Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 22


When Du Ruo sent her gyroscope, sound-sensitive photosensitive thermal sensor, inclination sensor, and acceleration sensor to the office, Teacher Yang Changqing was really surprised:

"You did all this yourself?"

"Well, I did it all myself."


"Teacher, just let me follow you into the lab. It's okay to help the brothers with work. I do things by myself, and I have to go around a lot of detours."

Yang Changqing didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you like this job?"

"I like it." She nodded vigorously.

"Why do you like it? I remember when you first started school, you said you didn't know much about this industry."

She unconsciously smiled slightly: "I feel that dealing with machines is very real. What you give, it will return, no more, no less, no luck, and never disappoint. They are alive, you just need to take every step seriously. Do it well, and in the end, it will definitely give you a response."

As she spoke, she casually touched the thermal sensor on the table, and as soon as her fingers touched it, the light turned on.

Yang Changqing smiled: "Okay, come on."

Du Ruo was overjoyed: "Thank you teacher."

From then on, as a girl, she started to follow her seniors to run laboratories and factories, and started to work with machine tools, drills and files. Naturally, she also got a lot of help from her seniors.

The days go by so fast, and the new year is approaching in a blink of an eye.

On New Year's Day, it snowed in Beijing.

Du Ruo and He Huanhuan, two southern girls who had never seen snow before, were so excited that they jumped up and down, almost falling into the snow and rolling.

Xia Nan and Qiu Yuchen rolled their eyes together: "Yes, yes, that is snow, white snow. If you don't know, you may think that gold is falling from the sky."

"Try rolling your eyes again." Du Ruo grabbed a ball of snow and smashed it on Xia Nan's head.

"You're going to die!" Xia Nan shot back with a pile of snow in a split second.

The four huddled together on the snow.

Du Ruo squeezed the snowball in his hand and threw it. Qiu Yuchen dodged and the snowball hit the passing boy.

It's Li Qinghe.

"Ah, brother, I'm sorry." She immediately ran to apologize.

"It's okay." Li Qinghe patted the snow on his body and said with a smile, "I remember you are from the south, right. Normal, normal."

Du Ruo: "..."

Qiu Yuchen pretended to be on the side: "Yes, senior brother, our Xiaocao has never seen anything in the world, so I made you laugh."

Li Qinghe laughed loudly.

Du Ruo turned around: "I'm going to die."

After Qiu Yuchen made trouble, he stuck out his tongue and walked away.

Li Qinghe looked at Du Ruo with a smile, and said, "It's just right, I have something to do with you, too."

"What's the matter?"

"Here, here are the videos of the first few times you participated in debates in the club."

She was embarrassed: "Huh? Did you record it?"

"Help you check for leaks and fill in gaps, and improve quickly."

"Thank you. Oh, by the way, you have read all the debate materials you borrowed from me last time, and I will return them to you another day."

"Okay, no rush."

After Li Qinghe explained, he still had something to do, so he left first.

Du Ruo watched him leave, and turned her head to meet the malicious eyes of the three girls.

He Huanhuan: "There is a problem."

Qiu Yuchen: "There is a situation."

Xia Nan: "There is treachery. Love."

Du Ruo: "..."

She didn't think about that at all, and said casually: "Brother is so talented and handsome, will you fall in love with me?"

He Huan groaned indignantly: "Why don't I like you anymore, you are also good-looking."

Du Ruo's eyes quickly rolled down: "You have a problem with your eyes, you think I look good."

Qiu Yuchen said: "You really look a lot better than when you first entered school. Your expression has improved, and your skin has turned white several degrees, and you look fresh."

Xia Nan said slowly, "Well, my taste has also improved. It's not like when I first came here, I wore clothes that were hard to describe."

"..." Du Ruo was speechless, "Are you praising me, or hurting me?"

However, she doesn't mind whether it's a compliment or a loss.

If you really want to say what is the difference between her and the original, it is probably that she will take good care of her external appearance, but will not be trapped in it, always caring and speculating on other people's opinions; Don't blindly feel inferior and rush around, and always compare yourself with others.

Step by step, she walked in an orderly manner, studied happily and efficiently, broadened her horizons, made new friends, traveled more places, read more books, and learned more things.

As her heart gradually opened up, her courage also grew, and she also began to try things that she thought she would never do.

For example, dancing at the Freshman Ball.

There is a tradition in their courtyard to hold a freshmen dance on the first Sunday after the New Year every year. Freshman classes are required to prepare a dance program.

She was the only girl in Du Ruoban, and it was too difficult to dance solo, so the show was handed over to boys.

