Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 37


"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the inertial measurement unit fell to pieces, and the debris was all over the ground.

Unexpectedly, Du Ruo jumped back in fright and covered her mouth in shock.

The rest of the lab didn't expect it, and their eyes widened in surprise.

After three seconds of silence,

"What the hell are you doing?!" A senior brother rushed forward and grabbed Jing Ming's collar, and several boys next to him rushed forward to stop them, and everyone twisted into a ball:

"Calm down first! Calm down first!"

The senior brother roared: "He was the one who hit the door first! What are you pulling!"

Jing Ming put his hands in his pockets, was grabbed by the collar, and shook his body a few times. He looked down at the boy, and said two words: "Let go."

His attitude irritated the other party, and the other party raised his fist to beat him,

Jing Ming: "You dare to touch me."

A group of boys stopped him vigorously: "Calm down! This is a laboratory!"

Du Ruo came back to his senses in an instant, rushed up and grabbed the back of the man's hand, and scratched furiously with his nails: "Let him go!"

A group of people huddled around Jing Ming, he looked down and saw her hands scratching at his collar, and suddenly pulled her away, and grabbed the senior brother's wrist with his other hand, pulling him away from his collar, Give it a hard push.

The senior brother was already shorter than him, he staggered back a few steps, and tried to rush forward, but was stopped by others.

Finally separated.

Another brother asked angrily, "Jingming, what are you doing?"

Jing Ming stretched his shirt collar, glanced at the people around him, and said coldly:

"A room full of men bullying a girl. Kind."

The few people who persuaded the fight were baffled: "What did you say? Explain what you have to say clearly!"

Jing Ming raised his hand and tapped twice in Wu Zhengbo's direction: "Ask him."

After finishing speaking, he dismissed it, turned to look at Du Ruo, and ordered, "Pick up your things! It's yours, even if it's broken into pieces, don't leave it to others."

"Ah." Du Ruo nodded in bewilderment, quickly squatted down, picked up all the debris on the ground and pocketed the sweater.

"Let's go," he said.

"Can we go?!" Wu Zhengbo snapped behind him.

Du Ruo was slightly frightened, and immediately subconsciously ran to Jing Ming's side.

Jingming turned around.

Wu Zhengbo was extremely angry: "Jingming, you rushed into our laboratory, smashed our internal things, and wanted to leave." He suddenly raised his voice, "Can this matter be solved so easily?! You treat us as a What? Vegetable market?!"

Jingming asked back, "What did I smash?"

"imu, a dozen pairs of eyes here have seen it!"

"Then did these dozen pairs of eyes see that you took her things as your own?" Jing Ming asked, "Why, do you have any reason to snatch a little girl's things?"

Wu Zhengbo blushed like blood: "That's from our laboratory! It's clearly written in black and white, and everything she did during her work belongs to the laboratory."

"Then you first prove that she did it while she was working... sue me." Jing Ming said, "I have a team of lawyers waiting for you."

After finishing speaking, look at Du Ruo: "Let's go."

"Oh." She nodded like a pounding garlic, and quickly followed him away. A room full of silent people was left, looking at each other in blank dismay, or becoming angry, suspicious or guessing, or confused.

Wu Zhengbo stared at the direction he was leaving, and clenched his fists fiercely.

In the corridor, Jing Ming walked extremely fast, holding back his anger.

Du Ruo trotted all the way and followed him to the door of the stairwell. He stopped and opened the safety door.

She paused, walked to the stairwell, he followed, and closed the door.

There are tall and bright glass windows in the stairwell, and the summer sunlight fills the corridor. Outside the glass window is a green campus.

He walked down the steps quickly, and stopped on the half-floor corridor.

He leaned against the banister, livid, still clearly annoyed.

She also slowly slowed down, stood on the same level of steps as him, leaned against the wall, lowered her head for a while, and then whispered: "Thank you."

