Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 32


Du Ruo was a little worried. Jing Ming didn't take the game seriously and dealt with it indiscriminately.


She was very sure that Jing Ming would not take the game seriously and deal with it indiscriminately.

She really didn't know where she offended him.

After much deliberation, there was only one explanation: he was playing with his temper, he didn't like the opposition, and he didn't like the debate that "wealth and wealth are more likely to breed crime", so he simply skipped the vote.

Sure enough, the day before the competition, when Du Ruo had the last mock debate with everyone, he did not participate because he was "too busy".

Li Wei also comforted her and said, "It's okay, I will tell him the key points when I go back."

Du Ruo doubted that Li Wei could restrain Jing Ming, which was obviously impossible.

But even so, there was nothing she could do, who made her unlucky to meet such an uncle as Jing Ming.

I can only sigh, friendship comes first, competition comes second.

On the day of the competition, she was very uncertain.

The debate competition was held in the auditorium. Due to the good publicity in the early stage, the atmosphere at the scene was particularly enthusiastic.

There were not only teachers and judges from the student union in the audience, but also students who were watching the competition.

When Du Ruo stepped onto the stage, her feet felt a little weak.

With so many pairs of eyes staring at it, it was impossible not to be nervous.

After the team members from both sides were seated, the host enthusiastically made an opening speech for the debate, and then introduced the debate team members from both sides. The audience applauded loudly, and the echo in the auditorium made Du Ruoren a little numb.

Even more nervous.

But taking a look at Jing Ming beside him, he still has that carefree and carefree look.

To what extent does a person have to be narcissistic to be able to pull in two to five to eighty thousand on any occasion? Du Ruo was puzzled.

To be honest, she was quite well prepared herself, and the "uncertainty" was mainly aimed at Jing Ming. However, no matter how well prepared she was, she would inevitably tremble in this environment, and she didn't have the time to worry about him.

Across the brightly lit big stage, the four debaters on the other side were sitting upright, ready to fight, each looking confident. She can't take care of herself, so she can only put all her thoughts on herself, and strive to perform herself perfectly.

After the host's introduction, read out today's topic:

"Poverty or wealth, which is more likely to breed evil? The Faculty of Physics is positive: poverty is more likely to breed evil. The School of Mechatronics is the opposite: wealth is more likely to breed evil.

Okay, now, please be quiet here.

The game officially begins! "

"First of all, I would like to invite the affirmative party to make a statement! The first round is a descriptive speech."

Zheng Fang Yibian is a boy, wearing glasses, with a thin figure, but full of momentum.

He speaks very fast and with a loud voice. From time to time, he uses gestures to cheer himself up. He speaks eloquently, citing a lot of examples to illustrate that "poverty makes people more likely to despair, degenerate, and lead to evil."

After he finished speaking, it was the opponent's turn to speak.

Qiu Yuchen was trembling all over, but when she stood up, the audience couldn't see the slightest nervousness.

Compared with the other party's debate, Qiu Yuchen spoke in a calm and eloquent manner, which made people listen carefully. She did a good job, fully stating the opposite point of view-in an environment of poverty, people will develop a strong will, but in an environment of abundance, the soul of a person is easily eroded.

After the first round of presentations, both parties completed their tasks well.

"Thank you for the presentations of the first round of the first debate. The performance was perfect. Now," the host raised the volume, "I invite the pros and cons to speak for the second debate! The second round is a free debate. Please invite the debaters from both sides!"

Free debate, the two sides directly verbally attack each other, with swords and guns.

Du Ruo stood up, mentally and physically tense, and clenched the edge of the table with both hands, but couldn't restrain her body from shaking violently.

The opponent's second debate is a girl, a temporary amateur player. She was also on stage for the first time, very panicked, her face was flushed, her voice was loud and urgent, with ups and downs, but she couldn't escape the suspicion of bluffing: "Of course...poverty is more likely to breed crime. Looking at various events in society, like robbery! Prostitution! Telecom fraud! This is all because of poverty! No money! Poverty makes them lose their living security, so they will do evil! Will the rich go to steal money, will they go to prostitution?! Obviously not! Because people live and survive It’s the basics! If you’re so poor that you can’t even guarantee your basic survival, of course you’ll commit crimes!”

Her momentum rose, and the audience was also moved, and some applause rang out.

