Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 16


In the next few days, Du Ruo never met Jing Ming again.

Firstly, because the midterm exam is coming soon, she has to continue studying extracurricular content while preparing for the exam, and has no time to take care of other things.

In such a huge school, when her route is fixed at the four points of the dormitory, library, cafeteria, and classroom, it is difficult to meet acquaintances again.

The second reason is that she fell into a wave of self-loathing. She hates herself who is constantly distracted and lost unconsciously, like a headless fly, deviated from the original track.

She missed the girl who had no distractions and clear goals in her hometown.

Thoughts are struggling, trying to get out of this vicious circle.

Thinking of this, the pen in his hand unconsciously stroked hard on the paper, wow, wow, and drew rough and irregular diagonal lines.

In the dormitory, He Huanhuan was chewing spicy shredded beef, leaning over his desk to do excerpts of knowledge points, when he heard the sound of pens drawing paper, he turned his head: "Student Du Xiaocao, what are you doing?"

Xia Nan held the book without raising her head: "It seems like he is cutting someone into pieces."

When Du Ruo came back to her senses, she saw that the good manuscript paper was messed up by her, so she hurriedly tore off the first two pages, crumpled them up and threw them into the trash can: "It's okay, I'm a little distracted."

"Oh." He Huanhuan didn't care anymore; Xia Nan gave her a strange look, and she avoided her eyes guiltyly.

Although today is Saturday, there will be a mid-term exam next week, so Xia Nan and Qiu Yuchen didn't go home and stayed in the dormitory to read.

Tired of reading, Qiu Yuchen threw down the book, turned on the computer and plugged in the earphones to watch an American TV series: "Huan, give me a pack of the specialty of your hometown, that shredded beef that is so spicy."

He Huanhuan threw a bag to Qiu Yuchen and looked at Xia Nan.

Xia Nan: "It's too spicy, I can't eat it. If I get acne, I've done skin care for nothing."

"Bull." He Huanhuan gave a thumbs up, "I admire your self-control ability.... Xiaocao?"

"It's my aunt, my stomach hurts." Du Ruo said angrily.

He Huanhuan: "By the way, isn't your class going on an autumn tour this week? Did you ask for leave?"

"I asked for leave. But as soon as I asked for leave, the boys in the class didn't go. They said they would wait for me and put it off until next week."

Qiu Yuchen was eating spicy beef, sweating on the tip of his nose: "Sure enough, he is a class flower, and the treatment is really good. Our class last autumn trip, a boy asked for leave and didn't go, and the whole class didn't see it cancelled."

Du Ruo rubbed her dysmenorrhea belly and smiled feebly.

After the episode, the dormitory became quiet again.

Everyone was reading and reviewing, and occasionally there was the sound of He Huanhuan tearing the snack packaging bag, or a little sound leaking from Qiu Yuchen's earphones.

Until a certain moment, the sound of the pen tip cutting the paper sounded again.

He Huanhuan and Xia Nan looked over at the same time. Du Ruo bit her lip and scratched the manuscript paper on the table with a pen.

He Huanhuan: "Du Ruo?"

Du Ruo stopped, with cold sweat on his palms.

"What happened to you?"

Du Ruo crumpled the paper and lied: "Maybe there is an exam, so be nervous."

He Huanhuan breathed a sigh of relief: "What do you think is a big deal? You, you have been in a tight state since you entered school. Every day is like preparing for the college entrance examination. Relax."

"Got it. Don't worry."

Xia Nan thought for a moment and asked, "Xiaocao, is there something on your mind recently?"

"That's right." Qiu Yuchen also paused the computer, and said with concern, "If you're in trouble, just tell us and see if we can help?"

Du Ruo lowered his head and grabbed his fingers, hesitating for a moment, and said: "I don't know what's going on, I always fall into an annoying state, and I don't know it. It's like scratching paper. When you scratch, you can't help it. When you react, it's already drawn like this. Very upset again."

Qiu Yuchen: "Is it a period of depression? Everyone will be like this every once in a while, and it will be fine after a while. I was also inexplicably depressed a while ago."

He Huanhuan echoed: "Yes, I also have that kind of time."

Du Ruo felt a little comforted.

Xia Nan put away the book and suggested: "Want to go for a walk on the boulevard? Think of it as a dormitory team building."

"Great!" He Huanhuan immediately put down his pen, "I can't read this book anymore!"

Qiu Yuchen turned off the computer: "I'll change clothes."

Du Ruo also agreed, anyway, she has reviewed everything that should be reviewed, so it's good to go out to take a breath, she is almost suffocated to death.

Only the trees know that after a day, the autumn will be stronger.

Near the School of Physics, there are several long quiet tree-lined avenues. After a while, the treetops turned yellow in large areas.

