Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 30


Du Ruo didn't expect that Jingming was not joking, he really wanted her to invite her to dinner.

She didn't want to be alone with him, and after class, she grabbed Levi like a life-saving straw, thanked him for participating in the debate, and invited him to dinner.

Jing Ming glanced at her appearance, but ignored her.

But Li Wei was very unfortunate: "I have an appointment with a junior high school classmate." Then he comforted her, "Besides, there is nothing to thank for it. It's a trivial matter, so don't worry about it."

Du Ruo had nothing to do.

She slowly followed Jingming out of the teaching building and walked outside the school.

At a distance of two or three people, no one speaks first to the other.

From time to time, some classmates passed between the two of them, without seeing that they were traveling together.

In May, the summer in the north has come quietly, and the wisterias on the low buildings on both sides of the road have begun to bloom.

Du Ruo looked up, the green trees reflected the blue sky, the sun was setting and the clouds were beautiful.

Just looking up, when she passed the intersection, a bicycle rushed towards her. Before she had time to react, Jing Ming pulled her to him.

Du Ruo staggered, her heart almost knocked out.

"Sorry!" the bicycle greeted, and ran away like a whirlwind.

She was still terrified, but Jing Ming's temper had already come up: "Your eyes are on the top of your head, walk and look up to the sky!"

She was startled by him, and pointed her finger at the top of her head: "I see, there is a sunset."


Jing Ming suddenly felt like punching cotton.

He looked up at the treetops speechlessly.

Indeed, the sky is full of colorful clouds.

Du Ruo quietly broke away from his hand, and slightly distanced herself from him.

I almost hit him just now, my heart was beating wildly, and I haven't recovered yet, for a moment, I was a little thankful for his rescue.

However, when she took a deep breath and looked up at the treetops under the setting sun, she suddenly remembered that late autumn night last year. At that time, she told him, look, the maple leaves are so beautiful.

It felt like my heart had been pricked by a thin needle, and I felt uncomfortable.

In a trance, I realized that it had been so long, more than half a year.

Time flies, she has changed a lot, she is no longer as shabby and cowardly as before.

The two walked silently, he was expressionless, and she was the same, just like two strangers walking parallel.

He was speechless all the way.

She was also quite speechless, so embarrassed, what to eat.

But in fact Jing Ming is not bad, he is always self-centered, he will not feel uncomfortable in any situation.

It's just that he was a little puzzled in his heart, and he couldn't tell what the puzzle was.

When Lu Yu turned the corner, she unconsciously walked diagonally in front of him.

He glanced sideways at her casually. Her hair was long again, covering her shoulders. A white hairpin was pinned to her sideburns. She was wearing a well-shaped beige short thin coat, jeans and short boots.

The posture is not restrained at all, and the steps are brisk. He has just finished his lesson, and now he starts to look up again when he walks, pursing his lips from time to time, and there are shallow pear dimples on his cheeks. It seems that there is something worth seeing in the sky.

He raised his eyes and glanced, but it was summer flowers blooming on the branches and the sunset glow in the sky.

Oh, boring.

On the treetops, two sparrows were fighting and chattering, which was quite interesting.

Du Ruo couldn't help laughing silently, rubbed his head with a smile and lowered his head, unintentionally turned his head to look in his direction, but met his eyes that happened to be looking over.

She was startled, and immediately staggered away. Never look back.

After leaving the campus, Du Ruo found a Cantonese restaurant where he ate during dinner in the dormitory. It was clean and tidy, and the decoration was quite meticulous. Consumption is not luxurious, but it is not cheap either. It is a good place to treat people to dinner.

She was mentally prepared to spend money, and handed the menu to Jing Ming: "You order."

He flipped through the menu and asked casually, "Any order?"

"...well, whatever."

"Fried shrimp."

"..." Huo, Du Ruo remembered that the dish was very expensive, it cost 128 yuan.

"Burning pigeon."

"..." Uh, 98 yuan.

Well, he ordered all the dishes that he didn't eat because he thought it was expensive when he went out with his roommates.


Well, this one is cheaper, 38 yuan.

"Matsutake Chicken Soup."

"..." It costs 58 for a small bowl!

"Is it two bowls?" the waiter asked.

Jing Ming: "Otherwise?"

Du Ruo bit her lip and wanted to say I don't want it, but she swallowed it anyway.

