with everyone.

Jing Ming curled his lips into a smile, and moved the control panel. Eva on the court shook her head, stood up on one foot, and raised the other foot high in the air, like a shoe box standing on a slant. And whirled around in a circle. Very cute.

And at this moment, a red light flashed from the gap in Sonny's shell, getting bigger and bigger. The audience changed from applauding to talking, all pointing in that direction. In the astonished eyes of everyone, a cluster of flames jumped up suddenly, and Sonny burned—During the battle, Eva worked hard again and again, and finally cut off the circuit board inside Sonny. And his master hastened his destruction by throwing himself into battle after he fled from the flames before he recovered.

Sonny instantly caught fire.

It is the first robot to die since dozens of group matches and knockout matches in this competition.

There was a sound of exclamation and regret in the stands, and many people stood up and took pictures with their mobile phones.

And Eva ran to the entrance with her scars, raised her head, and waited obediently. When the staff opened the door, she slipped past people's feet and went back to Jingming's side.

Jing Ming stepped forward to meet her. He knelt down, touched the head of the little robot Eva, picked her up again, put her in his arms, and checked her for injuries.

It was distressing, he touched her head, lowered his head and kissed her eyes.

The boy at that moment was clean, gentle and pure.

Du Ruo's heart skipped a beat inexplicably, and for some reason, she felt that this scene moved her.

And this moment is like the truest portrayal of the relationship between him and her.

The stage was brilliant, he ignored the eyes and applause of the audience, and only cared about his Eva,

In the dark stands, her eyes followed closely, never leaving for a moment.

Because, one day, she will also stand on that stage.