Du Ruo's mind froze for a moment, but she soon came back to her senses. These were all prepared during the mock debate.

She took a deep breath, raised her volume slightly, and said word by word:

"I think the opponent's debater has both underestimated and overestimated human nature."

"Who said that poverty must make people do evil? I think that among the students present, there must be those who are from poor families or who have experienced poverty. These students, have they committed evil?"

Zheng Fang was taken aback for the second debate, completely unexpected that she would play the emotional card.

Du Ruo tried hard to calm himself, and spoke clearly: "They didn't."

"Instead, they have worked harder than others to get into the best universities. In my opinion, human beings are resilient and have a spirit of resistance. Humans are the creatures in nature that can reverse adversity and move forward courageously." .It is precisely because of their reluctance and dissatisfaction with the poor environment that they challenged their limits little by little and moved forward step by step. It is precisely because of this that our ancestors overthrew the old poor environment time and time again, changed and created A new environment. It is because of desperation that people are put to death and reborn! This sense of urgency for survival cannot be experienced by the human body in an environment of affluence."

These words did not overwhelm people with grandeur, but moved with pride, neither humble nor overbearing, justified and well-founded, and won a round of applause.

Zheng Fang's second debate was not professional at all, and she was a little flustered when she saw the situation, not to mention the high-pressure atmosphere at the scene, her thinking was short-circuited, and her teammates immediately handed her a note to help her.

But Du Ruo didn't give her a chance, and said the next attack first:

"As you said, poor people will go to prostitution. Yes, rich people will not go to prostitution, but rich people will go to whoring, foster, unspoken rules. Also as you said, poor people will go to robbery, yes, rich people will not go to To rob openly, they plundered camps to plunder and exploit the labor of migrant workers; they took advantage of loopholes in the law to steal and steal public wealth!"

After rebutting, she reiterated her position,

"That's why I say, you underestimate the humanity of the poor and overestimate the humanity of the rich."

After the statement was completed, he took advantage of the opportunity to label the other party,

"Your judgment of human nature is based entirely on the amount of money. More is good, less is evil. In my opinion, your concept is essentially untenable."

After one set was typed, the logic was clear and the process was clear, and there was another round of applause from the audience.

Zheng Fang's second debate was completely confused, and he hurriedly said loudly: "But poor people are inherently inferior in quality!" Before the words came out, they immediately realized that they had made a mistake, and suddenly fell silent.

If Du didn't answer, she didn't need to speak at the moment, and left it to the judges and the audience to decide for themselves.

After this verbal battle, she has completed the task, and she is satisfied and satisfied.

The moderator announced: "The second round of free debate is over, and both sides have made full statements on their respective positions..."

Du Ruo's palms were full of sweat, and when she sat down, she realized that her feet were as soft as cotton. Just as she sat down, she saw Jing Ming beside her while turning a pen while looking at her, and raised her eyebrows and said, "It's okay."


Maybe the debate was too vigorous just now, and she was at a loss for words, and she didn't know what to say.

After the high pressure was released, the body was still shaking at this time and could not be relieved.

She doesn't need his eccentric praise, what she wants is his good performance.


She was startled suddenly, and her teeth chattered slightly: She didn't pay attention just now, but now she realizes that the opponent's team is a member of the Debating Association who is arguing with Jing Ming!


The opponent kept the strongest player in the third debate, but they didn't take this precaution into account at all.

It's over, I can't keep it anymore.

Looking at the crowd of people under the stage, she felt like the world was silent.

Jing Ming looked at her, thinking that she would at least answer back, but her expression was frozen, tongue-tied, completely different from the eloquent girl in the debate just now.

"So nervous?" He laughed disdainfully.

She still didn't speak.

The host announced that the third round of free debate began.

"Don't be nervous." He didn't wait for her to answer, he smiled, his eyes sparkled, and said,

"I'll let you win."

Du Ruo was taken aback suddenly, but he had already looked back and stood up.

The tall figure instantly blocked the light in front of her.

The third round begins.

She was getting more and more nervous.

The opponent Sanbian is a boy, the best debater among freshman members of the debating club, and he is familiar with all kinds of debating skills.

At the beginning of the free debate, he reinterpreted and perfected his own point of view in the second debate, which was clear, concise and powerful. Then he attacked Du Ruo's point of view.

Du Ruo was unable to stand up and argue at this moment, so he could only rely on Jingming.