"For pasta, quicksand buns. For drinking, bamboo cane water."


Du Ruo, died.

Jing Ming continued flipping through the menu, raised his eyes to look at her, and saw her staring blankly at the side, with a look of lovelessness on her face. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and closed the menu with a snap.

She sat up straight all of a sudden and asked, "Is the order finished?"

"You want to add?" he asked.

"No." Her eyes were wide open, and she said slowly, "How about..." Tilting her head subconsciously, "Eat first, and add more later if you don't have enough?"


The waiter ordered the menu.

Du Ruo couldn't help the meat jumping, all of them were expensive and light-weight dishes.

hold head high!

Forget it, just be a tutor for three weeks, and reward yourself well.

Besides, she also really wants to eat shrimp squab and chicken soup, it must be delicious. Thinking of it this way, I felt a little more at ease.

While waiting for the food to be served, the two sat opposite each other without speaking, as if they were in a competition who would speak first and who would lose.

Du Ruo didn't make eye contact with him, didn't speak to him, and focused on picking the edge of the table with his fingers. She doesn't care if the atmosphere is condensed into bricks.

After Jing Ming sat for a while, he also felt bored, but he restrained himself and endured it. He wiped his hands with a paper towel, but he didn't think it was clean, so he got up to wash his hands again.

She didn't even ask, and she didn't look up.

After Jing Ming washed his hands, he went to the front desk to pay the bill, and added another dessert of poplar nectar for her.

When I came back again, I saw that she was still in a dying state of passive sabotage.

He looked at her for a while, and was very offended by her ghostly appearance. He couldn't bear it anymore, and mocked: "You don't have to put on such a reluctant look. I don't want to go out to eat with you either."

Du Ruo: "..."

Why don't you run out with me if you don't want to, you're in a hurry.

She scratched the table and muttered a retort in a low voice: "I didn't force you out."

His eyebrows twitched: "If my mother didn't call me every day to bother me, would I be in the mood to talk to you?"

Now, Du Ruo raised her head: "Auntie, she..."

Jing Ming could see it, it's a fucking token.

With a straight face, he was quite impatient: "It's her. Ask me about your situation every day. How can I know what's going on with you?"

His tone was so bad that she became good-tempered and said: "Auntie wants to ask again, just say I'm fine."

"I said it's useful? Doesn't she think I'm being perfunctory." That said, it seemed like I had suffered a lot.

Du Ruo fell silent.

In any case, she was the one who caused inconvenience to his life, and she was reluctant psychologically, but she still said, "I'm sorry."

Jing Ming's expression relaxed a little, he leaned back in the chair, put his arms on the table, and tapped his fingers on the table: "How are you doing recently?"

Du Ruo looked suspiciously:? ?

He frowned: "It's not what I want to ask."

She thought it was Ming Yi who asked, so she nodded and replied obediently: "It's good, and I'm very happy."

His expression remained unchanged, and he asked routinely: "How is your study?"

"It's also very good."

"What about life?"

"all good."

"Lack of money?"

She shook her head: "No shortage."

"If you are missing, you can tell me."

She hurriedly looked into his eyes for a second, blushing a little: "There is really no shortage."


After half a second, he slightly adjusted his sitting posture and coughed, "Are you in love?"

Du Ruo looked wary:? ?

Jingming was annoyed: "It's not what I want to ask."

Du Ruo: "Not yet."

Jing Ming paused: "What is temporary?"

"Someone is chasing me, I'm still thinking about it." She lowered her head and poked her finger on the table again, her ears were still a little red.


She looked up: "Auntie even asked this?"

Jing Ming picked up the cup, took a sip of water, and said admonishingly, "Let me remind you, don't focus on dating and delay your studies."

"..." Du Ruo felt that the words coming out of his mouth couldn't be more strange. She said slowly, "Hey, I'm the first in the class."


Jing Ming stopped talking, stared at the next table for a while, and changed the subject, "What is your identity in Yi Kun's laboratory now?"

"Ah?" She thought for a while, but she wasn't quite sure, "It should be a laboratory assistant, a handyman."

"No salary?"

She shook her head.

"But you participated in the design and production of Astro Boy."

"Ah." She nodded again.

"Other than that, what was your main job?"

"Fix some of the sensors they broke when they made it or something. ... Anyway, it's something they broke when they were working on a project. I'll fix it for you."

