Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 36


Du Ruo grabbed the wad of money and ran back to the dormitory as if venting. |Rushing in the door, the room was dark and there was no one there.

The anger and embarrassment surging in his chest did not vent at all because of sprinting, but his feet, which had been sore all day, ached even more deeply.

She limped to the table and sat down, gasping for breath, and carefully took off her high heels, the blisters on her ankles and toes stinging instantly.

Her eyes were wet, and she tried her best to blink away the watery light. She gritted her teeth and sat alone for a long time. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

After sending the message, her eye sockets became damp again. She put down her phone and buried her head on the table.

A quarter of an hour later, Xia Nan, Qiu Yuchen and He Huanhuan all came back, opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

Du Ruo tried hard to calm down and told the whole story.

After hearing this, He Huanhuan immediately called out, "What? Why is he so shameless! He doesn't look like that kind of person at all!"

Qiu Yuchen was more sensible: "Don't scold people first, the entrepreneurial team is like this, from their point of view, it's normal. They are better than us, this is the reality." After persuading, he sighed, "I didn't expect Xiaocao to run into me. "

Du Ruo's eyes turned red again: "They don't want me to be a shareholder, they just want to recruit assistants. To protect their own interests, I understand.

But my imu has nothing to do with them, no one helped me, I did it all by myself. Before entering the laboratory, I was doing it, looking up information, doing experiments, changing materials, looking for formulas, the results of several months! "

He Huanhuan went over and hugged her head and patted her head: "Don't worry, let's find a way together."

Qiu Yuchen asked: "Your experimental process should be fully recorded."

"Yeah." Du Ruo said, "But this is my research, they take it apart, and they can figure it out in a few days. That's like giving them away for nothing!"

Xia Nan came back from the balcony after making the phone call, pulled up a chair and sat down, and said, "I asked my senior sister who studies law. She has a senior who works in a well-known law firm. If you want to consult, I will take you there tomorrow." .Maybe it can help."

Du Ruo was taken aback: "Want to file a lawsuit?"

Xia Nan: "Not necessarily. But we are all laymen. Ask a lawyer to see if they can help us. Besides, it's okay to put on a show and scare people."

"Yes." He Huanhuan said, "Just in case I scare you, it will be fine."

"Okay." Du Ruo said gratefully, "Thank you."

"Okay, don't worry, let's go together tomorrow."

The next day, the four girls went to the law firm for consultation.

After the senior lawyer explained the situation in detail, he frowned, not feeling optimistic:

"According to your description, you are indeed an assistant in their team. I have been exposed to this kind of thing a lot. Many young people start their own businesses like this. At first, they rely on their dreams and passion to work together, but when the experiment turns into a product , When there are economic interests, disputes will come out. You are okay, you didn’t pay too much. I have seen that you have worked hard for several years, but you didn’t get a share in the end, and you got it according to your salary.

Although I sympathize, this kind of thing is difficult to deal with. What's more, this may not sound good, but the weak work for the strong, and they don't talk about the share of the salary, which is the case in many companies. "

Du Ruo explained: "I understand. I don't blame them. If we can't reach an agreement, we will separate peacefully. But now I want to get my things back."

"However, the research results belong to the laboratory. This is the default clause in many universities. Besides, you have signed a contract. Although the contract says 'working period', we can start from this point and say that your own research is not work-related. But here comes the problem again, you have no way to prove that it was done by you alone, and that you started the research before entering the laboratory.

If you want to go to court, of course I will accept it, but for students, going to court costs money, time and energy, and the result may not be good. What's more, since the other party is an elite team of the school, if things go wrong and the school's reputation is bad, what does the teacher think of you? How will you get along with your classmates in the college in the future? You didn't think about this before you came here. "

The four of them froze at the same time.

"I suggest that you find a teacher to coordinate. This is the best solution. You are young and inexperienced. This time, you will learn from a pitfall. This kind of thing will happen to you outside the society. Come early Better than late."

When the four girls walked out of the law firm building, they were all depressed.

The students' ideas are naive and ideal, but the reality is cruel and cold.

He Huanhuan looked frustrated, and muttered: "It's okay if you don't come, but it's even more aggrieved if you come."

Qiu Yuchen said: "Don't give up, go back to the academy and find a tutor."

Du Ruo cheered up and nodded, she hasn't given up hope yet.

When I arrived at school, it was already afternoon.

