Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 5


"What are you doing here?"

When Du Ruo heard that it was Jing Ming, alarm bells rang in his head, thinking he was talking about himself, he turned his head reflexively.

The lights inside the door of the dormitory shone out, backlighting.

Jing Ming stood in front of that beautiful woman with his pockets in his pockets, his expression was so indifferent, his brows were raised slightly, but it made people's heart palpitate.

If Du Ruo has learned it before, he is the best at making subtle expressions, and he rejects people thousands of miles away without saying a word. The sneer at the corner of the eye and brow is a lethal weapon, more harmful than punching and kicking with vicious words.

Fortunately, he didn't see her, Du Ruo breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Wei hurriedly moved behind the big tree in order to avoid it. He whispered to Du Ruo, "My roommate is also a high school classmate."

Du Ruo acted as if he didn't know Jing Ming, and didn't care: "Oh."

Regardless of Jingming's indifferent expression, Min Enzhu smiled and stretched out his hand to pull him: "Have you had dinner yet? I haven't—"

Jing Ming resolutely avoided it, and took a big step back: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and leave when you're done."

"Why are you blackmailing me?" Min Enzhu was still not angry, tilting his head and said in a playful voice, "You get angry when I say a few words, why are you so angry?" She stepped forward and poked his stomach with a finger, show intimacy. But he waved her hand away impatiently: "It's just such a big temper, what's wrong?"

Not so easy to eat soft master.

Min Enzhu took another step forward, raised his head and whispered something, only Jingming could hear.

At this end, Du Ruo took the stack of books from Li Wei, saw a piece of paper sandwiched in the first book, and asked, "What is that?"

"Oh, the books I received are the designated textbooks. What is written on the paper are the recommended materials listed by the teacher." Li Wei opened the paper and showed her a long list of books, and the price is not cheap.

"Do you want to buy all of these?"

"That's for sure. How can I learn enough with just this few textbooks?" Li Wei refolded the paper and put it in the book.

Du Ruo was sweating in her heart, but luckily the Jing family gave her extra money to buy clothes, otherwise her living expenses would be stretched.

The dark night perfectly concealed the ups and downs of emotion on her face. Just thinking about it, there was a big commotion over there.

Jing Ming stood for a while, got annoyed, and turned back to the dormitory.

Min Enzhu rushed forward with a big stride and hugged him from behind.

It was the time to take a bath at night, and there were quite a few students carrying toiletries in and out.

Jing Ming was taken aback, and immediately released her hand.

Min Enzhu was staggered by him, but he didn't let go, and shouted: "I said something wrong, okay? I was wrong, okay?"

There was a tinge of red on Jing Baixi's face, and he became angry from embarrassment: "Min Enzhu, what are you doing?"

Min Enzhu: "Just play tricks."

Jing Ming: "Let go!"

Min Enzhu: "Don't let go!"

Jingming: "Are you a rascal?"

Min Enzhu: "Wow!"

Jingming: "..."

Jing Ming looked up at the sky with a sullen face, he didn't know whether to hold back a smile or hold back his anger on Junyi's face.

Min Enzhu put his arms around his waist and giggled.

Li Wei watched all this, and couldn't help laughing, and walked over: "Okay, you two stop flirting."

Jing Ming's face turned blue: "Who is flirting?"

Min Enzhu let go of his hand.

Li Wei said: "You two were arguing when you were in high school, and you are still arguing when you are in college."

Min Enzhu winked at Li Wei, begging him to show his respect and stop poking Jingming.

Levi blinked in understanding.

Min Enzhu changed the topic with a smile: "I just looked like you, but I didn't say hello."

"I'm coming down to do some errands." Li Wei turned his head, "This classmate from our class—"

On both sides of the road, dense trees cover the sky. Street lamps shone sporadically on the ground.

"Huh? Where are people?"

Du Ruo had already carried the stack of books, sneaked into the crowd at night, and fled.

"It's really fast." Li Wei scratched his head and said, "I'm going to introduce our class of flowers to you."

Jing Ming let out a snort, not the slightest interest in the banhua he was talking about, and walked down the steps.

Levi: "Where are you going?"

Jingming: "Dinner, together?"

Li Wei: "I've already eaten."

Jing Ming waved his hands and left without looking back.

Min Enzhu took his hand, turned back and smiled at Li Wei: "Let's get together next time."

Du Ruo carried a stack of books back to the dormitory, her heart was beating wildly, and she was covered in sweat.

it's too hot!

She grabbed the collar of the t-shirt and fanned it, and the other three people in the dormitory disappeared. That's okay, she's not in the mood to share Jingming's gossip with everyone.

She didn't have time to read the books roughly, so she took out the piece of paper and added up the prices of the books to be bought.

Four hundred and thirty-six yuan.

Du Ruo's subsidized living expenses are 1,000 per month. Fortunately, before the start of school this time, the Jing family gave her another 600 yuan to buy clothes, which was enough to cover the book fees.

But, how long will it last? There will always be a time when you need money urgently.

Going to the Jing family with a shy face? She can't do it. Especially when she thought of Jing Ming's face.

There was only one desk lamp turned on in the dormitory, and she sat at the table with her chin resting, thoughtful.

Suddenly, the door was knocked open, and He Huanhuan rushed in with a basket of toiletries: "You little bitch, the bathhouse in the north is dead!"

Du Ruo quickly turned off the calculator on the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

He Huanhuan patted on the headlights in the dormitory, came over and put the basket on his desk, panting, "Northern people are so heroic, it's fine if there is no partition in the bathroom, and there is no curtain!"