On the road, there is a thin layer of fallen leaves, and when you step on it, you can hear the slight sound of leaves breaking.

That melodious voice fell in my heart, as if to say that the university is not only teaching buildings and libraries, but also boulevards and stadiums.

At first, the four girls walked quietly, with the autumn wind blowing, and no one spoke, asked about the exam, or asked about their thoughts.

When passing the government affairs building, Du Ruohu suddenly remembered that night, she stood on the steps and waited for Jingming.

Now, the leaves are all yellow and the sky is bright.

She suddenly asked: "If you always pay too much attention to something that has a bad influence on yourself, how can you stop paying attention?"

He Huanhuan wondered: "Eh? Don't people pay attention to what they like? For example, Yuchen likes to follow dramas, I like to eat snacks, and Xia Nan likes beauty makeup."

"There are some things that you reject or fear, and you will pay special attention to them."

"Afraid? People with pollen allergies will be the first to notice pollen?"

Du Ruo sneered.

Xia Nan said: "Excessive attention, no matter what the purpose is, is dangerous and will make people deviate from the direction. Like I sometimes follow dramas, which are obviously annoying to the plot, but the more I complain, the more I watch it, and I find it interesting in the end Yes. But the solution is simple—stay away from the source. Nothing can’t be solved by staying away.”

Du Ruo thought about it.

Qiu Yuchen changed the topic: "If Du Ruo Xiaocao, shouldn't the three of us also have nicknames?"

Du Ruo: "Xia Nan is one tree, Yuchen is four waters."

Qiu Yuchen: "Where is He Huanhuan?"

Xia Nan: "Shuanghuan."

He Huanhuan protested: "It's too ugly!"

Du Ruo: "She's so erotic, let's be erotic."

He Huanhuan continued to protest: "You are only two."

Qiu Yuchen: "This is suitable."

He Huanhuan: "No!"

Xia Nan: "Hi Er Huan."

He Huanhuan: "You are only two, two times your three equals six."

Xia Nan: "Look. I made a mistake just after I finished speaking."

The four of them chatted in detail, as they walked further and further away, their voices gradually scattered in the autumn wind.

The little ripples in Du Ruo's heart also seemed to be unloaded by the fallen leaves, and went away with the wind.

She hadn't met Jingming again for a long time, but in her spare time, she did some research on grants and student loans, and submitted the application form.

But Jing Ming was not at school at all during this time, but spent all day in the industrial park. The mid-term exam is useless to him. Not only that, the prime team members also stayed with him in the industrial park every day—Jing Ming's father's driverless car shipped back from abroad arrived.

Since unmanned cars are essentially the category of robots, everyone just calls them robots.

On the day when the robot first arrived, a group of teenagers watched the car up and down. Boys are born to love cars, so naturally they can't put it down. After it was successfully tested automatically in the industrial zone, it became even more like a treasure.

However, after systematic research, a group of teenagers endured endless heartache and began to dismantle it.

Jing Ming even guarded the industrial park day and night, and never missed every step and every part.

Li Wei often admires between work: "It's a fucking work of art! Fuck, there are sensors all over the body."

"Damn it, look at this laser detector."

"Damn it, look at this gyroscope is so delicate."

He Wang, the computer genius in the team, also sighed: "I still don't know how many computer hosts are in it, and which algorithms are used for route planning and obstacle avoidance."

Zhu Tao was a little more relaxed: "The steering wheel, accelerator and brake system are the simplest. To achieve this level, we need to work harder, but I guarantee there will be no major problems."

When Jing Ming does things, he speaks the least. He just meticulously plans, records, indexes, and analyzes and studies the whole and details.

Once it was dark, when everyone left the industrial park, Wan Ziang asked Jing Ming: "Does your father know that you bought this car to dismantle it?"

Jing Ming: "I know."

Everyone said "Wow".

Jingming: "What's wrong?"

Wan Ziang: "Your father spoils you enough."

Jingming was speechless: "Cut."

A week later, the exam week came.

If Du is not a cramming person, and she is an exam-oriented player, she will not be nervous about exams when she was in high school. But she also worked extra hard, because the grades are related to the scholarship.

The college's scholarship selection weight is 40% in the middle of the term, 20% in attendance, and 40% in the end of the term. Competition for scholarships begins at the beginning of the semester.

Except for elective courses where papers are only required to be handed in, tests are required for professional compulsory courses and public compulsory courses.

Du Ruo had met Jing Ming in several compulsory public exams, and he handed in both politics and English ahead of time. I couldn't tell if he was too confident, or just didn't take it seriously.

For the rest of the time, she spends her time studying in the library and never sees him again.

Until Thursday afternoon, after finishing the circuit theory test, it was 3:30.