But Jingming, because he didn't prepare in advance, he didn't explain his point of view at all. On the contrary, he listened patiently to the other party's continuous crackling.

He looked at the other party lightly, sometimes lowered his eyes and thought for a while, only listening but not answering.

Gradually, the situation seems to have completely reversed.

The affirmative’s three debates were clearly prepared. After summarizing the previous round, he immediately made a self-statement without stopping. When he talked about something, he quoted an old saying to argue:

"It is said that poverty is extremely evil, poverty is extremely evil, of course poverty is more likely to breed evil!

Why is this idiom called poor and vicious, not rich and vicious? Because poverty breeds evil, this is the truth that the ancients understood! The poor rob, steal, traffic people and even kill for money! Are there few such things? "

The more he spoke, the more imposing and aggressive he became, attacking directly,

"Fellow Fang, can you give me an explanation! Why is there a word in the idiom culture of our country called poor and vicious, instead of rich and vicious? Please answer my question directly!"

Narrow the topic down to this one problem to challenge.

How cunning!

Du Ruo's palms were sweating in layers. All eyes on and off the stage were focused on Jing Ming, waiting to see him become speechless.

Not thinking about the next second, Jing Ming smiled and said:

"It seems that this debater's literary quality is not very good. The extremely poor does not refer to poverty or desperation, but the meaning of 'extreme, special'. If you want to list idioms, you can probably say that people are poor and short-sighted , dead end or something."

Du Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

The other party blushed for a while, but he also forced a smile to smooth things over for himself: "All right, all right, just do what you said. That's what I mean."

Jing Ming didn't humiliate him too much: "Back to the topic of debate. Since the other debater talked about idioms,"

He asked casually:

"There is another idiom called being rich and not benevolent. Why don't you ask the other party to explain it to me first, why don't you say that being poor is not benevolent?"

This rebuttal can be said to be a textbook-like classic leverage, tit for tat!

The audience in the audience was stunned for a few seconds. No one expected that the weak anti-party Sanbian would find a loophole in an instant to strike, and his strikes were steady, accurate and ruthless.

It was as if a child was punching wildly, but an adult calmly pressed his forehead.

The students watching the game applauded unconsciously, and some cheered loudly.

The opponent Sanbian lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot, but before he could react, he became dumb immediately.

Jing Ming didn't give him a chance to think, and then stated his point of view, articulate, and his voice sounded calm, but with strength:

"I don't deny what you said, but we believe: 'Poverty commits small crimes, and wealth commits great crimes'. After people have money, in the process of accumulating wealth, their desires expand and become uncontrollable. For example, corruption and bribery , Manipulating the economy... At the social level, isn't this kind of evil bred by wealth more influential and more harmful?"

He also returned the attack in a cunning way, catching the opponent by surprise.

Instantly turned from defense to offense!

There was another burst of jubilant applause.

Now, the other party couldn't answer the question, and if he answered the question directly, he would die. But he is not a vegetarian either. Although his forehead was sweating, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and reversed his direction again:

"The opposing debaters are very powerful, they changed the concept secretly!"

Jing Ming remained silent, poked a pen on the table in his hand, and stared at him brightly.

The other party: "It seems that we have to re-solve the question, 'Poverty or wealth, which is more likely to breed evil.' What is 'easier'? It refers to tendency and urgency. Unfortunately, you have changed the concept secretly. This question is not about whose harm is 'bigger and wider', but who is 'easier'.

So, back to the 'easy' issue. You say, is it easier for a person who is too poor to eat to steal and rob, or is it easier for a person who lives affluent to commit crimes for money? "

Applause again!

The audience in the audience was completely excited;

You come and go, this is a debate!

But Du Ruo's heartbeat was about to explode, and she couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Qiu Yuchen also grasped her hand tremblingly!

How can this be broken

"Friends of the opposing party, please answer my question!" The affirmative party Sanbian knew that he had the upper hand, and his momentum became even fiercer.

Du Ruo suppressed the trembling of her body and glanced at Jing Ming.

Jing Ming stared at that person and didn't speak for a long time, but it wasn't because he was helpless, but because he was waiting for the noisy atmosphere to dissipate.

She saw that when the whole audience thought that the outcome was irreversible, he did not admit defeat, and there was not even a trace of panic on his face. On the contrary, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the corners of his lips curled into a very shallow arc, as if he was laughing, but there was a bit of cruelty that crushed everything.