Du Ruo stared: "Huh?"

"Everyone is naked, facing each other with sincerity. You look at me, I look at you, each rubbing their own bodies. On the chest, on the buttocks, splashing water everywhere.... As soon as you enter the door, there is flesh! Flesh! White flesh! Hehe Kill me." He Huanhuan used her language description ability to the extreme, and it seems that the difference in life between the north and the south surprised her a lot.

"Where are Xia Nan and Qiu Yuchen?"

"The two of them said that the bathhouse is like this. I'll go! I haven't even bare my buttocks in front of my mother! Xiao Ruo, do you understand me?"

"Understood.... Are there really no partitions and curtains?"

"No!... How about you go and see now?"

Du Ruo shook her head like a rattle: "No. It's hard for me to accept your description."

The two were silent for a while, and sat facing each other sadly. I don't know what I'm thinking about.

After a long time, Du Ruo asked, "Then where should we go to take a shower?"


"There seems to be a shower room behind the washroom."

"But no hot water."

"well… "

"well… "

Sigh at the same time.

College life has not yet started, and there are a lot of worries and problems.

Before going to bed that night, Du Ruo sat at the desk, reviewed what happened in Beijing these days, thought about it, and finally wrote down the most important sentence on the sticky note:

"study well."

Stick it on the desk wall.

study well. Other than that, there is no other way.

The study day is two weeks later, because freshmen have to receive military training uniformly before school starts.

In Beijing in September, the heat is still hot.

The sky was blue without a cloud.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun scorched the earth, and the sun was as bright as a broken mirror, shining sharply into people's eyes.

On the playground, freshmen dressed in camouflage uniforms were divided into square formations one after another according to their departments, and lined up neatly in a military posture.

On Du Ruo's side of the phalanx, the silence lasted for more than half an hour.

Finally, the instructor released them: "Relax!"

"Sit down where you are and rest for fifteen minutes."

There were sighs and rustles in the team. Everyone was sweating profusely and fell down one after another.

There were very few girls in the academy, so Du Ruo and the others stood in the first row, with all the boys behind.

Du Ruo crossed her legs and took off her hat to fan the wind. Her hair was half wet, and her face and neck were covered with sweat.

He Huanhuan was stealing candies and handed one to Du Ruo. Seeing her like this, he was surprised: "Du Xiaocao, why are you sweating so much? Yuchen, look at her."

Qiu Yuchen handed her a tissue: "So afraid of the heat?"

"No." Du Ruo wiped the whole piece of paper, and said sadly, "I am prone to sweating." As he spoke, he bypassed Qiu Yuchen and crawled aside to get the water bottle.

Qiu Yuchen patted her butt.

Du Ruo: "..."

She squatted down to the edge of the runway and raised her head to drink water. After drinking most of the pot, she turned around inadvertently and almost choked.

Jing Ming was at the top of the penultimate row, glanced at her distressed look, and continued talking to his friends in a blink of an eye.

Du Ruo held his breath inexplicably.

At this moment, she was sloppy, and he was dressed in a camouflage uniform, very handsome, and he seemed to be okay after standing in a military posture for half an hour.

After a week of military training, she tanned several degrees, but he was still so fair.

Not even UV light is fair.

She screwed up the water bottle, exhausted after beating the villain in her heart, returned to the team listlessly and sat down, and let the playground runway scald her ass.

Xia Nan took out the rose spray and sprayed it on her face.

A little spray floated on Du Ruo's face, it was cool, she dodged unconsciously.

Xia Nan pointed the spray at her: "What are you hiding, you should also replenish water."

Du Ruo closed her eyes and turned her head: "No. The more you spray, the more dry it will be."

"How could it be? To replenish water."

"The temperature is so high, and it is exposed to the sun, and it evaporates instantly. When it evaporates, it will quickly absorb the moisture on the skin." Du Ruo said.


Xia Nan, with black hair, silently put away the spray.

The playground is full of loose students undergoing torture.

Du Ruo was as wilted as a vegetable, and turned around to avoid the sun's rays.

She was fanning the wind with her hats one after another. At a certain moment, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that on the straight line leading from her to the other corner of the line, every row of obstructive boys moved at the same time. Suddenly, The line of sight became unobstructed, and Jingming sat at the end.

Almost reflexively, Du Ruo put the hat on his sweaty hair in an instant to save his ashen image.

Jing Ming was chatting with someone with a light smile, and he didn't know if he noticed something, his eyes swept over here.

Du Ruo was startled, and hurriedly turned his head to avoid it, but Jing Ming's gaze stopped halfway, and he didn't finally look over. He frowned, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, took a look, and then looked back at the stands.

Du Ruo heaved a sigh of relief, and looked over strangely.

Min Enzhu sat in the stands with his chin resting. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses, which made her face as small as a palm.

Jing Ming smiled, and picked his chin at his girlfriend in the stands.

Min Enzhu smiled and waved at him.

There was a burst of booing from the group of boys.

"Don't make trouble!" He scolded with a foolish laugh.

Du Ruo looked away, remembering that night a week ago, the way Min Enzhu wrapped his arms around Jingming and acted coquettishly. That scene was touching, itchy, very strange emotions.

She has never been in love since she grew up, not even a crush.

The life she walked was all associated with books. But it turns out that girls can be like that.


What is it like

she does not know.

Also a little curious.

But this emotion is just a flash, as insignificant as the breeze blowing across the lake, and it will not be remembered.