This thank you made him stunned, and turned his face away slightly uncomfortably. He didn't speak, but his face softened a little.

"But, if you do this, will it cause you trouble?"

"What's the trouble?" He looked at her again, his pupils revealed a hint of amber under the sunlight.

"Are they really going to sue you?"

Jingming sneered: "It will happen when you are stupid enough to a certain level." He said again, "Don't worry, it won't."

"But..." She was still a little worried, and she grabbed the hem of her clothes with her fingers, "What if they tell the teachers in the courtyard that you smashed their experimental products and punish you?"

The corners of his lips curved almost imperceptibly, the arc was extremely shallow, and he said lightly: "I don't need you to worry about it."

"Oh." She lowered her head, silently holding the bag of fragments in her arms.

He glanced at her a few times, and saw that her face was still a little red, but her eyelashes were already dry, and she couldn't tell that she had been crying.

Exhaled a breath through his nose, and explained: "If anything happens to you in the future, call me, don't run around crying alone."

She raised her head, her eyes were clear and slightly puzzled, as if she was distinguishing something.

He frowned impatiently: "My parents have already told you so, come to me if you need something.... Don't make any trouble, they will reprimand me later. Give me trouble again."

She gave a vague "hmm" to show that she knew. After a few seconds, he asked again, "How do you know?"

"Levy said."

"How did he know?"

"How do I know how does he know?"

"... Oh." She lowered her head again, without another word.

There was a sudden silence in the stairwell.

Sunshine poured in from the window, shining on the steps and on the legs of the two of them.

He was leaning against the handrail with his pockets on, and she was leaning against the wall with her clothes in her pockets. Across the width of a staircase, fine dust floated in the sunlight.

Outside the window, the trees downstairs are verdant, and the small figures of the students are walking back and forth on the road.

Both of them lowered their eyes, looked at the void, and they didn't know what they were thinking, so they didn't speak.

After a while, Jing Ming raised his eyes and said, "Aside from this matter, have you been doing well recently?" in a business-like tone.

"Ah. Very good." Du Ruo said.

"How about the midterm exam?"

"..." It's been a month since the midterm exam, she nodded, "It's also very good."

"Yeah." He replied, thinking about the midterm exam last semester, that page of political notes.

Time flies, half a year has passed.

Du Ruo suddenly thought of something, held the fragments in one hand, unloaded the schoolbag with the other, and took out a card from inside and gave it to him. It was the bank card he gave her on the first day of school.

Jing Ming didn't answer, and looked at her suspiciously.

"Actually, I haven't used the money here since the winter vacation." Du Ruo smiled, with a trace of satisfaction that she didn't realize, and said, "I won't need it in the future. If I continue like this, I will get money next school year." There is no problem with the national scholarship. The national award is relatively high, 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. I don’t need my uncles and aunts to give me living expenses.”

Jing Ming looked at the card, speechless. After a few seconds, he clicked and said, "It's pretty good."

But he didn't accept the card, and said, "It's not mine, so don't return it to me."

After speaking, he stood up straight from the armrest, as if he didn't want to stay here any longer, and without looking at her, he said, "Let's go."

"Thank you." Du Ruo said again to his back, with a very sincere tone.

He ignored it, went up the steps in two or three steps, opened the safety door and went out, and the door closed with a "bang".

The corridor returns to silence,

Only Du Ruo, who was frowning slightly, was left behind, with the endless sunshine and green trees behind her.

Du Ruo left the teaching building and walked towards the dormitory.

The summer sun shines on the body, and it is hot.

She took a deep breath and walked, gradually feeling happy, and trotted a few steps involuntarily.

Back in the dormitory, everyone is still in get out of class.

After disposing of all the debris, she lay on the table for a while, staring at the sticky notes on the wall, wondering what she was thinking.

But within half a minute, she calmed down, sat up, packed her things and went to the library for self-study.

When they returned to the dormitory at dinner time, the other three also returned.

