Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 17


Du Ruo's face was instantly red with blood, numb and painful, as if there were countless tiny thorns squeezing under the skin, trying to pierce out.

Zhang Ruhan didn't care, she knew there were other people in the office, but she didn't think there was any problem with it.

"You have the nerve to say it! What does it look like to get a score of 9?!"

Teacher Liang Wenbang didn't know the situation, and continued to reprimand his unsatisfactory student. But it is not so much a reprimand as it is a reprimand for a mischievous child, because he pretended to be angry on his face, but his tone was not harsh.

Jing Ming was still slumped in the chair, and said disdainfully, "I'm an engineering student, and I'm engaged in robotics. What's the use of learning Mao and Deng's theory?"

"This is a compulsory course, you have to pass the exam!"

Jing Ming squinted his eyes, and glanced at the blinds: "I want to pass, but the teacher won't give me 60 points, what can I do?"

"It's the teacher's fault for co-authoring? If you get a score of 50 or so in the test, the teacher who grades the paper can still turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye to make a fool of yourself. Is a score of 9 justified?"

Jing Ming raised his chin slightly and scratched his neck: "I can't explain it, why don't you talk about it?"

"Nonsense!" Liang Wenbang said, "Go back and study hard, and you will pass everything in the make-up exam."

Jing Ming sighed speechlessly, tilted his head, and leaned on the back of the chair: "Then I can't guarantee it."

"The make-up exam is to do the same set of papers. If you let the water go like this, how can you still fail?!"

Jing Ming frowned: "Where is the water? I don't even remember the title of the paper."

"I think you didn't even read the paper!" Teacher Liang stood up in an instant, and was about to hit him on the head with a pen.

Jingming retreated for a while.

Through the pile of documents, Du Ruo saw his side face flashing out, and then flashing back quickly.

Sitting here, her heart was numb, only her cheeks were burning like fire, with sharp stinging pain.

On the opposite side of the desk, Zhang Ruhan continued to ask Du Ruo: "Is it convenient to disclose?" After waiting for a long time, seeing that she didn't answer, and her face turned ugly, she smiled again: "If you don't want to say it, you can don't say it. Okay?"

Du Ruo still didn't answer.

Over there, Liang Wenbang let go of the make-up exam, sat down again, and said, "What do you think of the few topics I showed you last time?"

"It's boring. I don't think so."

"I'm not interested in robot joint gravity repair?"


"Okay. If you don't want to follow the senior brothers, you can do it yourself."

Jing Ming sat up a little, leaned over to the desk, took out a pen from the teacher's pen holder, and played with it: "The project belongs to me or to the school?"

Teacher Liang said with a smile: "The school has to take part."

"How many?"

Teacher Liang compared his fingers.

The spinning pen stopped instantly: "Why?"

"The venue, talents, resources, equipment, and follow-up investment, aren't they all from the school?"

Jing Ming continued to change his pen: "Then my dad's company can also provide it. You don't have to rely on the school."

Teacher Liang couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you negotiating conditions with me?"

Jing Ming: "If you don't talk about it now, you will hurt your feelings later."

"Tell me, what are you and your friends secretly studying now?"


"Tsk, the technical threshold is high."

The young man snorted: "The threshold is for me to step on."

The teacher was taken aback by this person who was full of conceit, and laughed a few times, the laughter was hearty.

"Have you achieved that step now?"

"Business secrets." He really didn't bother to go into details.

Liang Wenbang couldn't see it, he laughed a few more times, he had nothing to do with this student, and said: "All right. Let's discuss the specifics of this matter at another time. But, as for the robot, we can't relax. We should participate You have to participate in all the competitions, this is a matter of honor on behalf of the school."

Jing Ming scratched his chin with a pen, feeling reckless: "Got it!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. You take the exam first, and then talk about it after the exam....I said seriously, make-up exams must be taken seriously, what's the matter if you fail?"

Jing Ming threw the pen back into the pen holder, and slumped back into the chair again: "That can only be left to fate."

"You child!"

It's fun over there, but it's deadlocked here.

Seeing that Du Ruo hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhang Ruhan called out, "Du Ruo?"

Du Ruo raised her eyes: "Huh?"

The sun slanted a little and shone on her eyelashes, she turned her face away slightly to avoid it.

Zhang Ruhan took a sip of the water in the glass, looked at the form in his hand, and continued to ask: "In your family, the father died early, and the mother is in poor health, so she is incapable of working?"

"Isn't it written in the form? Illiterate, living on subsistence allowances. Is my handwriting too sloppy?"

Her resistance was too obvious, Zhang Ruhan explained with a smile: "I just want to confirm."

Du Ruo suddenly hated her smile, and was about to refute something.

A hint of ridicule came from behind: "Teacher, this kind of person can also apply for a bursary? The country's money is so easy to get!"

Du Ruo turned around and stared at Jing Ming in disbelief.

Jing Ming glanced at her indifferently, then moved his eyes to Zhang Ruhan's face, the corners of his lips curled up, his smile seemed polite, but there was an imperceptible trace of disdain:

"If she can apply for a bursary in this way, then I will also apply."

Zhang Ruhan immediately reassured: "Student, don't question it, rest assured, we will strictly screen the application qualifications for the subsidy."

"Of course we have to be strictly screened." Jing Ming said, "She uses iPhones all the time. How can she be a poor student? You have to use a Nokia from ten years ago. Also," he pinched the corner of Du Ruo's shoulder with his thumb and index finger , picked it up, and shook it once or twice, "I don't see a single patch on her clothes. Should poor students wear patched clothes?"