Jing Ming was silent for a while, and then asked: "Did the people at Orbit talk to you, and how much will they give you?"

Du Ruo was a little surprised, and said: "I went to observe and learn, and no one asked me for the registration fee."

Jing Ming opened his mouth, simply amazed.

She really doesn't know, with her current ability, can she already participate in the core research and ask for shares in the project

He taunted: "Don't call me Du Ruochun, change your name to Du Ruozhu."

Du Ruo: "..."

He was upset for no reason, too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and said directly: "Come to my side, and I will share it with you."

She was stunned, with a dazed expression, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. In the end, she lowered her eyes and remained silent for a few seconds. She didn't know whether she didn't care about the conditions he offered, or he didn't care about him, and finally said two words: "No."

"..." Jing Ming bit his lower lip very lightly.

She succeeded in chatting to death.

And he is not the kind of character who would persuade others, so he simply stopped talking.

She, too, did not speak.

There was a lot of people in the restaurant, and the two began to go their own way again, without any communication, no matter their eyes or words.

One was paralyzed on a chair and turned on his mobile phone, and the other was lying on the table playing with chopsticks.

The restaurant is also slow to serve food.

After a while, Jingming started another topic and asked, "What's the topic of the debate?"

He suddenly spoke again, she didn't expect it, she hurriedly raised her head to look at him, no matter what, she felt that the two of them were not in a relationship that could speak calmly. Except for him to bring a message to Mingyi.

She turned around dully in her mind before saying, "Poverty or wealth, which one is more likely to breed evil?"

Him: "Huh?"

"Didn't you ask the debate topic? That's it." She continued to dig at the table with her head down, still not looking at him.

"Poverty or wealth, which one is more likely to breed evil?" He repeated, obviously finding the topic funny.

She heard the smirk in his tone, and felt uncomfortable: "Is there a problem?"

"Pros and Cons?"

"Negative." She scratched hard at the edge of the table, vaguely implying, "Wealth is more likely to breed evil."

"Draw lots to decide who will hold?"

"Free choice."

"Oh." He slumped lazily in the chair and snorted disdainfully.

"What's wrong?" She looked up.

"It's nothing." He shrugged, raised his water glass to drink water, said nothing, but raised his eyebrows high, with a half-smile on his face.

It was that look of contempt and ridicule again.

Her: "Do you have an opinion?"

"You're pretty good at YY." Jing Ming put down his glass, this time he was not polite, and sneered, "Like Ah Q, living in your own world, spiritual victory?"

Du Ruo's face turned hot, as if she had been grabbed by the tail.

When she saw his terrified look, she felt nerve-wracking, like a cat with its hair blown out, desperately wanting to refute, racking her brains to organize her words, but after thinking about it, she suddenly lost interest in talking to him. bickering.

Thinking of this, she froze, shrugged her shoulders, and said listlessly: "Yeah, whatever you say is what you say."

Jingming: "..."

Fuck, she looks so dead.

Not to mention that the punch didn't hit the cotton, it didn't even hit the air. He almost choked to death.

He is out of his mind to come out to eat this meal.

I'm so full, I still want to eat a ball!

The author has something to say: Whether Xiaocao likes Jingming or not is actually not important. The important thing is that she no longer thinks about this matter, and has unconsciously erected a line of defense, a separation wall, to escape and shield all love between men and women. A self-protective subconscious made her reject and stay away from emotional relations, so that all her attention was focused on herself, and she had no time to estimate others. Like it or not, she has long since stopped delving into this issue. She doesn't get into it, and neither do I. Let her go with the flow.

As for Xiaojing Peacock, an 18-year-old baby with a genius IQ and mentally handicapped interpersonal relationships, there is nothing he can do about it, the environment he grew up in is too clean and simple. Often, the happier children mature later, and those who have endured hardships and injuries will grow up rapidly.

That day, too, will come.


I discovered one thing. Many people didn’t notice some small details. For example, one of them is very important. In the previous article, Jingming found a heart-to-heart connection and emotional resonance from Du Ruo. But many people ignored it, and couldn't add notes when writing: At this moment, Jingming found that this girl had changed a lot. At this moment, Jingming found that this girl was interesting. At this moment, Jingming suddenly had a strong emotional resonance, and his soul was connected...


However, there are still many people who have discovered it. hiahia