The other three girls in the dormitory have classes, and He Huanhuan said that he would skip class to accompany Du Ruo to find the teacher. Du Ruo politely declined: "I can do it alone. You should study well."

"Call us if you have something to do." Qiu Yuchen said, "I'll also ask my friends to see how their lab handles it. If there is a solution, I will tell you."

"Well. Go to class quickly."

Everyone quickly dispersed.

Du Ruo went to the office area alone, and when he approached the door, he took a deep breath and glanced inside.

There is still only Zhang Ruhan in the office, and the life teacher is much more relaxed than the professional tutor.

Du Ruo knocked on the door.

Zhang Ruhan looked up and smiled: "It's Du Ruo."

"Yeah." She went in and sat down.

"Long time no see. The teacher has been paying attention to you. Your grades are very good. I heard many teachers praise you, so that you can get a national scholarship in the next school year." Zhang Ruhan kept praising you. It has long been forgotten.

Du Ruo smiled, and didn't exchange too many greetings, and cut to the point: "Teacher, I came to see you this time because I encountered difficulties, and I would like to ask for your help."

"What's the difficulty, just say it."

Du Ruo stated the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhang Ruhan listened, and gradually frowned. When she heard that she was trying to find a lawyer, she was surprised, but she didn't interrupt. When Du Ruo finished speaking, she didn't criticize first, but said: "This matter, although listen You describe that you have been wronged, but it is your own opinion after all. In this way, I will call Wu Zhengbo and coordinate face to face, do you think it is okay?"

Du Ruo took a breath and nodded: "Okay, this is fair."

Zhang Ruhan dug out the address book and called Wu Zhengbo, who said something, Zhang Ruhan said: "Let's negotiate and resolve it within the college as soon as possible, otherwise, my students may go to a lawyer."

She put down the phone and said, "wait a minute, he will come right away."

Not long after, Wu Zhengbo came.

He was not originally a kind-faced person, and with his bad complexion, he was even scarier than ever. When he sat down, he even gave Du Ruo a stern look, as if she was a blackmailer.

He didn't look at Du Ruo after he sat down, and said to Zhang Ruhan, "I didn't expect her to complain? Teacher, it's very simple. This girl came to our laboratory to study—"

"Brother, I have a name, Du Ruo, and I'm not a girl." She couldn't bear the contempt in his words, and said.

"If you interrupt other people's speech, do you have the quality?" He asked sharply.

Du Ruo clenched her lips, her face flushed red.

Zhang Ruhan persuaded: "If you have something to say, don't get angry."

"Can you not be angry?" Wu Zhengbo said, "Let her study in the laboratory with good intentions, Mr. Zhang, you should know that this kind of opportunity, no number of freshmen can ask for it. She is good enough to bite back and lay hands on her." Yes, if you want shares in Orbit, you are not greedy enough to swallow an elephant!"

Du Ruo blushed and tried to reason: "You don't need to slander me for being greedy for money and profit. I didn't want the shares of Orbit, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with letting me go now. Everyone has different ideas. I don't want to join. But I have to Take my stuff away!"

Wu Zhengbo found it ridiculous: "Do you want to say that all the orbit projects you have touched are yours? Don't say that the results of the members are all team members. As an assistant, what qualifications do you have to ask to take anything away?!"

"I'm not qualified?" Du Ruo was so angry that his eyes were red, "Senior Brother Wu, increase the refresh rate of the imu and reduce the cumulative error. That is my own research and has nothing to do with orbit! How many times have I checked in the past few months? The data, how many algorithms and formulas have been changed, how many experiments have been done, and how many materials have been changed, all done by me alone! Without relying on any of you, you say I am not qualified?!"

She was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes, and she stubbornly endured it.

Zhang Ruhan handed her the paper and smoothed things over: "Don't worry, don't worry, everything is fine—"

Wu Zhengbo interrupted forcefully: "You can make progress and breakthroughs, and it is the people and atmosphere in the laboratory that help you and promote you, and they are also learned from the laboratory."

"You—" Du Ruo's blood surged, "I'm going to find a lawyer to sue you!"

"Okay. I will also ask the school to help hire a lawyer." Wu Zhengbo didn't care.

In an instant, her breath was blocked in her chest, almost suffocating. He is not afraid, he knows very well that it is useless for her to sue him.

"It's okay, I'll leave first. If you hire a lawyer, I'll wait to receive the lawyer's letter." He got up and walked away.