She was at leisure, when He Huanhuan came to her door and said that their class was going to arrange a dance for men and women, and four men and four women were needed, but there were only three girls in the class, and they wanted to borrow Du Ruo.

She quickly agreed. Firstly, she couldn’t refuse her friend, and secondly, He Huanhuan showed her the video. The dance combined elements of flamenco, samba, and tango.

She and everyone did a surprise study for five nights, and they were done.

On the eve of the dance, Xia Nan painted Du Ruo with heavy makeup, long sparkling eyelashes, smoky eye makeup, fair cheeks, and flaming red lips.

She also used a curling iron to give her shoulder-length half-length hair a one-time big wave, tied a red headband, and then changed into a dancing red halter skirt.

After she finished dressing up, Qiu Yuchen's eyes widened: "I'll go, Du Ruo has become a goblin."

Du Ruo looked at the pretty girl in the mirror, and almost burst into laughter: "My god, what the hell is this?"

"Nonsense, can you dance without heavy makeup?" Xia Nan, the stylist, said.

"Okay, okay, Meimeimei." Du Ruo went out with a chuckle.

The night of the dance party is already deep in winter.

Snow has been drifting.

Du Ruo, He Huanhuan and Xu Kesuyan from their class, wearing red dancing skirts, red high-heeled shoes, wrapped themselves in a down jacket, and galloped through the cold campus in the middle of the night.

Snowflakes are flying, making the girls' red dresses extra bright in the night.

It was too cold outside, and the icy cold air stimulated one's nerves, making one unnaturally excited.

They ran around the campus with their skirts in their hands, laughing loudly.

Facing the wind and snow all the way, I ran to the towering teaching building.

It was a modern, gray and cold building.

The large event hall is on the second floor, and there is a separate outdoor staircase leading to the event hall.

The steel stairs are covered with ice, snow and footprints.

Upstairs, people came in and out, and the door of the event hall was pushed open and closed. The loud music gushes out all of a sudden, and is tightened again.

Du Ruo hugged the hem of her skirt and ran upstairs. The other three followed closely behind.

He Huanhuan: "Hurry up! It's been a long time since I started, hurry up!"

Licensing: "Damn it, I'm freezing to death, I'm freezing to death. My shoes are about to fall off."

Du Ruo: "Tell me, if we wear red shoes, will we dance so hard that we can't stop dancing, just like in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, and we have to cut off our feet at the end?"

Su Yan: "Huh?? The foot was cut off? The version I read, the shoe was taken off."

Du Ruo: "You are an improved version. The real thing is that the girl in the red dancing shoes couldn't take off her shoes, so she had to cut off her feet. Oh, yes, there is also Cinderella. Her two sisters wanted to wear glass shoes. , one with a toe cut off, and one with a heel cut off..."

He Huanhuan: "Shut up! You crazy! Ruined my childhood!"

"Haha, this is the truth. Would you rather be deceived?" Du Ruo laughed loudly, looking back at her as she quickly went up the stairs.

"Be careful!" He Huanhuan's feet slipped and he grabbed the railing, "The stairs are icy and slippery."

"It's okay, I'm already up..." Du Ruo stepped up the last step. On the step, a tall figure pushed the door out of the activity hall. Music, human voice, hit like a tide.

Du Ruo was startled, stepped on a piece of ice skating, her high heels were crooked, and suddenly turned,


She fell down the stairs.

As soon as the boy walked out of the room holding the phone, he saw a curly-haired girl in a red dress twist her high heels and roll down the stairs.

Without thinking about it, he took a quick step forward, reached out and grabbed her arm, and with a little force, her rapidly falling body was pulled back.

She clung to his arm with both hands reflexively, like grabbing a life-saving straw.


She hasn't let go yet, only gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?" He asked lightly, without concern in his tone.

Du Ruo was still in shock, slowly raised his head, and bumped into Jing Ming Qingjun's face.

In the snowy night, his eyes were dark and bright.

The moment he saw the girl's face, Jing Ming was startled, and gradually frowned.

He glanced up and down at her, barely recognizing her. Smoky makeup, bright red lips, big curly hair, red skirt.


what the hell

"Du Ruo, are you okay?" He Huanhuan rushed up to help her.

"It's okay." Du Ruo quickly let go of Jingming's hand, stood up, stopped making trouble and stopped laughing. After thinking about it, although he was reluctant, he still whispered, "Thank you."

He didn't answer, put the phone to his ear, and went to the balcony to answer the call.

It was windy and snowy outside, and the four rushed into the room quickly.