Du Ruo happily told them that the matter had been resolved.

Unexpectedly, the three of them were not surprised, Xia Nan said: "I already know, Jingming helped you solve it, right?"

Du Ruo was taken aback: "You... Who did you hear that from?"

Qiu Yuchen: "Do you still need someone to say it? The bbs went crazy, saying that Jingming went to the orbit laboratory to smash things for you."

Du Ruo suddenly felt her scalp go numb, and clarified: "He just helped me!" She was afraid that someone would write scribbles on the bbs, so her palms trembled in panic, and she quickly took out her phone.

"It was originally for you." Qiu Yuchen said, "Li Wei already said that Jingming wanted to poach you to prime, so he helped you out."

Du Ruo was stunned for a moment, then sighed inexplicably. Fortunately, it was not gossip. She couldn't bear the eyes and pointers of the whole school.


She still opened the forum with some trepidation, just like what Qiu Yuchen said, people on the forum generally believed that Jing Ming was throwing things for the sake of poaching talents, and no one thought that Jing Ming would have anything to do with this ordinary girl.

The alumni were divided into two factions. Some said that they knew the inside story and that it was Orbit who bullied others, and that Jingming was right; some said that Jingming was too domineering, and that he was at fault.

The two gangs quarreled.

Du Ruo quickly scrolled through the comments, and accidentally noticed a different one: "It can't be for love, it's so romantic."

But no one responded, and the comment got swamped.

She looked at that comment, and silently complained in her heart: They are really people who eat melons, and they are too busy to panic.

How can it be

On the side, Xia Nan said: "It seems that you have a good relationship with him, and he will smash things for you."

Du Ruo's hairs stood on end again, and immediately said: "No! We just played a debate match together. Maybe..." It can't be said that his parents asked him to take care of her, "...Maybe he loves the road and sees injustice..."

Xia Nan didn't think: "He is not this kind of person."

Qiu Yuchen: "Don't think about it, I just want to poach you into prime."

This seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

He Huanhuan looked envious, and was happy for her: "We Xiaocao has grown up, and we are eligible to join Prime. It would be great if we were regular members."

It was also at this time that everyone realized that people living in a dormitory had begun to distance themselves on the runway.

Everyone has seen Du Ruo's hard work and diligence this year. It's just that no one pays attention when working hard, but when the harvest is fruitful, people look sideways: Xiaocao has become a very good person unconsciously.

Qiu Yuchen thought about it for a while, and he was quite touched, and said: "I can't be so idle in the future. The important things in our subjects are outside the textbooks. If I muddle along like this, I will be left behind by you. Xiaocao , in the future, if I am lazy in self-study, you will scold me, scold me severely."

"Okay." Du Ruo smiled, and said again, "I will share with you the books, materials, papers, and some good learning forums and websites I read. I have collected a lot this year."

"Good! Great!"

He Huanhuan said: "Me too! Make progress together!"

Xia Nan was thinking on the side, and asked: "Xiaocao, the Orbit people shouldn't sue the mentor and punish you, right? You should be careful, Jing Ming doesn't care about him, but you can't bear the punishment."

"Uh, it shouldn't be possible?" Du Ruo said, but her heart was a little suspenseful.

But things didn't turn out to be good.

The next morning, she received a call from Zhang Ruohan asking her to go to the office.

Her tone sounded very serious, and Du Ruo had a vague premonition.

When she reached the door of the office, she glanced nervously inside, and saw Zhang Ruhan and Mr. Wang, the life teacher in Jingming's class, sitting together with serious faces.

And Jing Ming sat opposite the desk, still in that slumped posture, and said in a nonchalant tone, "You can do whatever you want, and you can just punish him directly. But apologizing is absolutely impossible."

Teacher Zhang and Teacher Wang also found it difficult.

orbit is a signboard, and prime is also a signboard. Neither side can afford to offend. How come the current students don't stop.