Du Ruo was gripping the chair tightly with both hands, her whole mind was in a daze.

Zhang Ruhan also lowered her head and supported her forehead. Students in the graduate school have always been disobedient to discipline, and she can't help it. He was also afraid that the internal affairs of the department would be ugly, so why not: "Du Ruo, are you really going to sue them?"

Du Ruo's expression was dull and he didn't say a word.

Zhang Ruhan sighed: "Du Ruo, you are angry, and you may feel that whatever I say is unfair. But I really didn't say it. No one is right or wrong. Everyone has their own reasons. You think the brother is unreasonable, but the rules are In this way, the assistants and interns belong to the laboratory, which is the default. Because you go there to learn things. People say that for cross talk, the apprentice's salary must be paid to the master.

Of course, this is your independent research, I know you are wronged. But I still have to remind you that if you really go to court, the influence will be bad, and the school and college may not stand on your side. Otherwise, if the rules are messed up, how will other laboratories manage it in the future? I think forget it, bear with it and it will pass. Why don't the teacher think of a way to introduce you to join another lab? "

Du Ruo couldn't listen to anything, she just felt wronged, angry, ashamed, helpless, sad...

Can't bear it anymore,

She bit her lip tightly, shook her head quickly, sobbed and said thank you teacher, then got up and ran away.

As soon as I left the office, tears poured out like crazy.

I can't control it anymore.

She ran quickly to the stairwell for shelter. But in the corridor, I ran into Jing Ming coming out of the elevator. He frowned, and strode towards this direction.

The two happened to meet.

Seeing the tears on her face, he was obviously taken aback.

Like a frightened animal, she fled to the stairwell at once.

Jing Ming chased after her, opened the safety door, quickly went down the stairs, caught up with her in a few strides, grabbed her arm and pulled her back: "How did the teacher handle it?"

As soon as he asked, her backlog of emotions collapsed in an instant. The tears flowed more fiercely, like the water that opened the gate. She covered her eyes with one arm, only showing her fluttering nostrils and her narrowed mouth, whimpering.

"Stop crying!" he said angrily, "Speak!"

Her throat twitched: "I can't take the imu... come back... the teacher said... endure... the school won't stand... I'm not reasonable... sue, sue... useless... none of them will stand... stand me..."

Jing Ming listened to her with a cold face. She was crying too sadly, her speech was slurred, her logic was confused, and she had no idea what she was talking about. But he still quickly guessed where her grievance was.

For a long time, he didn't respond or comfort him.

She cried for a while, her mood gradually stabilized, she lowered her head to wipe her tears, her throat twitched from time to time.

Jing Ming's eyes moved in from the window, and took a look at her: "Crying?"

She said nothing.

He took out a tissue and handed it to her: "Wipe your face."

She wiped her face clean and wiped her eyes again.

He put it in his pocket, went downstairs and said, "Come with me."

She was stunned, but still followed.

She followed him downstairs and walked up the boulevard. The two of them, one behind the other, walked across the green campus in summer, walked into the laboratory building, got into the elevator, got out of the elevator, went up the corridor, walked Go to the orbit laboratory, open the door, and enter without invitation.

Everyone in the laboratory was busy, and when an unexpected visitor suddenly broke in, everyone was a little confused, not to mention that this person was Jing Ming.

Du Ruo followed behind him, with an aggrieved and anxious face, quite like a child who found his parents after being bullied at school.

Someone came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jing Ming didn't pay attention at all, as if he didn't hear it, his eyes scanned the laboratory for a week, ignoring all the doubtful people, and finally fell in front of Wu Zhengbo.

He and several assistants looked at him suspiciously in front of the test bench. There were various operating tools and a half-dismantled IMU (inertial measurement unit) on the test bench.

Jing Ming started to walk there, and Du Ruo followed closely.

He walked to the laboratory table and glanced at the things on the table.

Seeing Du Ruo, Wu Zhengbo probably guessed why Jingming came, and asked sarcastically, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Jing Ming ignored him, and his eyes never stayed on his face for a second, as if everyone in this laboratory didn't exist.

He picked up the half-disassembled IMU and looked back at Du Ruo: "Is it this one?"

Du Ruo poked his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Jing Ming held it in his hand and flipped it left and right, and asked, "Have you recorded the experiment process?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

The next moment, Jing Ming suddenly raised his hand and smashed it hard!

The instrument hit the floor, the shells splashed everywhere, and it fell into pieces!