Xu Ke: "I heard that Jiang Xiaoyun chased him for a long time but failed to catch up."

Su Yan: "Huh? Jiang Xiaoyun is so beautiful."

Xu Ke: "Who knows, it's because I'm too lazy to fall in love, so I might as well play with robots."

Su Yan: "...the world of geniuses, I and other mortals don't understand."

Du Ruo ignored him, and rolled his eyes lightly in his heart.

He Huanhuan reminded in a low voice: "Stop chatting, we will be the next one."

Several people stopped talking and walked to the sidelines.

In the large event hall, students sit or stand in a circle, with the stage in the center.

At this moment, Wang Huaiyu is performing ballet, representing the mechanical and electronic class.

Du Ruo watched from the side.

Huaiyu is dressed in a white ballet skirt, dancing gracefully, like a white swan.

Du Ruo is a little envious, but she won't fall into self-denial as easily as before.

Ballet is classical and elegant, while their dances are passionate and unrestrained, and the contrast and conflict of different styles will bring you a completely different visual enjoyment.

Soon, Wang Huaiyu finished his performance and ended gracefully, thank you.

There was applause.

The white swan swims down the stage, and the red butterfly flies up.

Du Ruo came on stage.

Four men and four women stood in the center of the field, each pair of men and women took a posture far away from each other, with a look of pride and disdain to talk to each other on their faces.

Suddenly, the music starts. The Spanish-style tunes are warm and free and easy.

Du Ruo raised her chin slightly and raised her slender arms. She clapped her hands twice, followed a bright beat, shook her skirt, twisted her waist and hips, circled around the boy, and danced a lively and passionate dance.

Jing Ming opened the door and came in, just in time to see this scene.

The red dress was like fire, making the large area of bare skin on the girl's back whiter than snow.

With a big smile on her face, she danced with her male partner, sometimes twisting her shoulders, approaching each other happily;

They tease each other and check and balance each other, the only thing that remains the same is the hot and flamboyant emotion.

The girl's wavy red skirt flutters like a butterfly; the bright smile on her face is like a blooming flower.

Even the strands of curly hair danced deftly on her slender shoulders as if alive.

Jing Ming leaned against the wall, looking at the dancers in the center of the venue, his brows were slightly raised, his expression was dark and unclear.

The girl in the center of the stage has her eyes painted like wild cats and her lips are too coquettish to be seen. The same goes for the clothes, revealing most of the back. Youth wantonly.

The students around were also all attracted, and unconsciously clapped their hands and beat to the beat of the music.

Halfway through the dance, there was an accident, Du Ruo forgot the dance steps, and started to mess around.

Originally, I learned it temporarily, so how could I remember so much, I had to rely on the dance partners to remind each other. As a result, as soon as she forgot, the others also lost their pace.

more and more chaotic,

What should I do

Everyone exchanged glances in panic,

Nothing to do.

Forget it, let's dance around!

"Ah, I forgot!" She covered her face and screamed, in a state of high excitement, she ignored it, completely released her nature, and danced randomly.

The dance partners simply ignored it and danced blindly.

Just be happy, be happy.

Now, the audience turned high and laughed wantonly.

They were supposed to be the last special show, and everyone flooded into the venue and danced freely.

Du Ruo was tired from dancing, and squeezed out from the dancing crowd. He was still extremely excited, and he couldn't stop giggling by himself.

The oncoming boys smiled and praised: "Not bad, Du Ruo."

"Thank you." She responded loudly, bouncing away from the crowd, twisting her shoulders, humming to the music, "senorita~~~mira mira~~~"

Looking up, I met Jing Ming's straight gaze. He was leaning against the wall, turning the phone in his hand.

The note stops in the throat.

Singing and dancing, lights and shadows flickering.

He looked at her, and she looked at him.

They only looked at each other for a second, then looked away from each other at the same time, and looked elsewhere.

"Du Ruo, let's dance together." Someone asked beside him.

It was actually Li Qinghe.

"Brother is here too?"

"Come here and see how the freshmen are making noise. Jumping?"

"Fine. But what dance?"

"I don't know either."

"Then dance wildly. Haha."

When it comes to dancing, it is not a formal dance, it is nothing more than pulling together and jumping around. But the atmosphere at the scene was high, and everyone danced like a madman.

Jing Ming withdrew his gaze and glanced at the person in the center of the stage.

He is not that interested in dancing with the demons, he is stupid, like a mentally retarded. He stuffed the phone into his coat pocket.

A girl came over and tentatively invited: "Jing Ming, let's dance together."

"Don't jump." He responded coldly, stood up straight from the wall, and walked out the door.