There is no exam today. Du Ruo was about to go to the library to review advanced mathematics, but halfway received a text message from Li Wei, saying that the class tutor Zhang Ruhan was looking for her.

They have a dual-tutor system. Each class has a class tutor who is responsible for teaching, which is equivalent to the class teacher in high school. Their class is Teacher Yang Changqing;

To put it bluntly, it is to chat with students from time to time to help them solve non-study difficulties.

The office is huge, without partitions, and there are mountains of documents piled up on every desk, like a third-year high school classroom. There are a few lush Brazilian wood trees in the corner, embellished with greenery.

All the other teachers went to invigilate the exam, only Zhang Ruhan was alone.

"Du Ruo, come and sit down."

Du Ruo sat across from the desk and glanced at the surrounding environment.

Zhang Ruhan's desk was near the window, the shutters were open, and the blue sky and treetops outside were divided into pieces. The sunlight was also cut into strips, sprinkled in sporadically, and shone in the succulent flowerpot on the windowsill, creating a fluffy shimmer.

There are several desks on the left and right, and each desk can be seen at a glance from the left; but the materials piled up on the second desk on the right are particularly tall, blocking the view at the other end.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Half semester has started, and I didn't find a chance to chat. I call you to talk today." Zhang Ruhan is a young woman with a gentle smile, and she speaks softly, especially nicely. "How are you adapting to school life? Is there anything?" difficulty?"

Du Ruo felt that her smile was kind and relaxed:

"To be honest, I was very nervous in the first month. When I was in high school, everyone said that it would be easy to go to college, isn't it? There are too many good people in school, and those who are better than you work harder than you. I read books desperately, for fear of being left behind. Fortunately, I also felt some rules later on, and I got used to it, and I won’t be in a hurry, and I can keep up quickly.”

Moreover, she has already started self-study extracurricular courses. However, there is no need to show it off.

Zhang Ruhan smiled approvingly, "You feel comfortable because your ability has improved without knowing it."

Du Ruo smiled.

"But also pay attention to the balance between work and rest."


"Have you joined the club yet?"

"No." Du Ruo said seriously, "But I plan to try next semester."

"That's good. Get to know more classmates. If you have psychological pressure or life difficulties in the future, you can tell the teacher."

"Yes." When Du Ruo was grateful, Zhang Ruhan took out a form from the drawer and asked, "Do you want to apply for a national scholarship?"


"However, this stipend can only be given to poor students."

The atmosphere changed slightly,

Du Ruo didn't answer for a while.

Someone walked by in the corridor, and she didn't say until the footsteps were far away, "I am."

Zhang Ruhan nodded his chin, pondered for a moment: "As far as I know, your phone is iPhone6s."

Du Ruo widened her eyes in a little surprise, looked at her for a few seconds, and said, "This is someone else's old mobile phone, which was given to me. I didn't buy it. I don't need to lie about the money."

Zhang Ruhan smiled: "I just asked casually, not to doubt you, so don't think too much about it."

"It's okay, I don't care. Teacher, you need a civil affairs certificate to apply for a bursary. I have already provided it, and it will be attached to the application form."

"I saw it. However, you are not the only student applying for the bursary, and whether you can succeed depends on future review."

The implication is that it is poorer.

Fortunately, there were no other bystanders in the office. Even if her self-esteem was smashed to the ground, she could still pick it up and pat the dust into a pocket, then raised her head and walked out again.

The sun falls on the Brazilian wood indoors, and the luster on the leaves is still.

Zhang Ruhan said: "By the way, you said that your family is poor, so why didn't you apply for a student loan when you entered school?"

"I've been funded regularly, so I didn't look it up when I first enrolled, but I'm applying now."

"Oh? It's too little funding. Can I ask the amount?"

Du Ruo was stunned, and immediately shook her head: "No. Teacher, the reason why I applied for a scholarship is because I have already received too much support from others, and I don't want to continue to cause trouble for them and continue to take their money."

Just as he was talking, someone walked into the office.

Du Ruoru was disturbed, and immediately turned her head. It was a male teacher, who walked towards Du Ruo directly, and after passing by, walked to the second desk on the right.

The messy desk full of papers was his.

He rolled up the paper in his hand, raised his hand and tapped lightly on someone's head, with a bang.

Zhang Ruhan was not surprised, but Du Ruo broke out in a cold sweat. Behind the pile of documents, there was a person sitting all the time

The male teacher scolded: "How did you get a 9 in the political class?!"

Du Ruo stared at the pile of documents, and saw that the man sat up a little bit, a clump of jet-black hair protruding from the pile of documents, he pulled his hair twice with his hands.

"I can get 9 points right, which is pretty good." Jing Ming replied impatiently.