But there is no way, we still have to follow the system, Zhang Ruhan asked: "According to your senior brother, it was smashed by two people?"

Jing Ming: "It takes two people to smash something together, do you think it's moving bricks?"

Zhang Ruhan fell silent and glanced at his life teacher.

Teacher Wang said: "I heard that Du Ruo from the transmission and control class is also there. Is she related to this incident?"

"It doesn't matter." Jing Ming said, "I wanted to recruit her to prime, so I smashed the imu. It's as simple as that."

Teacher Wang sighed: "You too, the labs rob each other, what are you talking about?"

"It's me who wanted to poach her unilaterally, and it has nothing to do with her." He became a little impatient.

Du Ruo leaned against the wall, with mixed feelings in her heart, and knocked on the door half a moment later: "Teacher."

Jing Ming was taken aback when he heard the voice, turned around and saw her, his sloppy face immediately cooled down, looked at the teacher, and lowered his voice: "I smashed the thing, what did you ask her to do?!"

Teacher Wang: "She is also one of the participants."

"What is she involved in?!"

Du Ruo walked over and stood beside Jingming's chair.

For some reason, this time, unlike the previous two times, she was neither apprehensive nor frightened, and calmly said, "What is the teacher looking for me for?"

"The fact that you smashed things in the orbit laboratory is of a bad nature and has a bad impact."

"Why is it bad?" Du Ruo asked, "The things that were smashed belong to me, and what I want to do with them is up to me."

Jing Ming looked up at her.

"Let's not talk about the issue of ownership right now, but it was in their laboratory. You rushed in and smashed things. This kind of behavior caused a bad impact. You must apologize to your brother. If you can't resolve it peacefully, you have to be punished."

As soon as the words fell, there was another knock on the door: "Teacher."

It's Levi.

"What's up?"

Li Wei trotted over and handed over a letter respectfully: "This is a joint letter written by 21 boys in our control class and handed over to the school leaders."

"Joint letter?" The two teachers took it with puzzled faces, "What's the matter, writing a joint letter?"

"It's nothing." Li Wei said politely, "It's just to protest the punishment of Du Ruo in the courtyard. Whether it's an apology or a punishment, the whole class will not accept it. They will also find the school leaders at the higher level to protest to the end."

While speaking, Zhang Ruhan had opened the letterhead, and saw a few lines of printed letters on the top to report the incident, and twenty-one handwritten names and fingerprints in different fonts on the bottom.

Zhang Ruhan and Teacher Wang glanced at each other and froze in place.

When Du Ruo walked into the classroom, it was only a few minutes before the class started. The students were all there, some were reading and some were chatting.

The position in the first row of the middle group is still reserved for her.

When she walked in, no one paid much attention, as if it was a normal day.

But she looked at every student in the class carefully, and said thank you in her heart every time she looked at a person.

She stood still.

Now, the students gradually became aware of the abnormality, and all of them looked over. She walked to the podium, smiled at everyone, and then bowed deeply.

She stood up and grinned, "Thank you."

Everyone laughed, and some pursed their lips in embarrassment, their eyes forming a thin line of laughter.

Zhu Tao said: "Okay, come down, the teacher will come later, I thought you were going to give a lecture."

There was a burst of laughter.

Du Ruo stepped off the podium and returned to his exclusive seat.

When the class bell rang, Li Wei also entered the classroom and sat down in the second row.

After one class, Du Ruo was curious and turned to Li Wei, "How did you guys think of writing a joint letter? It's so timely?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "Jingming."

Du Ruo's heart skipped a beat: "Huh?"

"Jing Ming had already expected that Wu Zhengbo would do this, so he mentioned it to me last night, and asked me to write a joint letter. When I told my classmates, everyone was very angry, so I wrote it that night. Someone else wants to beat him up."

At that moment, Du Ruo's heart suddenly skipped a beat.