Zhang Ruhan realized now that he was mocking her, his expression was like swallowing a fly.

Du Ruo was also stunned, for a moment he didn't believe that he would rescue him.

"Poor students should look like poor students. They can't buy good clothes, use good things, and shouldn't eat snacks. They shouldn't eat good meals in the cafeteria. They should have pickled vegetables and steamed buns for every meal. Screening poor students, We have to hold a meeting with all the staff, and the students are all sitting at the bottom, and they are standing on the stage, comparing the miserable ones, whoever cries hard, and whoever cries badly, the people below will vote for him. It is only fair to choose this way. Teacher, you say yes no?"

Zhang Ruhan's face turned red and white.

"There are not many really poor people in our hospital. Most of the forms here are just a collection of poverty certificates. Teacher, you are really 'strict'." After Jing Ming finished speaking, he held back his anger, looked away, and glanced at the top of Du Ruo's head. "It's been said that you don't qualify as a poor student in Teacher Zhang's eyes. What are you still doing sitting here?"

Du Ruo is still dazed and has not yet reacted.

Jing Ming kicked her chair: "About you!"

She stood up hastily.

Jingming has already walked towards the door.

Du Ruo glanced at Zhang Ruhan before leaving: "Teacher, whether I apply for a bursary or go to school, I want to get rid of the imprint of poverty on me and live a better life. Therefore, I can't be poorer than others. I won't show you how poor I am. Because I won't go back."

She nodded slightly, and no matter how Zhang Ruhan responded, she only knew that the moment she turned around, she felt refreshed.

She quickly ran out of the office, looking for Jing Ming.

And his figure flickered at the corner of the corridor, and then disappeared in the elevator room.

She ran at the speed of a 100-meter sprint: "Wait a minute!"

The elevator door was closing, Jing Ming leaned against the elevator wall with his pockets in his pocket, slightly raised his chin, and didn't intend to press the elevator door to stop.

In the narrowing gap of the elevator door, he glanced at her and coldly looked away.

The moment the door closed, Du Ruo stuck his foot in and blocked the door.

Bang bang!

Jing Ming's expression was frozen.

Du Ruo hurried in, and the elevator door closed.

The elevator went down quietly, she licked her lips, raised her head to thank her,

Unexpectedly, he sneered in the next second, and said a little annoyed: "How did my parents treat you badly? Did they treat you high and made you feel wronged?"

Du Ruo was surprised, and immediately explained: "I didn't mean that, but since I can apply for a scholarship, I don't want to spend more money from my aunt."

"You think she cares about such a small amount of money?"

"I care," she said.

"Heh." He smiled sarcastically, didn't bother to speak anymore, and pressed the button, the elevator stopped at the next floor, and he strode out.

She stayed inside, watching the elevator door slowly close, and his back getting further and further away.

She wanted to say something, but didn't.

It wasn't until the moment the elevator doors closed that she remembered that she forgot to say thank you.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sunlight has become thin and dull, and the blue in the sky has also faded a few traces of color.

Du Ruo walked back slowly along the path of fallen leaves, the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, and her heart seemed to be surrounded by a faint mist. But there are some pictures that are very clear, what he said in the office, and his back when he left.

The air was a bit cold, but her heart was unusually warm.

From time to time, she looked up at the leaves on the treetops, as if they had turned yellow again.

Autumn in Beijing is so beautiful, the sky is so blue and the air is so fresh.

She took a deep breath and continued walking.

Unknowingly, she walked downstairs to the dormitory. As soon as my footsteps stopped, I came back to my senses at this moment. I should have gone to the library to review advanced mathematics.

She sighed slightly, clutched her schoolbag tightly and walked towards the library. She took a step, thought of something, and looked back at the girls' dormitory building.

At this time, everyone is not in the dormitory.

The curtains of the dormitory were drawn, and the light was dim, except for a lamp on Du Ruo's desk.

Soft light sprinkled in a small world.

Her thin figure is leaning over the table, with a book of Mao Zedong spread out in front of her. Introduction to Eastern thought, a few sheets of clean manuscript paper, the manuscript paper is full of small black characters.

She bit her pen and recalled the questions of the political exam. When she thought of a question, she wrote quickly, consulted the book, and copied the answer on the white paper.

The broken hair on her forehead fell off from time to time, but she didn't care, she just wrote neatly with each stroke.

The sky outside the window dimmed little by little. She finally finished writing, put down the pen, let out a long sigh of relief, and shook her sore wrist.

There was a beep sound of the door card approaching the sensor on the dormitory door.

She immediately pushed away the political book and covered the manuscript paper with the advanced mathematics textbook.

He Huanhuan came in with a stack of books in his arms: "Eh? You didn't go to the library?"

"Yeah. It's too late, there's no room." Du Ruo said.

"Are you going to take the high math test tomorrow?"


"Hey, I think of a joke that is very funny. Once upon a time, there was a tree in the university called Gaoshu, and many people hung on it. Haha."

He Huan laughed a little bit, laughed heartily, and Du Ruo also laughed along with her.

The next day she got up very early, slipped to Jingming's classroom without having breakfast, pretended to go to self-study, and found the schoolbag that his roommate had occupied for him.

She approached cautiously, opened the zipper, stuffed the folded manuscript paper into her schoolbag, zipped it up, and quickly evacuated.

After leaving the classroom, I turned my head and took another look, and then left contentedly.

But at this moment of satisfaction when she turned her head, she suddenly felt,

It's over.

She felt a burst of deep panic filling her heart from the soles of her feet.


She seems to like him.

It's useless to deny it any more. Envy, attention, gratitude, hate, repulsion and fear are all excuses, just like it.