The moment the sound of the scene dissipated, he leaned over slightly, put his hands on the table, stared at the other party firmly, and said firmly:

"It's you who changed the concept secretly. Who told you that crime is stealing and robbing, and killing for money?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene was completely quiet, looking at each other in blank dismay, isn't the crime theft, robbing, murdering for money

All eyes were on him, looking forward to his next speech.

"No, wealth is more likely to breed evil. From a sociological point of view, the group of people with more wealth should shoulder greater social responsibilities. But in fact, wealth is a kind of evil. It makes people superior and arrogant. ; Make people proud, conceited, indifferent, cruel, bullying. Ignore people under their class, people at the bottom; ignore and trample on their personality, dignity, and even life."

He threw the pen in his hand on the table and put his hands in his pockets. His tall and thin figure was reflected in the light of the stage,

"Leaving the legal level, look at it from the perspective of human nature. Is this a crime? A wider, easier, and easier crime?!"

The auditorium was quiet for a second, and suddenly thunderous applause broke out.

Why find another way!

Du Ruo was dumbfounded, thanks to him being able to speak these words!

In order to win, he uttered a point of view that he himself did not agree with at all, and he was convinced.

Amid the endless applause, the other party lost his composure for three debates, and asked for help from the debaters around him, but obviously they didn't think of this level when they were preparing.

The four discussed urgently, but no one could come up with a final solution.

This concludes the third round.

Jing Ming sat down leisurely, his sitting posture was still not very serious, he picked up his pen and started to spin it again.

Looking at him, Du Ruo suddenly felt a little strange: calm, sharp, logical, and his thinking speed was astonishingly fast.

The most indescribable thing is that he is so conceited that he doesn't panic in the face of any situation, as if he has a natural ability to control the field.

People sitting on the same platform have very different abilities.

Is this reality

She suddenly found that she had been preparing for a week, and today's performance was just okay.

He turned the pen, looked at her sideways, and saw that her face was flushed, and her hand on the table was still trembling subconsciously, a smile flashed in her eyes, and the contemptuous expression appeared again:


"...I'm not nervous." She collected her thoughts and whispered back, "It's not you, I didn't prepare before! Scary!"

"It's amazing now. Who was too nervous to say a word just now?"

She held her breath and blushed: "Anyway, it's because you didn't prepare seriously before the game."

He looked at her for a while, then smiled suddenly: "So, you are worried about me?"

The heat on Du Ruo's face exploded in an instant, is this person so narcissistic

Immediately clarified: "I'm afraid you will make me lose!"

He was in a good mood, so he didn't bother with her, and turned his head idly to watch the final round of concluding remarks.

After Li Wei made a perfect conclusion, the debate ended.

According to the votes of the judges and audience, the opposition won a landslide victory.

The host announced loudly: "Today's winner is the opponent! Congratulations to the four students from the School of Mechanical Engineering! Congratulations to Qiu Yuchen, Du Ruo, Jing Ming, and Li Wei! You have won!"

There was thunderous applause.

Qiu Yuchen, who was nervous all the way, jumped up from the chair, hugged Du Ruo and jumped up and down. Li Wei also put his arms around Jing Ming's shoulders and shook him vigorously.


This feeling is so cool!

Soon, the game ended and everyone retreated backstage.

Li Wei was still immersed in excitement, and pulled Jing Ming and Qiu Yuchen to discuss the debate just now.

Qiu Yuchen handed them the water prepared in advance, Jingming drank a few sips, Qiu Yuchen and Li Wei were having a lively discussion, the revolutionary friendship of playing games together was left behind, but Du Ruo disappeared.

There were too many people at the end and they were crowded.

He took another bottle of water, unscrewed the cap and went to Du Ruo.

People were coming and going backstage, shadows were passing by, and he saw Du Ruo standing in the corner.

He strode over, just about to get close, but stopped suddenly.

There was Li Qinghe in the corner.

With her back to him, Du Ruo was talking with Li Qinghe. She stroked the broken hair by her ear, the rosiness on her face hadn't faded, and said with a smile: "Brother, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to help us guide. We won the competition." Yes, thank you very much."

Without saying a word, Jing Ming re-tightened the unscrewed bottle cap in his hand, turned and left.